
DHS Won't Call ISIS 'Islamic': Islam Is a Religion of 'Peace'

July 28th, 2015 11:55 AM
It can only be described as both ludicrous and insensitive. Just days after a Muslim terrorist shot up two military recruitment centers, killing five servicemen in Chattanooga, TN, DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson told the media and high-ranking government officials to not mention the word “Islam” when talking about ISIS or terrorism. Johnson made these comments at a national security conference July…

Top Obama Cabinet Official Grilled By Congress, Nets Ignore

December 3rd, 2014 3:23 PM
In theory, a major cabinet official going to Capitol Hill and being grilled by members of Congress would be news. But Barack Obama's Department of Homeland Security secretary faced withering questions on Tuesday and the networks ignored it.

Kelly, Congressman Hammer DHS Secretary's 'Scary' Testimony

September 18th, 2014 8:18 PM
During Wednesday evening's edition of The Kelly File, the Fox News Channel host joined guest Jason Chaffetz -- a Republican congressman from Utah -- in accusing Department of Homeland Security secretary Jeh Johnson of being “less than forthcoming” about four individuals with ties to terrorism in the Middle East who were apprehended while trying to cross the Texas border one day before the…

AP Absurdity: New DHS Head's Moves Following Scandalous Behavior Have

April 26th, 2014 9:49 AM

From time to time, leftist media members have regaled us about how the Obama administration somehow remains totally or  nearly scandal-free (two of many examples are here and here). Part of the reason they actually believe this is because real-time press dispatches covering scandalous circumstances are rarely described that way. The journalistic gymnastics involved were on vivid display Friday…