Jeremiah A. Wright

Press Still Badgers Walker Over Refusal to Say Obama Is a Christian
August 2nd, 2015 11:48 PM
One of the more outrageous chapters during presidential campaign season so far, the press harassment of 2016 GOP candidate and Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker in February over his statement that he "doesn't know" whether President Barack Obama is a Christian, is back.
Nobody in the press seems interested in asking Obama himself how he can still profess to be a Christian and support homosexual…

Toledo Blade Asks: 'Could Mr. Romney Take Our Coffee
November 5th, 2012 2:45 PM
In the quadrennially important swing state of Ohio, one of the Toledo Blade's featured front page stories on Sunday wondered if Mormonism would shape Romney's policy. Following an endorsement of Obama last week in which there was no mention of the president's beliefs, religion editor Timothy Knox Barger's penned a 2,500 word piece that resorted to scare tactics and conjecture.
Among them was…

HuffPo News Flash: Mormons Don't Think Jesus was Black
September 10th, 2012 3:27 PM
Finding racism in ridiculous places: It isn’t just for MSNBC anymore. The Huffington Post has performed a neat trick, exercising its own religious bigotry by accusing someone else of racism. The result is a breathtakingly inane article. (The crusade to re-elect Obama has spurred his media acolytes to heroic exertions, hasn’t it?)
Writing in HuffPo on Sept. 9, Paul Harvey and Edward J. Blum…

AP Hit Piece on 'Dominionism' Tries to Tie in Perry, Even With No 'Dir
October 17th, 2011 11:52 PM
This afternoon, Associated Press Religion Writer Rachel Zoll devoted over 1,600 words to "dominionism," spending much of it attempting to cast Rick Perry as their guy, even though, as she admitted, "Perry has never said anything that would directly link him to dominionism." Oh, but he's sorta said some things that might hint at such sympathies, and he's been on stage with people who are…
Journolisters' Plot to Stifle 2008 Rev. Wright Coverage Not the First
July 20th, 2010 9:21 AM
Earlier this morning, NB's Tim Graham put up an excellent post on the Daily Caller's revelations that members of the Journolist listserv group "Plotted to Bury the Jeremiah Wright Story in 2008." Though perhaps more blatant, the Journolist effort is not the first example of acknowledged coordination on the part of key members of the establishment press. In fact, an arguably more influential…
CNN STILL Pushing Lie of Rev. Wright/Rev Hagee Comparison
January 27th, 2009 2:37 AM
ALSO, America apparently the land of permanent racism
I am wondering if CNN was out of the country last November 4? Maybe it missed that McCain lost the election because, once again, CNN trotted out an Old Media campaign lie aimed at making John McCain "as bad as" the Reverend Jeremiah "God Damn America" Wright by using the talking point that in Reverend John Hagee McCain had a "controversial"…
Obama 1995 Video: Rev. Wright Represents The Best of What The Black Ch
October 31st, 2008 6:31 PM
In 1995, Barack Obama gave a TV interview to discuss the memoir he wrote, "Dreams From My Father." Philip Klein at The American Spectator picked up on this back in August, but the video is making rounds again now. Obama spoke very highly of his then pastor Rev.Jeremiah Wright(my empahasis added:) OBAMA: In times of economic scarcity, ahm, generally, ahh, the politicians in this country,…
CBS’s Rodriguez Pushes McCain to Do More to Ban NC GOP Ad
April 25th, 2008 11:38 AM
On Friday’s CBS "Early Show," co-host Maggie Rodriguez interviewed John McCain and asked about the recent ad put out by the North Carolina Republican Party that criticized Barack Obama’s relationship with his pastor, Jeremiah Wright: "The Republican Party of North Carolina is planning to run an ad bashing Senator Obama. I know that you oppose that ad, but they're running it anyway. So what does…
Wright's Thomas Jefferson 'Pedophilia' Assertion: Only 'Fix News' Cove
April 14th, 2008 6:15 PM
This morning, I noted at BizzyBlog that during a Saturday eulogy for a former appellate judge, Mr. R. Eugene Pincham, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, "former" pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ and acknowledged mentor of presidential candidate Barack Obama, characterized Fox News as "Fix News." This criticism was, of course meant to be derogatory. I suggested (fifth item at link) that the "…