
CNN Panel Defends Blackmail Tactics, Conflates Criticism With Violence

July 9th, 2017 4:03 PM
On Sunday, July 2, President Trump tweeted out a meme of himself wrestling WWE Chairman Vince McMahon with the CNN logo over his face. That same day, CNN’s Brian Stelter took to his show Reliable Sources where he and his panel of liberal reporters decried Trump as “dangerous” and a “fascists.” A full week later, Stelter and another stacked panel of journalists were defending CNN’s legally…

CNN Appalled Trump Talking Politics Overseas, Were Silent Under Obama

July 6th, 2017 12:28 PM
CNN's New Day started Thursday off with an extraordinarily hypocritical attack on President Trump. Co-host Chris Cuomo criticized the President for talking politics overseas: "The idea of the President of the United States. And again, usually, customarily, you go across to trumpet American values. You leave somewhat of the political interplay here at home. He didn't do that.”

CNN: 'Orwellian' and 'Sinister' for Trump to Call Media Fake News

June 29th, 2017 11:52 AM
CNN continues to whine that President Trump’s attacks on the media are a threat to democracy itself. Clearly, the media, especially this network, do not take criticism well. On Thursday’s New Day, CNN political analyst and Daily Beast Editor-in-Chief John Avlon went on a hyperbolic rant that portrayed the president as a “sinister,” “Orwellian” figure.

CNN's Avlon Blames Ossoff Loss on District 'Rigged' to Favor GOP

June 21st, 2017 10:20 AM

Appearing as a panel member on Wednesday's New Day, left-leaning CNN political analyst and Daily Beast editor John Avlon tried to spin Democrat Jon Ossoff's defeat in Georgia as being because of a "rigged system of redistricting" that gave Republicans a "heavy advantage."


CNN Obsessively Psychoanalyzes Trump's Twitter Typo

June 1st, 2017 11:12 AM
The media is obsessed with Trump’s tweets, even moreso this week after a simple typo Trump made in the middle of the night, and was deleted shortly afterwards, sent reporters into a tailspin of faux confusion and concern. CNN New Day hosts Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota, along with analysts John Avlon and April Ryan, spent several minutes Thursday morning wondering what the obvious typo meant,…

CNN Blames Trump for Violence, Didn't Mind Guest Threatened GOP Rep

May 25th, 2017 5:32 PM
On Thursday morning, CNN’s New Day linked President Trump’s frequent criticism of the liberal media to Montana Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte’s violent incident with a reporter Wednesday evening. Appearing on the morning show, The Washington Post’s Karoun Demirjian whined: “You’ve got this kind of culture of, you know, reporters are the enemy going on and it depends. You see a lot of…

GMA Hails ‘Emotional Victory’ for Democrat Who Didn’t Win Election

April 19th, 2017 10:31 AM

Despite falling short of the 50% of votes needed to win, ABC's Good Morning America crowned Democratic hopeful Jon Ossoff as the victor of Tuesday night’s special election in Georgia. Correspondent Cecilia Vega and anchor George Stephanopoulos gushed over the “rookie” who came “just short” of “winning the whole thing.” GMA used the race’s closeness as a reason to bash Trump while political…


Networks: Rice Scandal Is Just Another Trump Distraction

April 5th, 2017 2:49 PM
All three networks gave full reports to the Susan Rice scandal Wednesday morning, but spent the majority of the time deflecting blame from Rice to attack President Trump. Just like yesterday, ABC and NBC offered the most biased coverage, going out of their way to attack Trump for his wiretapping claims instead of focusing on Rice’s history of lying about the unmasking allegations.

CNN Laments Being Unable to Hear a Good Speech ‘Like This’ from Trump

January 10th, 2017 11:38 PM
Almost minutes after President Barack Obama concluded his farewell address Tuesday night, CNN jumped into whining about not being able to hear such deep speech from President-elect Donald Trump. “Also as we think about the next president about to take office, I mean, their speaking styles could not possibly be any more different,” noted moderator, Anderson Cooper, as unseen members of his panel…

CNNers Deflect Reports Clinton Advisor Pushed Anti-Obama Birtherism

September 17th, 2016 9:34 PM

For much of Friday evening, CNN viewers could witness various on-air personalities of the news network put in the awkward position of trying to repeatedly argue that the Hillary Clinton campaign of 2008 had nothing to do with promoting anti-Obama birther conspiracy theories, even while news was breaking that accused close Clinton confidant and advisor Sidney Blumenthal of personally trying to…


CNN: Liberal Bias on Guns Is Focusing on One Type of Gun Violence

June 19th, 2016 11:17 PM
In a rather bizarre exchange on CNN’s Reliable Sources, moderator Brian Stelter admitted that there is a liberal bias when covering shootings, but it’s not about pushing gun control. “We heard this at the investigative reporter and editor's conference this weekend that’s going on,” Stelter chatted with NPR’s Michael Oreskes, “The panel of gun reporting experts agreed that sometimes there's too…

Bernstein: Modern Reporting Is 'Atrocious,' No 'Responsibility'

May 22nd, 2016 3:59 PM
Host Brian Stelter raised a very important question on Sunday’s Reliable Sources, “Is media to blame for political polarization?” The popular opinion on the panel was yes, the media does deserve blame for the “hyper-partisan” nature of modern politics. But Journalist Carl Bernstein went farther with a scathing condemnation of how reporting is conducted by the media today. “It's been an abdication…

Avlon: FNC, Right Appease 'Crocodile' Trump So He 'Eats You Last'

March 27th, 2016 11:50 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's Reliable Sources on CNN, Daily Beast editor-in-chief and CNN political commentator John Avlon painted Fox News and the conservative media as "appeasing the crocodile" of Donald Trump "hoping that it eats you last" as he also blamed Trump's rise on Republicans chasing moderate "RINOs" out of the party.

CNN's Costello Seeks 'Fun' by Getting Hill to Talk 'Angry White Men'

March 9th, 2016 11:56 AM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, race-obsessed CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill painted "white male" Donald Trump supporters as being bothered at "a rise in expanded opportunity for black people and for brown people," suggesting that Trump's slogan is really "We're going to make America white again." Host Costello set him up: "Let me ask you this, Marc,…