James Oliphant

LAT’s Oliphant Lets Joe Biden Babble Away, Part 3 of 3: How TARP Rea
October 6th, 2011 11:59 PM
In a report filed at the Los Angeles Times's Politics Now blog earlier today, Washington Bureau reporter James Oliphant relayed a number of whoppers delivered by Vice President Joe Biden without anything resembling a challenge. In Part 1, I noted how Biden, who in August described Tea Party sympathizers as "terrorists" and in September as "barbarians," today spoke in complimentary terms of how…

LAT's Oliphant Lets Joe Biden Babble Away, Part 2 of 3: The VP's Ignor
October 6th, 2011 7:58 PM
In a report filed at the Los Angeles Times's Politics Now blog earlier today, Washington Bureau reporter James Oliphant relayed a number of whoppers delivered by Vice President Joe Biden without anything resembling a challenge. In Part 1, I noted how Biden, who in August described Tea Party sympathizers as "terrorists" and in September as "barbarians," today spoke in complimentary terms of how…

LAT's Oliphant Lets Joe Biden Babble Away, Part 1 of 3: On the Origins
October 6th, 2011 6:01 PM
In a report filed at the Los Angeles Times's Politics Now blog earlier today, Washington Bureau reporter James Oliphant relayed a number of whoppers delivered by Vice President Joe Biden without anything resembling a challenge.
Breaking Biden's bilge into three sections, they involve his claim about the historical origins of the Tea Party, which Biden characterized as a collection of "…

LA Times Sees Liu Confirmation Fight as GOP vs. 'Asian American Intere
May 19th, 2011 11:19 AM
Goodwin Liu is a liberal UC Berkeley law professor that President Obama has nominated to the already ultra-liberal 9th Circuit.
Republicans have threatened a filibuster which will likely scuttle Liu's chances for confirmation.
Reporting the story, Los Angeles Times reporter James Oliphant noted that:
L.A. Times's Oliphant Forecasts Possible Political Peril for GOP in Ma
April 1st, 2011 4:23 PM
The media are hard at work spinning today's jobs report for maximum political advantage for the White House.
Witness Los Angeles Times reporter James Oliphant, who has filed an article for publication in tomorrow's paper entitled, "Drop in unemployment doesn't mesh with Republicans' script."
Here's how Oliphant opened his April 2 story: