
Laura Ingraham Slams Networks for Spiking Latest on Russiagate Probe

October 3rd, 2021 1:12 PM

On Friday's The Ingraham Angle, picking up on recent reporting by NewsBusters, Fox News host Laura Ingraham lambasted the liberal media for downplaying the most recent developments in the investigation of wrongdoing by those involved in the anti-Donald Trump Russia collusion probe.

John Avlon's Reality Check on CNN's New Day

CNN's Avlon Attacks Manchin & Sinema: 'Failure Is Just Not An Option'

October 1st, 2021 3:05 PM

John Avlon has once again presented his own version of reality on Friday’s “Reality Check” segment on CNN’s New Day. As tensions have risen within the Democratic Party due to infighting over the massive $1.2 trillion infrastructure and $3.5 trillion entitlement bills, the leftist media have predictably demanded that outlying Democrats get in line to push through President Biden’s costly…


CNN 'Reality'? Avlon Finds 'Real Hope' That America's 70-30 Liberal

September 14th, 2021 10:25 AM

CNN's "reality checker" John Avlon appeared on Monday's New Day bearing good news and "real hope" about political divisions in America. If you cherry-pick your examples, you can make America look quite liberal and claim the only reason it does not appear that way is because the composition of the Senate is unfair and the redistricting process is "rigged."


CNN Horrified by Tight California Recall Race: 'Doom' for Democrats!

August 24th, 2021 11:53 AM

CNN’s John Avlon was sounding the alarm for nervous Democrats, on Tuesday’s New Day, over the possibility of California having a Republican governor very soon. Governor Gavin Newsom is in a tight race with frontrunner Larry Elder, so Avlon tried every excuse in the book to explain why this race was unfair to Democrats as he ginned up fear against conservatives.


Media Fail! Poll Shows US Not Buying ‘Infrastructure’ Bill Narrative

August 18th, 2021 12:06 PM

A new poll revealed that American voters are rejecting the false narrative that the spending-obsessed President Joe Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure package has much to do with infrastructure.


CNN Pundits Hail Biden As Most Transformative President Since Reagan

August 12th, 2021 4:54 PM

You don't have to wait for an infrastructure bill to arrive on Joe Biden's desk. John Avlon and CNN Newsroom substitute host Erica Hill began Wednesday's show by hailing and fawning over President Biden for having most transformative and impactful first year as president since Ronald Reagan.


On CNN, Obama Ethics Chief Doesn't Hold Back Blasting Hunter Art Deal

July 23rd, 2021 12:17 PM

Friday, the network had on Walter Shaub, former ethics chief under President Obama, to call out the White House for secretly working out a deal to sell First Son Hunter Biden’s artwork. Even the hosts didn’t bother to try to defend the questionable move, despite putting all their effort in before the election to discount the Hunter laptop scandal.


FIREWORKS! On CNN, Ham Shames Media 'Fangirling' For Fauci

July 21st, 2021 12:07 PM

Conservative writer and political commentator Mary Katharine Ham was outnumbered on today’s New Day, but she still managed to make the liberal journalists squirm as she shamed the media for “fangirling” over Anthony Fauci.


Avlon Slams Justice Breyer's Rationale For Not Resigning as 'Reckless'

July 17th, 2021 6:22 AM

CNN's resident "reality checker" John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom on Wednesday to say that whether or not liberal Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer retires is a choice for him to make, but that he is still being reckless for not considering politics in that decision.


CNN Cheers CA City Punishing Gun Owners: ‘Going to Cost You!'

July 5th, 2021 11:12 AM

CNN’s New Day team was thrilled Monday morning by a new law proposed by a Democrat mayor that would make gun owners in one California city literally pay for the actions of criminals. 


SHAMELESS CNN Exploits Building Collapse to Push Climate Agenda

July 1st, 2021 11:26 AM

There are no depths CNN won’t sink to in order push a left-wing political agenda on behalf of the Democratic Party. On Tuesday and Wednesday, that shameless partisan activism included exploiting the deadly building collapse in Surfside, Florida to argue – without a shred of evidence – that climate change somehow caused the horrific tragedy.

NewsBusters Podcast: Big 3 Networks Go Soft on NYC Vote-Count Debacle

June 30th, 2021 9:32 PM

Somehow, ABC, CBS, and NBC are collectively bored by the vote-counting failures in New York City, where they mistakenly included 135,000 test ballots in their vote counting. ABC, however, can get excited about the saccharine-sweet cover story on Jill Biden in Vogue magazine.


CNN's 'Reality Check' Guy Agrees Voting Bills Are Like Tulsa Massacre

June 3rd, 2021 8:07 AM

Self-proclaimed reality checker John Avlon joined CNN Newsroom hosts Jim Sciutto and Poppy Harlow on Tuesday to allege that democracy is in great peril because Republicans are terrible and the election laws they are trying to pass in places like Texas are similar to literal race massacres.


FAKE: CNN Edits Dick Cheney, Blames Him for GOP 'Purging' Colin Powell

May 14th, 2021 5:45 PM

CNN's New Day often features analyst John Avlon delivering a commentary they call "Reality Check." But reality took a beating on Thursday's edition, as he accused Republicans of "purging" moderates ever since Barry Goldwater ran for president in 1964.