
Nets Freak Out Over Manchin’s ‘Blow’ to Dems' HR1 Election Bill

June 7th, 2021 10:08 AM

For all their praise of “bipartisanship,” the media actually hates bipartisanship -- when it’s Democrats siding with Republicans, anyway. The media was in lockstep meltdown mode today, after West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin wrote that he would oppose the massive overhaul of our election system put forward by Democrats called H.R.1 or its euphemistic name, “For the People Act.”


WHINY Joy Reid: Manchin and Sinema 'Are Not on the Side We Are on'

June 4th, 2021 11:31 PM

The left is constantly pointing their fingers at anyone who opposes their radical agenda. On Thursday night’s The ReidOut, host Joy Reid continued her crusade against Democratic Senators, Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) for siding with the liberal media’s enemy: Republicans. Specifically, she treated their opposition to ending the filibuster as being against America. She…


MSNBC's Williams Whines About Joe Manchin: What Makes Him a Democrat?

June 4th, 2021 6:13 PM

Even casual observers of politics have noticed that the left has no tolerance for dissent. Everyone must march lock step in support of their radical agenda. Further proof of this came from MSNBC’s 11th Hour host Brian Williams Thursday night when he bitterly complained about West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D).


Stooges: WH Reporters Refuse to Ask Psaki About Bombshell Fauci Emails

June 2nd, 2021 4:13 PM

Continuing to show their undying fealty to the altar of Dr. Tony Fauci, the White House press corps refused to ask Press Secretary Jen Psaki a single question during Wednesday’s briefing about the bombshell trove of emails from the NIH official from the early moments of the pandemic. It was on the mind of at least one reporter in the room as our friend Amber Athey of The Spectator had…


Panicky Williams Demands Biden Threaten, ‘Kick Ass’ of Moderate Dems

June 2nd, 2021 4:00 PM

It’s safe to say that Democrats and their fawning, suck up protectors in the media are getting anxious at the lack of accomplishments from the White House. The filibuster still stands. The Supreme Court remains unpacked. D.C. is not a state. Their attempt to take over elections has stalled. After playing a clip of Joe Biden lashing out at moderate Senators Joe Manchin and Krysten Sinema,


Evil Joy, Guests: Conservatives Are Murderous Enemies of the People

May 28th, 2021 12:22 AM

Leaving no mistake about whether Comcast-owned MSNBC and ReidOut host Joy Reid believe that conservatives, Republicans, and anyone who disagrees with them are enemies of the people, Reid and her venomous band of guests spent Thursday’s show demanding liberals tell Americans that the GOP “wants you to die,” have “your whole decapitated,” and see all 435 members of…


RACIST Joy: Cruz Is a Betrayal to His Race for Opposing Voting Bill

May 12th, 2021 12:25 AM

Left-wing racist MSNBC host Joy Reid was at it again on Tuesday night, poisoning ReidOut viewers on the Comcast-owned channel to assert that not only do Republicans fear all Black people to the point of banning them from voting, but “Jim Crow” Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is a betrayal to his skin color (like a character in Django Unchained) for opposing the far-left For the People Act.


MSNBC’s Reid, Steele: Stefanik Is Feces Inside Trump’s ‘Gold Toilet’

May 6th, 2021 10:08 PM

MSNBC’s The ReidOut has had quite the week, going from hating trans Republicans on Tuesday to being pro-al-Qaeda on Wednesday to Thursday’s declaration of being a pro-toilet humor show. This new development came thanks to host Joy Reid and former RNC Chairman Michael Steele joking that Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (R-NY) was human feces who was treating Donald Trump’s “gold toilet” at…


Manchin Puts Fredo in His Place on Filibuster, Senate Representation

May 5th, 2021 11:54 PM

For a while, CNN Prime Time host Chris “Fredo” Cuomo had been making a stink about Republican representation in the Senate and proving his ignorance of U.S. civics by complaining they had more than they deserved. Well, during an appearance on Wednesday’s show, West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin (D) put the CNN hate-monger in his place by spelling out why Senate didn’t work like the…


UNHINGED Reid Slimes Manchin: ‘More Devoted to Jim Crow’ Than Voting

April 28th, 2021 8:52 PM

There are two Democrats in the U.S. Senate who have been holding up total unchecked liberal power and the leftists at MSNBC simply can’t stand it. Host Joy Reid on Wednesday night previewed Joe Biden’s speech by sliming moderate Joe Manchin as “more devoted to Jim Crow” filibuster than voting rights. 


CNN Lets Liberal Guest Trash Joe Manchin, Link to Future Shootings

April 10th, 2021 10:12 AM

On Friday's New Day show, CNN demonstrated that it will even tolerate venom against moderate Democrats who are not liberal enough for them as gun control activist Fred Guttenberg was allowed to suggest West Virginia Democratic Senator Joe Manchin would be to blame for future shootings if he does not help Democrats end the filibuster.


Racist Joy: White GOP Wants to End Democracy, ‘Torture’ Black People

March 25th, 2021 10:52 PM

On Thursday’s The ReidOut, MSNBC host Joy Reid reminded viewers that not only is she a racist, she has anything but joy in heart as she claimed that not only do white Republicans want to end American democracy, but they want to dehydrate, physically “torture,” and “starve” African-Americans to prevent them from voting, change their votes to GOP if they do, and bring South African…


Disgraced Hack Brian Williams No Better at Comedy Than He Is at Lying

March 25th, 2021 10:35 AM

On Tuesday's The 11th Hour show, MSNBC host Brian Williams, the disgraced hack who lost his NBC Nightly News anchoring job for repeated lies and false stories, tastelessly encouraged his guest, former Democratic Senator Al Franken, to excoriate Ted Cruz with a joke about how everyone "hates" the Republican. 


Hateful Joy Reid: It’s Racist to Oppose Far-Left For the People Act!

March 25th, 2021 1:14 AM

Wednesday on MSNBC, ReidOut host Joy Reid peddled the farcical narrative that the For the People Act is necessary for “democracy protection.” With help from former AG Eric Holder, Reid insisted “the GQP” doesn’t want people to vote and, with help from the supposedly racist Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV), have been the only ones keeping the “Jim Crow relic” known as the filibuster alive…