Jennifer Tyrell

Networks Give Three Times More Quotes to Supporters of Gay Scout Admit
May 24th, 2013 4:52 PM
Touting the Boy Scouts' "landmark" and "historic" decision to allow openly-gay members, CBS, ABC, and NBC gave supporters of the decision three times as many quotes as their opponents got on Friday morning's news stories.
The networks gave 10 soundbites to supporters of the new Scouts policy and only three to its opponents. Supporters included President Obama, gay scout Pascal Tessier, and…

CNN Boosts Another Gay Activist Upset With Boy Scouts
July 18th, 2012 5:01 PM
CNN continues its brazen support of gay activists upset with the Boy Scouts. On Wednesday afternoon, anchor Don Lemon gave the sappiest of interviews to former Cub Scout den leader and lesbian Jennifer Tyrell, booted from the organization because she is openly-gay.
Lemon asked saccharine questions like "You doing okay?" and "do you feel disrespected?" and "You sound a little sort of…