Jessica Contrera

WashPost Profiles Sympathetic 'Dreamer' -- Funded by Post Owners
July 30th, 2019 6:10 AM
Editors like Martin Baron at The Washington Post love to insist that the publisher or the owner doesn't really tell them what to do. But when they do, it gets disclosed in paragraph 33 on page A-10. This is what happened Saturday, in a syrupy Jessica Contrera splashy front-pager on "Dreamers" who decided to leave for Canada. The sympathetic illegal immigrant of the story, Sadhana Singh, went to…

WashPost Buries the Lede: Illegal-Alien Influx 'Plummeted' in Texas
June 26th, 2017 8:51 PM
Look at paragraph 6 of the dominant front-page story in Monday’s Washington Post. The headline was “CAUGHT AND RELEASED: As the border quiets, safe passed into the U.S. is still granted to some families.” Reporter Jessica Contrera buried the lede on Trump achieving something on the “border quiets” front. The Post pulled off a classic example of putting the money phrase just inside the paper. It's…

WashPost Hails Chelsea As 'Polished, Practiced...Princess'
August 5th, 2015 3:38 PM
Washington Post reporter Jessica Contrera has only been out of college a year. So is that the level of experience you choose for someone to try and pry some information out of the Clintons about daughter Chelsea? Instead, we get the usual worshipful sentences, like this one: “Polished, practiced and private, Chelsea Clinton is the closest thing America has to a princess.”
The headline on the…

'Comedian' Mocks the Most American Thing: 'If We Could Deep Fry Ted Nu
July 5th, 2014 3:46 PM
On the front page of Saturday’s Style section of The Washington Post came an article promoting up-and-coming comedian Dan St. Germain. This being Independence Day weekend, St. Germain and Post writer Jessica Contrera made fun of America and patriots...”in the spirit of patriotism.”
This included the apparently hilarious thought of deep-frying rock star Ted Nugent and biting into him: