
Scott Jennings Upset CNN Libs by Raising Bidenites Bailing Out Rioters

September 5th, 2020 10:12 AM

On Tuesday's New Day on CNN, conservative analyst Scott Jennings was infuriating the liberals on set by raising the issue of Kamala Harris and the Biden campaign staff bailing rioters out of jail. Liberal analyst Bakari Sellers jumped all over Jennings, pretending he had no point, and that Democrats were bailing out peaceful protesters in the style of John Lewis. 


Blatant Hypocrisy: CNN Accuses Republicans of Housing Extremists

July 20th, 2020 11:30 PM

On Monday’s New Day, CNN co-host Alisyn Camerota played senior political analyst John Avlon’s newest “reality check” clip. The clip was far from a “reality check,” as Avlon hypocritically accused the Republican Party of promoting extremism and conspiracy theories through discussing the QAnon conspiracy theory.


CNN Spreads Falsehoods in Outraged 'Reality Check' on Tucker Carlson

July 9th, 2020 6:35 AM

On Wednesday's New Day show, CNN analyst John Avlon delivered a "Reality Check" to allegedly fact check Fox News host Tucker Carlson. But the segment actually spread misinformation by replaying Illinois Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth's false claims about President Donald Trump's speech at Mt. Rushmore.


Keilar Accuses 'Deliberately Negligent' Trump of 'Killing Americans'

June 27th, 2020 6:25 PM

During the 1:00 PM ET hour on CNN Thursday, host Brianna Keilar trashed President Trump for his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. In addition to repeatedly accusing the President of “deliberate negligence,” Keilar went so far as to accuse him of “killing Americans.”


Avlon Cites Pence's Climate Skepticism Against Him on Coronavirus

February 28th, 2020 8:47 PM
On Friday's New Day show, CNN's John Avlon presented a "Reality Check" segment in which he listed a number of alleged reasons that Vice President Mike Pence's past suggests that he will not be suitable for coordinating the federal government's efforts against the coronavirus. Avlon not only hinted that Vice President Pence's history of praying is "superstition," but, amongst his list, he even…

STUDY: The Majority of CNN’s Coronavirus Coverage is Trump-Bashing

February 28th, 2020 12:31 PM
During national emergencies such as natural disasters or outbreaks of disease, the news media can serve as a valuable source of information for the public. Yet when it came to their coverage of the coronavirus on Thursday, CNN largely put their Trump-bashing agenda ahead of that important role.

CNN's Avlon Mocks Pence: 'Prayer Didn't Work'

February 28th, 2020 6:53 AM
CNN's John Avlon joined At This Hour host Kate Bolduan on Thursday to condemn the selection of Vice President Pence to lead the federal government's response to the coronavirus. But, what was an attack on Pence morphed into an attack that implied that any social conservative or religious person would be unqualified to lead a public health task force in a time of crisis.  

CNN Hysteria: Memes Drive ‘Voter Suppression,’ Are All Russian Ops

February 23rd, 2020 1:58 PM

Though the segment blew up on Twitter because The Atlantic’s David Frum described President Trump as so “physically capable” that he couldn’t “pick up a ball,” the arguably more ridiculous part of that Sunday’s so-called “Reliable Sources” segment was when fill-in host John Avlon led the panel in a mini-freak-out about memes. Together, they claimed memes were responsible for voter suppression…


They LOVE Mitt Now, But HATED His Guts In 2012

February 6th, 2020 12:56 PM

Mitt Romney’s vote to convict President Donald Trump on the impeachment charge of abuse of power won him a bunch of new fans amongst the liberal press. CNN’s Jim Acosta and John Avlon swooned over the Utah Senator’s “Profile in Courage” in standing up against Trump and his fellow Republicans. This is a far cry from the treatment Romney received when he was the GOP presidential nominee looking…


CNN's Avlon: Alexander Must Vote for Witnesses to 'Save Republic'

January 30th, 2020 10:32 AM
On New Day, angst-filled CNN political commentator John Avlon asks, "will the headline be: Lamar Alexander saves the republic, or saves the Republican party?" In other words, the republic will be lost if Alexander votes against witnesses. 

CNN's Avlon: Bolton Testimony 'Equivalent of Nixon Smoking Gun Tape'

January 29th, 2020 10:47 AM
On New Day, CNN "senior political analyst" John Avlon offers the preposterous proposition that John Bolton's prospective testimony at the impeachment trial would be "the equivalent of Nixon's smoking gun tape." 

CNN: Fox Audience ‘Inoculated’ From Democrat Impeachment Arguments

January 27th, 2020 10:16 AM

CNN is grasping at straws to explain away Americans waning interest in the impeachment trial. On Reliable Sources Sunday, host Brian Stelter and his CNN colleagues Oliver Darcy and John Avlon blamed it on the “Fox firewall” which apparently keeps the right ignorant of Democrat arguments. Besides dismissing conservatives as indoctrinated, the liberal panel also attacked the Trump administration…


Sharpton Repeats Flawed Claim Hate Crimes Spiked After Trump Rallies

January 8th, 2020 8:10 AM
Over the weekend, MSNBC host Al Sharpton repeated a study highlighted last March by the Washington Post that made the claim that during the 2016 presidential race, there was an increase in hate crimes in counties that held Donald Trump rallies, even though the findings were discredited as misleading last September by another study published by Reason magazine. MSNBC host Yasmin Vossoughian also…

CNN's Camerota All In on Pelosi's Impeachment Stall

December 27th, 2019 11:24 AM
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has a wide berth to delay her supposedly "urgent" impeachment articles for weeks or even months, knowing the press will back her. Exhibit A is CNN's Alisyn Camerota. The New Day co-host made an impassioned defense this morning of Pelosi's decision to stall the delivery to the Senate of the articles of impeachment. After Camerota made her initial pitch for Pelosi's…