Jim Bunning

NYT Bashes Late Sen. Jim Bunning as ‘Cantankerous’ in Obit Headline
May 29th, 2017 9:55 AM
If you can’t say something nice....by tradition, newspaper obituaries hold back criticism in the name of respect for the deceased and their grieving admirers, with even political figures granted reverence. But often conservatives are the exception, with outlets like the New York Times granting themselves free reign to criticize. Sunday obit of Hall of Fame pitcher and conservative Kentucky Sen.…
FNC's Pinkerton Cites MRC on Rangel & Media Disinterest in Iraq
March 8th, 2010 5:00 AM
On Saturday’s Fox News Watch, FNC contributor and panel member Jim Pinkerton of the New America Foundation twice cited the Media Research Center – parent organization to NewsBusters – the first time as he pointed out that ABC News had given six times as much attention to attacking Republican Senator Jim Bunning’s efforts to delay the extension of unemployment benefits – as if doing so were a…
Margaret Carlson Suggests Media Bias Propped Charlie Rangel
March 8th, 2010 2:58 AM
On Sunday’s Reliable Sources on CNN, as host Howard Kurtz led a discussion on media coverage of Democratic Congressman Charlie Rangel’s ethical problems, guest Margaret Carlson of Bloomberg News – formerly of Time magazine and CNN's Capital Gang – seemed to suggest that Rangel would have lost his chairmanship of the House Ways and Means Committee sooner if the mainstream media were not so biased…
There She Goes Again: Maddow Descends Into Deceit to Malign Orrin Hatc
March 6th, 2010 11:55 PM
If there's one thing Rachel Maddow hates, it's hypocrisy. That and dishonesty, oh, don't get her started. Especially when they emanate from the GOP side of the aisle, at least as perceived by her. But when coming from Maddow, well, let's just say her blind spot is broad of breadth.On her MSNBC show Tuesday, for example, Maddow repeatedly called Sen. Orrin Hatch a liar in response to a Hatch op-ed…
Sean Hannity Highlights NewsBusters Analysis of ABC Ignoring Rangel, O
March 5th, 2010 10:33 AM
Fox News host Sean Hannity on Thursday highlighted a story on NewsBusters showing that ABC News spent far more time on Senator Jim Bunning and his non-scandal than the network did with Congressman Charlie Rangel's ethics violations. Speaking to Bunning, Hannity informed his viewers: "NewsBusters, this is Brent Bozell's website, had a piece out and said that ABC News covered your issue involving…
Rachel Maddow Smears Jim Bunning With 'Mental Fitness' Question, Ignor
March 4th, 2010 6:14 PM
Could Sen. Jim Bunning's desire to pay for extended unemployment benefits with stimulus funds be the result of a serious mental disorder? So suggested Rachel Maddow during her show last night. Maddow based her report on unfouded allegations from a liberal newspaper, and neglected to mention the numerous unstable congressional Democrats that have come unhinged from time to time.Maddow noted that "…
ABC Devotes Almost Six Times More Coverage to Jim Bunning's Non-scanda
March 4th, 2010 4:59 PM
Over the last three days, ABC's World News devoted almost six times as much coverage to Senator Jim Bunning and his temporary hold-up of an unemployment bill as the program did for the ongoing revelations that Democratic Charlie Rangel violated House ethics with his trips to the Caribbean. World News investigated and followed the Republican for four minutes and 38 seconds over two days. In…
The Hill's Stoddard: Bunning 'Gave the GOP the Face of a Mean Old Whit
March 4th, 2010 4:12 PM
When a political editor declares that U.S. Senator Jim Bunning (R-Ky) makes "even former Vice President Dick Cheney seem warm and fuzzy," you know that the mainstream media are reaching for the long knives. Associate editor of The Hill A.B. Stoddard wrote in yesterday's "Bunning’s gift to Dems:"Bunning’s blowup was indeed a gift to bewildered Democrats on more than one level. It portrayed…
WSJ Editorial Calls Out Bunning Episode As Example of PayGo Hypocrisy
March 4th, 2010 3:22 PM
In the past 72 hours, NewsBusters has called attention to roughly 10 print and broadcast media items ripping into Jim Bunning for daring to stop a spending bill in the Senate. Beyond that, it appears that no establishment media outlet has raised a few self-evident points made in a Wednesday Wall Street Journal editorial, proving yet again that the paper's editorials are as much a real news…
GOP Senator Standing 'Between Jobless Americans and Extended Unemploym
March 3rd, 2010 1:04 PM
Congressional reporter Carl Hulse took the Democrats' side in a running controversy over federal spending involving Sen. Jim Bunning of Kentucky. Until Tuesday night Bunning, a Republican not running for releection, had flummoxed and angered the Democrat majority (and the media) by employing a legislative tactic to block a new spending bill that would have extended funding on a variety of fronts…
CBS's Schieffer Bashes Bunning: Blocking Bill 'Unconscionable,' Just
March 3rd, 2010 12:41 PM
On Wednesday's CBS Early Show, Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer ranted against Republican Senator Jim Bunning's opposition to a spending bill: "it's unconscionable what has happened here....this is about politics. It is not – it was not about anything of substance." [Audio available here]Co-host Maggie Rodriguez began the segment by explaining that Bunning had stopped blocking the legislation…
ABC's Jonathan Karl Continues to Slam Bunning for Creating a 'Mess
March 3rd, 2010 12:01 PM
ABC on Wednesday continued to berate Senator Jim Bunning for daring to hold up a $10 billion spending bill, despite the fact that the Kentucky Republican has since allowed the unemployment legislation to pass. Reporter Jonathan Karl piled on, "Even after the deal was struck, Democrats lashed out at Bunning for causing such a mess." Karl replayed video of him harassing Bunning on Capitol Hill and…
Media Erroneously Charge Sen. Bunning with Filibustering; He Simply Wa
March 3rd, 2010 11:57 AM
Some faulty memes get repeated so often they get burned in the media's collective memory as fact, even though they are myth. Perhaps the most notable example of that in 2009 was the myth that the New York 23rd congressional district had been solidly Republican since the Civil War until Doug Hoffman's third-party challenge of the liberal Republican Dede Scozzafava ensured a Democrat's victory in a…
Bozell Column: Our Deficit-Enabling Media
March 2nd, 2010 11:04 PM
The deficit for last year was 1.4 trillion dollars. The deficit rose as a share of the gross domestic product from 3.1 percent in 2008 to 9.9 percent in 2009, the highest deficit as a share of GDP since 1945. The projected deficit for the fiscal year that ends in September is another $1.3 trillion. So much for all that fiscal sanity blather from Team Obama in ‘08. How dishonest. Even worse, there…