
Rubin Sees 'Disgraceful' Gillespie, Conservatives 'Spreading Nonsense'

October 29th, 2017 1:23 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy, Joy Reid hosted over a panel of five MSNBC Republicans to discuss the week's political news. True to form, allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin was trashing conservatives as she derided Virginia GOP gubernatorial nominee Ed Gillespie's campaign as  "disgraceful" and complained that the "conservative media" are "spreading nonsense to the American…

Salon's Top '25 Conservatives' Are Nearly All Anti-Trump Liberals

October 16th, 2017 11:58 AM
Over the weekend, liberal online magazine Salon put out a highly mockable list of their top “25 Conservatives Actually Worth Following on Twitter.” The story made a splash on social media, because it seemed Salon’s only criteria for being a “worthy conservative” is that you had to be an outspoken “Never-Trumper” and a frequent, fierce critic of the right. 

CNN Media Panel: Trump Violating First Amendment and Should Be Removed

October 15th, 2017 3:05 PM
CNN’s un-Reliable Sources went off the rails Sunday as media preacher Brian Stelter dedicated part of his sermon to attacking President Trump for slamming NBC News. “These next words from President Trump, this tweet I'm about to show you, these are not the words of a western democratic leader, they’re the word of an autocrat,” he declared.

NYT: Making Women Pay for Own Birth Control Is Like Saudi Arabia

October 12th, 2017 1:43 PM
Because of recent measures the White House has taken to expand protection of religious and moral rights, the print media has been on an outright crusade against Trump, with two newspapers accusing him of imposing a “religious theocracy” on American women.

WashPost's Rubin Joins MSNBC Panel to Bash NRA, Push More Gun Control

October 9th, 2017 5:19 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, Washington Post columnist and disaffected former Republican Jennifer Rubin joined in with MSNBC liberals Joy Reid and E.J. Dionne to trash the National Rifle Association and its executive vice president, Wayne LaPierre, as the group pushed for more gun control. And for his part, Dionne ended up suggesting that congressional Republicans should remove metal detectors from the…

Matthews Mocks GOPers As 'Ballsy Bastards,' Ban 'Semi-Automatic' Guns

October 3rd, 2017 11:13 PM

On Tuesday's Hardball, during a discussion of how Republicans are responding to calls for more gun laws in the aftermath of the Las Vegas attack, host Chris Matthews mocked several GOP U.S. Senators as "ballsy bastards" after playing a clip of them recommending against debating new gun laws.


Shock: MSNBC's Hayes Exposes 'Conservative' Rubin's Flip-Flop on DACA

September 6th, 2017 9:15 AM
On Tuesday's All In, MSNBC host Chris Hayes surprisingly informed viewers of a flip-flop by guest Jennifer Rubin as he recalled that the frequent MSNBC guest who has a right-leaning history did, in fact, oppose President Barack Obama's creation of the DACA program before deciding she is now in favor of it with President Donald Trump rescinding it.  

Rubin Slams GOP as 'Party of Charlottesville,' 'Deserves Extinction'

September 4th, 2017 10:50 PM
On Monday, Jennifer Rubin was at it again as the allegedly right-leaning Washington Post columnist and regular MSNBC guest was trashing fellow conservatives both on MSNBC and on her "Right Turn" blog at In a Monday morning blog post -- titled "Ending DACA Would Be Trump's Most Evil Act" -- Rubin excoriated the Republican party as the party of "white grievance" and as the "…

‘Hardball’: Trump Is Mentally Unstable, Hillary Book Is 'Remarkable'

August 24th, 2017 4:38 PM
Not exactly the top authority when it comes to sober analysis, MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews teamed up with panelists on Wednesday night to deem President Trump as mentally unstable while a guest hailed Hillary Clinton’s book excerpt about debating Trump as “remarkable.”

MSNBC Cuts Away from Trump Rally to Smear Him and Supporters

August 23rd, 2017 12:14 AM
Throughout President Donald Trump’s campaign rally in Phoenix, Arizona on Tuesday, MSNBC’s The Last Word would break away from the live video in order to do on-the-fly commentary, which often included attacking the President on what he was saying. Towards the end of the of the 10 o’clock hour, host Lawrence O’Donnell left the Trump rally behind to really give his stacked liberal panel a good go…

MSNBC Conservative Seems to Cheer 'Dying Off' of Social Conservatives

August 1st, 2017 11:46 AM
The caricature of an MSNBC conservative is a commentator with a right-leaning background who -- when appearing as a panel member on the liberal news network -- either agrees with the liberal guests or fails to rebut liberal analysis while offering little actual right-leaning analysis to the discussion. Washington Post columnist and regular MSNBC guest Jennifer Rubin may have gone beyond…

CNN Guests Bash Transgender Ban, Favor $50 Million for Sex Changes

July 30th, 2017 11:51 PM

On Saturday's CNN Newsroom, two segments ran which both pushed from the left against President Donald Trump's announced ban on transgenders serving in the military. The first segment gave a sympathetic forum to a transgender activist and former Navy SEAL who ended up absurdly suggesting that the military should sextuple spending on sex change treatment from $8 million to $50 million a year.…

Press Ignoring Anti-Violence Backlash as Factor in GA-06 Outcome

June 22nd, 2017 11:55 PM

With so much attention focused on the meaning of the results of Sixth District Congressional special election in Georgia, the establishment press has not looked into what happened to pre-election polls which showed Democrat Jon Ossoff ahead of Republican Karen Handel by as many as seven points less than two weeks before Tuesday's election. Though it may partially have been yet another in a…


Hypocrite Rubin Loses It Over Montana Incident, Blames Trump

May 24th, 2017 11:25 PM
On Wednesday night, Montana Republican congressional candidate Greg Gianforte allegedly body slammed The Guardian’s Ben Jacobs the night before the state’s special election. Jacobs went to a hospital to be checked out and had his glasses smashed, so what’s known about the incident isn’t pretty to say the least. Importantly, any assault of anyone (reporter or non-reporter) isn’t okay. This should…