WashPost Op-ed Attacks Transgender Critics' 'Lack of Imagination'

March 19th, 2025 2:39 PM

Between the decision not to endorse Kamala Harris and CEO Jeff Bezos’s move to restrict the opinion page to only columns that support free markets and personal liberties, there has been a heavy amount of weeping and gnashing of teeth among liberals over the fate of the Washington Post and how Bezos has sold out to Donald Trump. Such claims are hysteria, as evidenced by a Wednesday op-…

NPR Pushes More 'Trans Bodies' Chatter With Zero Opposition

July 23rd, 2014 12:16 PM
On July 17, the day before NPR's Diane Rehm Show had a unanimous panel of four leftists on transgender issues (including a Time reporter), NPR’s nationally distributed Fresh Air talk show devoted 43 minutes to “the growing number of people who identify as transgender.” Host Terry Gross brought on three transgender “rights” advocates to promote the book Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A Resource for…

NYT Columnist: Don't Test Olympians For Gender

August 3rd, 2008 7:52 AM
The Cornell golf club championship is next weekend, and I had been planning [brag alert] to defend the senior men's title I won last year.  But now, I just might have to think about entering the women's division instead.  The field is much smaller, not nearly as tough, and playing from the red tees should give me quite an advantage.  But what if tournament organizers balk at my entry, you ask? …