George Will and Jennifer Rubin Demolish Time's Joe Klein on Gun Contro

July 22nd, 2012 1:34 PM
Time's Joe Klein on Sunday found out what it's like to actually have to debate conservatives rather than the liberal media members he normally appears with on political talk shows. When he uttered the typical left-wing line on ABC's This Week about the need for more gun control in the wake of Friday's movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado, Klein got a much-needed education from George…

WashPost's 'Conservative' Blogger Rubin Scolds Santorum to 'Grow Up" a

February 20th, 2012 1:15 PM
The Washington Post's "conservative" blogger is now telling Republicans to shut up and move on from their complaints of a liberal media double standard. The Post's Jennifer Rubin told all the GOP candidates to "grow up" on CNN's Reliable Sources on Sunday. "These candidates should grow up, get their message out," she ranted, emphasizing that conservative candidates have grown "obsessed" over…

Kurtz Uses WaPo's Rubin to Accuse Conservative Media of Being 'Corrupt

December 4th, 2011 1:50 PM
When the Washington Post's "conservative" blogger Jennifer Rubin last Sunday accused the right-leaning media of being "embarrassingly bad this election cycle," it seemed a metaphysical certitude CNN's Howard Kurtz would soon have her on to advance her view. True to form, exactly one week later there was Rubin on Reliable Sources with the host saying, "This indictment suggests, my reading of…

WaPo 'Right Turn' Blogger Trashes Conservative Media; Post Edits It Ha

November 28th, 2011 7:47 AM
The Washington Post selected Jennifer Rubin as their “Right Turn” blogger, which to many has seemed like the wrong title. It should be “Romney’s Turn.” But when the Post publishes her blogs in excerpted form in the newspaper, they’re making her even sharper in attacking the “hard right” of the Republican Party. In Monday’s paper, Rubin lashed out at the New Hampshire Union Leader’s…

WaPo Writers, Mostly Libs, in Lockstop With Romney's 'Command' of GOP

October 13th, 2011 1:33 PM
Early this morning, I noted how two AP writers seemed to be hoping that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, in the process ignoring inconvenient facts like his failure to get over 25% in any poll covered at Real Clear Politics since mid-July while failing to even mention Herman Cain's name until the report's eleventh paragraph (a…

Howard Kurtz Shocked Republicans Prefer Obama Jokes Over Those About R

June 19th, 2011 10:04 PM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, some liberal media outlets were spreading the idea that a Barack Obama impersonator was pulled off the stage at a Republican event this weekend because he was telling racial and gay jokes. Although CNN's Howard Kurtz at least figured out that the real reason Reggie Brown was yanked was because he was starting to insult Republicans, the "Reliable Sources" host…

WaPo's New Conservative Blogger Takes On NYT's David Brooks

December 3rd, 2010 10:55 AM
The Washington Post has added a new conservative blogger to its stable, one that NewsBusters readers should be familiar with. Only three days into her new position, Jennifer Rubin has made it clear she has no intention of toning down her criticism of mainstream media darlings like New York Times columnist David Brooks:

WaPo Does It Right This Time: Hires Jennifer Rubin to Cover Conservati

November 23rd, 2010 2:17 PM
The Washington Post announced Tuesday that it has hired Commentary Magazine contributing editor Jennifer Rubin to write a blog on the conservative movement and the Republican Party. The move suggests that the Post has learned its lessons from the short run it gave blogger Dave Weigel, who resigned in June after emails surfaced showing him viciously attacking some prominent conservatives. The…

David Brooks Praises Tea Party Just Before He Bashes It

September 17th, 2010 10:21 AM
New York Times columnist David Brooks on Friday defended the Tea Party from many of the criticisms commonly uttered by mainstream media members.In so doing, he took a couple of slaps at the conservative movement that continues to usher in surprising election results across the fruited plain.By the end of "The Backlash Myth," Brooks went so far as to say "the Tea Party doesn't matter."But prior to…

NYT Rips Obama: It Shouldn't Have Taken So Long To Get Involved In Oil

June 13th, 2010 3:08 PM
The New York Times editorial board on Sunday absolutely tore Barack Obama apart for his handling of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. "The president cannot plug the leak or magically clean up the fouled Gulf of Mexico. But he and his administration need to do a lot more to show they are on top of this mess, and not perpetually behind the curve," wrote the Times. "It certainly should not have…

WaPo Headline: 'Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word Response to Woman's Clai

April 4th, 2010 11:14 AM
Is the Washington Post losing that loving feeling for President Obama?Consider the following headline and subsequent article posted by Anne Kornblut at the paper's "44" blog Friday:Obama's 17-minute, 2,500-word response to woman's claim of being 'over-taxed'This headline changed when her piece was published in Saturday's paper on page A2, but the seemingly sad song remained the same:

Howard Kurtz: 'Jon Stewart Is An Icon To Many Journalists

February 1st, 2010 10:05 AM
The Washington Post's Howard Kurtz believes comedian Jon Stewart is an icon to many journalists. "[E]specially those in television who sometimes copy his quick-cut editing techniques," wrote Kurtz in his column Monday.But that's not all.Kurtz sees the "Daily Show" host as "a pop-culture bellweather," and feels his recent attacks on Barack Obama are a significant sea change. Last week Stewart went…

WaPo Columnist: Dems Need Attack Dog To Counter GOP Rhetoric

September 29th, 2009 12:29 PM
Barack Obama is President, Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House, Harry Reid is Senate Majority Leader, Bill Clinton is doing the television circuit to revive his reputation, most journalists are still hopelessly in the tank for the current White House resident, and the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza is concerned that the Democrats don't have a voice to counter Republican talking points.This is…

Possible Senate Candidate Chris Matthews Pressured To Quit MSNBC

December 5th, 2008 10:42 AM
If "Hardball" host Chris Matthews is indeed going to challenge Arlen Specter for his senate seat in 2010, he must resign his position with MSNBC.So say a growing chorus of observers from both sides of the aisle.As reported by Politico's Michael Calderone Thursday: