James Crowley

Matthews Hits Colleagues for Talking ‘Nasty Boy Politics’ in Normandy
June 6th, 2019 10:18 PM
While the liberal media on-site spent portions of Thursday chastising President Trump for his Ingraham Angle interview in the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial prior to his moving speech marking the 75th anniversary of D-Day, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews told viewers that he was uneasy with his colleagues in the press “talk[ing] nasty boy politics in front of the graves.” How…
Remember Wright? Mika Says Obama 'Worked For Decades' To Transcend Rac
January 12th, 2010 7:51 AM
Does the name Jeremiah Wright ring a bell with Mika Brzezinski?The Morning Joe co-host sought today to explain the pass Pres. Obama gave Harry "negro dialect" Reid by claiming that PBO has "worked to transcend racial issues for decades." The skeptical look on Joe Scarborough's face [see still after jump] as Mika uttered her assertion was priceless. Let's take a stroll down memory lane with Rev.…
Alleged Racial Healer Sharpton Alarmed by Potential Reconciliation Bet
August 6th, 2009 6:44 AM
This from a man of the cloth, no less.That Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Cambridge, Mass., police sergeant James Crowley may attend a baseball game together has the Rev. Al Sharpton concerned.Sharpton had this to say on his radio show on Monday while talking with Gates' lawyer Charles Ogletree, who also teaches at Harvard (click here for audio) --SHARPTON: Let me start out by…
Dem Pundit Powers: Crowley 'Lured' Gates Outside To Arrest Him
August 1st, 2009 8:40 PM
As Dem pundits go, I normally find Kirsten Powers among the more reasonable. But on this afternoon's Fox News Watch, Powers propounded an incendiary theory of the Gates/Crowley incident: that the sergeant "lured" and "tricked" Gates into coming outside so he could arrest him.Panelist Jim Pinkerton had just made the point that it was only the conservative media, by focusing attention on the…
Weekend Captionfest
July 31st, 2009 6:00 AM
Sgt. James Crowley and Pres. Barack Obama during the White House beer summit, July 30, 2009. AP Photo/Alex Brandon
Matthews Condescends To Crowley: 'We've Got Our Susan Boyle Here
July 30th, 2009 8:11 PM
Call it damning with fat praise . . . After Sgt. James Crowley did a good job at his post-beer press conference, a condescending Chris Matthews—apparently surprised that a policeman could handle himself well in such a situation—said "I think we've got our Susan Boyle here."Here's how Matthews ended the post-Crowley press conference kibitzing on the 7 PM edition of Hardball:
When Was Biden Invited To Beer Blast? Obama Spoke Of 'Three Folks
July 30th, 2009 7:31 PM
Were you, like me, surprised to see that Biden turned up at the beer fest? I hadn't picked up any prior indication he was going to be there. To the contrary, check out what Pres. Obama said just before the event:A short time earlier from the Oval Office, Obama had done what his aides had been doing for days: lowering expectations."I noticed this has been called the 'Beer Summit.' It's a clever…
Following NBC’s Lead, CBS Touts White House ‘Beer Summit
July 29th, 2009 5:26 PM
After NBC Nightly News anchor Brian Williams fawned Tuesday over President Obama planning to have a beer with Sergeant Crowley and Professor Gates, on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith similarly declared: "...it’s being called the ‘beer summit.’ Tomorrow’s meeting between the President, the professor, and the policeman. We’re going to tell you what’s on tap."Smith, along with co-…
NYT 'Ethicist' Urges Henry Louis Gates to Sue
July 28th, 2009 9:10 AM
The ethically-challenged "ethicist" of the New York Times Magazine, Randy Cohen, who writes The Ethicist column has inserted himself into the Henry Louis Gates situation by urging the Harvard professor to sue in order to "pursue social justice." To see where Mr. Ethicist is coming from, let us start off with his laughable money quote in his current column on the subject of lawsuits:Gates should…
CNN's Lemon Does Amazing Interview With Cambridge Police
July 27th, 2009 10:23 PM
It's not often I'm positively surprised by anything aired on CNN, but the interview Don Lemon did with members of the Cambridge Police Department Saturday is nothing less than breathtaking. While most media members have shamefully taken the side of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates in the matter of his arrest by Sgt. James Crowley on July 16, Lemon took the time to meet with the officer's co-…
Gates-Gate: Morning Shows Exclude Non-African-American Guests
July 25th, 2009 1:53 PM
The networks might just as well have hung out a sign this morning: non-African-American experts on policing and racial profiling need not apply. Good Morning America, the Early Show and Today had a total of six guests on the subject . . . and every one was African-American.Among the highlights: a writer from Tina Brown's Daily Beast suggested that given our incarceration rate, the USA meets the…
CNN's Harris Calls Police Union Presser 'Incendiary
July 24th, 2009 4:41 PM
CNN daytime anchor Tony Harris has a bit of a different perspective on the Henry Louis Gates arrest.Around 12:31 PM, after the Massachusetts Municipal Police Coalition held a press conference defending Sgt. Crowley’s conduct in the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Harris spoke to the CNN reporter on the scene, Don Lemon. Having been informed that one of the reasons the union…