‘Big Three’ Continue To Ignore Report Saying Obama Briefed On ISIS

September 3rd, 2014 11:45 AM
For the second day in a row, the “big three” networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) all ignored a new report from a former Pentagon official which claims that President Obama received briefings on the terrorist group ISIS “for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer.”  Following the “big three” ignoring the report on their Tuesday night broadcasts, on Wednesday…

Nets Skip Report Obama Briefed on ISIS Going Back ‘at Least a Year’

September 3rd, 2014 12:05 AM

On Tuesday night, the three major broadcast networks omitted from their coverage on the Islamic group ISIS a report that President Barack Obama has received briefings on the terrorist organization “for at least a year before the group seized large swaths of territory over the summer.” ABC, CBS, and NBC all led their evening newscasts with multiple segments on the gruesome murder of American…

Ed Schultz Quickly Backpedals After Slamming Obama's Cluelessness on I

September 1st, 2014 7:15 PM
What a difference that a few hours -- and change in media platform -- can make when it comes to criticism of President Obama. On his daily podcast this past Friday, Ed Schultz was surprisingly blunt in hitting Obama for his startling admission a day earlier that "we don't have a strategy" for confronting the deadly threat from the feral Islamist thugs in ISIS. (Audio after the jump)

MSNBC’s Krystal Ball, Guest Blame ISIS Waterboarding on Abu Ghraib

August 29th, 2014 4:30 PM
MSNBC’s Krystal Ball substituted for Ronan Farrow as host of his MSNBC show on Friday and remarked with a guest during a segment on the Islamic terror group ISIS that their reported waterboarding of their captives, including the late James Foley, can be blamed on the U.S. detention facility in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and what happened at Abu Ghraib in Iraq. After shifting gears from talking…

Networks Defend Obama as ‘Critics Pounced’ and Took 'Too Literally

August 29th, 2014 12:50 PM
On Friday morning, the major broadcast networks were out in full force to defend President Obama after his remarks at a press conference Thursday afternoon in which he said that “we don’t have a strategy yet” in how to militarily address the Islamic terrorist group ISIS in Syria. Leading the way was NBC’s Today, where co-host Matt Lauer told NBC News political director and moderator of Meet…

Scarborough Defends 'No Strategy' Obama: 'Straight Out of The Art of

August 29th, 2014 9:17 AM
Alexander the Great.  Stonewall Jackson. George S. Patton. To this list of some of history's greatest military strategists, a new name must be added: that of Barack Obama.  That is, if you agree with Joe Scarborough's take on President Obama's statement at yesterday's press conference that "we don't have a strategy yet" regarding possible attacks on ISIS in Syria. According to Scarborough,…

Priorities: 'Nightly News' Covers Joan Rivers Health Scare Before Obam

August 28th, 2014 8:31 PM
While competing newscasts on ABC and CBS led tonight with the president's stunning admission at a press briefing that he hasn't formulated a strategy to deal with ISIS yet, NBC placed the story in the third slot in the lineup, after a lead-off report regarding the NFL's "tough new policy" on domestic violence and a story by New York-based correspondent Katy Tur about comedian Joan Rivers's…

Hannity Spars With Islamist Who Claims ISIS Atrocities Are Western 'Fa

August 28th, 2014 4:44 PM
Sean Hannity confronted Anjem Choudary on his Fox News Channel program on Wednesday over the Islamist's unapologetic support of ISIS. The two repeatedly talked over each other, with the American talk show host hounding Choudary if he supported the terrorist group's genocidal campaign in Iraq and Syria. The U.K.-based radical Muslim contended that the multiple account of atrocities by ISIS…

Washington Monthly Blogger: ‘Gun-Toting…Anti-Feminist, Anti-Modern

August 27th, 2014 11:40 AM
Lumping one’s political adversaries with the vicious jihadists of ISIS seems to be the new new thing. Last Thursday, Dinesh D’Souza alleged that “the common thread between ISIS and [the looters] in Ferguson is you have these people who basically believe that to correct a perceived injustice, it's perfectly OK to inflict all kinds of new injustices...And all of this is then licensed by the left…

MSNBC's Matthews Hits Obama for Handling of ISIS: 'It Doesn't Sound Re

August 26th, 2014 9:55 PM
Last week I noted how MSNBC's Chris Matthews, who usually has tingles down his leg for the president, was taken aback by Barack Obama's statement regarding the ISIS beheading of American freelance journalist James Foley.  Tonight a frustrated Matthews expressed his frustration with Mr. Obama once again, asking his guests Bobby Ghosh and Howard Fineman why the president didn't couch the U.S.…

Bombs Away! Ed Schultz Abruptly Flip-Flops on Airstrikes in Iraq

August 25th, 2014 2:25 PM
Wow, it's not often you see someone morph from George McGovern to Curtis LeMay in a matter of weeks. Credit for this curious distinction goes to Ed Schultz, token working-class stiff at MSNBC who also pontificates on a daily podcast. In one of his postings last week, Schultz responded to the execution of journalist James Foley by a psychopath in the cult of medieval savages known as ISIS. (…

Dan Rather Attacks War Supporters Who Don’t Send Own Kids To Fight

August 25th, 2014 12:55 PM
Dan Rather, former anchor of the CBS Evening News, appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources to harshly criticize those in Congress calling for the U.S. to take military action against the terrorist group ISIS. Speaking to anchor Brian Stelter on Sunday, August 24, Rather proclaimed that he will only listen to those who advocate boots on the ground “if you tell me you are prepared to send your son,…

Daily Kos: ISIS ‘Politicians’ Are No Threat to U.S., So ‘Stop Fr

August 24th, 2014 5:43 PM
In a Sunday-morning post, Daily Kos blogger Mark Sumner argued that the “threat ISIS represents to the United States” is “[e]xactly none” and urged us not to overreact now the way we supposedly did after 9/11 and consequently “hand over freedoms for an illusion of safety. The NSA reading your email and listening in on your phone, idiots mistaking a dropped t-shirt at the Mexican border for the…

George Stephanopoulos Frets Over U.S. Taking Action Against ISIS: ‘I

August 24th, 2014 12:04 PM
On Sunday, August 24, This Week moderator George Stephanopoulos bizarrely worried that the U.S. might take too much action in combating the terrorist group ISIS. Speaking to Bill Kristol, editor of the conservative Weekly Standard magazine, wondered “it struck me how quickly this has all moved. From ISIS being a minor threat, the president talking about it several months ago as the junior…