Eric Shinseki

MRC's Bozell Laments 'Trajectory to Oblivion' in Media's Ever-Waning I
July 16th, 2014 8:00 AM
"It's a trajectory to oblivion, and this is what's happening with every single Obama scandal to date." That's how Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell described the Big Three broadcast networks' waning interest in keeping up tabs on the VA scandal during his July 15 appearance on Fox Business Network's Cavuto program.
The veteran media watcher observed that the media's…
On Saturday, Nets Gloss Over 'Scathing' Report on V.A. Scandal, ABC Ig
June 29th, 2014 4:56 PM
After Friday's World News on ABC ignored the White House report on the infamous problems with the Department of Veterans Affairs, Saturday's Good Morning America on ABC also ignored the scandal, while CBS This Morning Saturday and NBC's Today show -- both of which are two-hour programs - only ran short briefs, the one on CBS totaling 25 seconds and the one on NBC 19 seconds.
By contrast, the…

MRC's Brent Bozell Slams Media for Dropping VA Scandal Post-Shinseki R
June 9th, 2014 6:52 PM
NBC's Brian Williams failing to bring up the VA scandal in his D-Day interview with President Obama was more than a simple "omission," Media Research Center president Brent Bozell told Fox News Channel's Neil Cavuto this afternoon on his Your World program.
"This was deliberate. There is no way on God's good Earth that NBC didn't feel obligated to bring it up but chose not to bring it up,"…

In Covering Shinseki's Sacking, AP's Pace Cites VA's Rising Caseload
May 31st, 2014 9:16 AM
Julie Pace at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, is used to carrying water for the Obama administration. Last year, she proudly reveled in how she and her wire service sat on information it had about secret U.S.-Iran negotiations for eight months. My immediate take was that "They didn't report it until the Obama administration said it would be okay to report it." The AP…

Chris Matthews Asks If Obama Will Continue To ‘Diddle’ On VA Scand
May 29th, 2014 4:59 PM
“Now it’s the president’s call,” host Chris Matthews declared as he opened Wednesday evening’s episode of Hardball with new “bad, very bad” information surrounding the VA scandal from the inspector general’s interim report on the agency.
In a segment joined by fellow MSNBC host Chuck Todd and Derek Bennett of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, Matthews posed several questions…

Democratic-Majority Senate 'Pretty Silent' on Veteran Concerns
May 23rd, 2014 9:15 AM
On the May 22 edition of The Daily Rundown with Chuck Todd, the MSNBC anchor invited Paul Rieckhoff, founder and CEO of the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America, to discuss his organization’s reaction to the Obama’s administrations handling of the VA scandal.
While Todd seemed content to place the blame solely on the faceless VA bureaucracy, Rieckhoff hit back by suggesting the problem…

ABC's Jon Karl Grills WH Press Secretary, ABC World News Ignores It
May 22nd, 2014 12:31 PM
Yesterday morning, President Obama made an overdue statement regarding the widening VA scandal. That afternoon, White House Press Secretary Jay Carney held his regularly scheduled Press Briefing. Understandably so, the briefing dealt primarily with the president’s statement and handling of the aforementioned scandal.
The real fireworks took place about halfway through the briefing when Jay…
ABC Ignores Correspondent Grilling Carney Over VA Scandal; Exalts Walt
May 16th, 2014 11:15 PM
Friday's World News on ABC mentioned the ongoing scandal surrounding the Veterans Administration only in passing, despite the fact their own chief White House correspondent, Jonathan Karl, hounded Press Secretary Jay Carney at the regular White House press briefing on the issue. Meanwhile, they set aside two full segments totaling seven minutes and 54 seconds of air time to Barbara Walters'…

Networks Devote 71 Minutes to Veterans Scandal, But Just 5 Seconds of
May 16th, 2014 3:35 PM
Since a massive scandal involving the Veterans Affairs department became public, the three networks have devoted a combined 71 minutes and 55 seconds (or 38 stories) to investigating a secret list delaying treatment to military personnel. That total time included a scant five seconds of criticism for Barack Obama. Instead, ABC, CBS and NBC focused their stories on Secretary Eric Shinseki and to…
CNN Hounds Bernie Sanders on VA Scandal: 'You Sound Like a Lawyer Defe
May 15th, 2014 3:50 PM
Chris Cuomo sparred with Senator Bernie Sanders on Thursday's New Day on CNN over the left-wing politician's scheduled hearing with Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki regarding the V.A. hospitals scandal, where scores of veterans died as they waited for care. Cuomo pointed out that "the mandate for Shinseki when he was put in...was that we knew there were big lapses at the V.A. that had…

Chuck Todd: VA Scandal More 'Dangerous' for Obama Than 'Partisanized B
May 12th, 2014 12:51 PM
Chuck Todd, NBC News Chief White House Correspondent, political director, and host of The Daily Rundown on MSNBC is at it again minimizing the investigation into the terrorist attack in Benghazi.
Appearing on The Daily Rundown on Monday, May 12, Todd proclaimed that the recent scandal engulfing the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) “has legs and is very dangerous for the White House, much…

Irate Lady Gaga Fans Get WaPo Front Page; Angry Vets Calling for Shins
May 6th, 2014 4:30 PM
"The nation’s largest veterans group called Monday for the resignation of Veterans Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki and two top administrators due over alleged issues with quality of care and cover-ups at some VA medical centers," staff writer Josh Hicks reported in the May 6 edition of the Washington Post. "His patriotism and sacrifice for this nation are above reproach....However, his record…
Censorship: NBC Continues to Hide Obama's Scandal Impacting Veterans
May 6th, 2014 12:25 PM
In another example of censoring a Barack Obama scandal, NBC has ignored the brewing controversy impacting American veterans and a shocking lack of access to hospital care. Though the news of up to 40 patients dying in Arizona has been going on for months, ABC finally covered the story on Tuesday's Good Morning America, offering a scant 29 seconds. Reporter Amy Robach informed that the President…

NPR Makes Time for Veterans Day Obama
November 12th, 2011 7:11 AM
On Friday, NPR's Morning Edition anchor Steve Inskeep marked Veterans Day by inviting in Eric Shinseki, Obama's secretary of veterans affairs. But the main person honored was not a veteran. Instead, it was President Obama.
NPR brought on Shinseki to hail "the president stepping out and leading in this area, trying to provide incentives for hiring young veterans. And this is the jobs bill.…