Greta van Sustren

Greta on Benghazi: White House Seems to Be 'Hiding Something'
September 8th, 2014 8:58 AM
Fox News host Greta Van Susteren had some strong words for the Obama administration for failing to provide the press with adequate information following the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack.
Speaking on her On the Record program on Friday, September 5, Van Susteren claimed that “the Obama administration’s behavior post-Benghazi has been weird, like they are hiding something.”
Newsweek Takes Another Shot at Palin on Cover: 'Saint Sarah'; Palin Re
June 12th, 2010 2:13 AM
Not this again. There is obviously not enough going on in the world for Newsweek magazine this week because once again Sarah Palin is on the cover. Palin, the former governor of Alaska and the 2008 Republican vice-presidential nominee was also on the cover of Newsweek back in November 2009, in running shorts. This time she is featured as "Saint Sarah: What's Palin's appeal to conservative…
Limbaugh to Judge 2010 Miss America; Will the Perez Hilton Standard Be
October 9th, 2009 3:06 AM
In case you missed it, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh will be expanding his resume - long-time political commentator, potential NFL owner and now Miss America pageant judge. On the Oct. 8 broadcast of Fox News "On the Record," host Greta Van Sustren revealed that Limbaugh would be one of the national judges for the 2010 Miss America Pageant, scheduled to be held in Las Vegas on Jan. 30, 2010…
Kurtz Acknowledges CNN’s Lack of Tea Party Coverage -- On His CNN Sh
April 12th, 2009 7:48 PM
With the Tax Day tea party rallies just three days away, outside of the Fox News Channel, the coverage has been lacking. And, it was something that even Washington Post media columnist and host of CNN's "Reliable Sources" Howard Kurtz acknowledged on his April 12 program. "The folks at Fox News have found something to be for in this age of Obama," Kurtz said. "They are firmly in favor of tea…