Ed Schultz, Clueless as Usual, Angered by Allegedly Unprecedented Crit

August 11th, 2010 8:09 PM
Is Ed Schultz determined to make his mark as the dumbest man in media? Hardly a day passes without the lib radio host and MSNBC action hero providing more fodder for the premise.On his radio show Monday, Schultz rushed to the defense of first lady Michelle Obama for criticism of her winging off to an opulent Spanish resort hotel during -- as Schultz and other liberals oft remind us -- the worst…

CNN's Rick Sanchez: Nixon/Kennedy Debate Took Place in

July 19th, 2010 5:56 PM
Rick Sanchez stumbled again on-air on his CNN program on Monday, getting the year of the famous Kennedy-Nixon television debate wrong by a margin of two years. Sanchez, who was trying to describe South Carolina Democratic senatorial candidate Alvin Greene's first public speech as the "converse" of the debate, initially guessed 1962 as the year of the debate, but then broadened his answer to "…

The Hill's Brent Budowsky Compares GOP to South Africa's Apartheid Reg

July 7th, 2010 10:31 PM
Why did the chicken cross the road?Racism, according to the liberal. Isn't it obvious?Same reason that Republicans and conservatives oppose Obama, the liberal quickly adds.Here's the latest example of this threadbare line of criticism, from Brent Budowsky, a columnist for The Hill's Pundits Blog and former congressional staffer.Appearing on Ed Schultz's radio show Tuesday, Budowsky offered an…

ABC Celebrates the Adulterous Affair of JFK as a 'Torrid' 'Love Story

February 15th, 2010 11:28 AM
Good Morning America on Monday touted an adulterous affair John F. Kennedy had in the early 1950s as a "love story" and a "torrid and fleeting romance." Co-host George Stephanopoulos lauded the Kennedys as "American royalty" and the show offered no hint of criticism over the infidelity. [Audio available here.] "Love letters" revealing the relationship between an engaged and then just-married…

In Obit on Late Economist Samuelson, NYT Distorts His Kennedy Tax Cut

December 20th, 2009 9:11 AM
In its obituary on the passing of Nobel economics laureate Paul Samuelson, who died on December 13, Michael Weinstein at the New York Times lavished well-deserved praise on the winner of the 1970 Nobel Prize in Economics for building "one of the world’s great centers of graduate education in economics" at MIT, but erred seriously in recounting his most visible public policy role. Also worth…

Schultz, Huffington: Obama Should Use Kennedy Death to Promote Left-Wi

August 27th, 2009 8:26 AM
The announcement of Sen. Ted Kennedy's death came at 2 a.m. Eastern on Aug. 26 and a little over 15 hours later, two prominent liberal voices were scheming as to how the president and other Democratic leaders could use his passing to advance a political agenda. Huffington Post editor Arianna Huffington appeared on MSNBC host Ed Schultz's Aug. 26 program and was asked by Schultz if it somehow…

CNN's Jim Acosta: Obama Inaugural Speech 'Could Be One For the Ages

January 13th, 2009 4:09 PM
CNN correspondent Jim Acosta hyped the forthcoming inaugural address of President-elect Barack Obama during a report on Tuesday’s American Morning: “...Barack Obama’s inaugural address may be more than the speech of his lifetime. Historians and speechwriters say it could be one for the ages, if he can rise to the occasion.” He reenforced this sentiment with clips from a former Clinton-Gore…

Brokaw: Hasn't Been This Much Excitement for a New Prez Since JFK

November 13th, 2008 2:46 PM
The Obama-lovin' was in full bloom on Wednesday's "Late Night with Conan O'Brien" when interim "Meet the Press" host Tom Brokaw actually said, "I don't remember this level of excitement for a new president since 1960 when Jack Kennedy was elected President of the United States."Now, in fairness, as I was born in 1960, I don't know what kind of excitement existed for JFK after that November's…

On Anniversary of Berlin Wall's Fall, Expat Pub Ignores Causes, and Wh

November 10th, 2008 2:56 PM
Expatica is an overseas publication for US expatriates in Europe with six country-customized editions. It betrays many of the biases that permeate mainstream US journalism. What follows is a prime example of that. The publication's Germany version today has an article celebrating the 19th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall that makes it appear as if it, well, y'know, sorta just…

MSNBC Promo: 'Experience the Power of Change

November 4th, 2008 5:37 PM
It's taken them awhile, but good to see that MSNBC has now seamlessly integrated its own promotional advertising with that of the Obama campaign.An MSNBC promo that just aired, touting the network's election coverage, concludes: "Watch MSNBC, and experience the power of change."  And as you'll see from the screencap, who is at the center of MSNBC's coverage but Keith Olbermann.  Oh, and prior to…

Matthews Mad Obama Agreed So Much With McCain

September 26th, 2008 11:50 PM
How disappointed was Chris Matthews with Barack Obama's debate performance tonight? How angry was Matthews at Obama for agreeing so much with John McCain?  Enough that Matthews unleashed the ultimate Dem insult, saying Obama reminded him of . . . Richard Nixon.Matthews first vented his frustration at Obama adviser Linda Douglass.CHRIS MATTHEWS: Linda, my friend, why did your candidate agree so…

Scarborough: Nader Not All Wet On Obama

June 26th, 2008 7:24 AM
See Bonus Video at foot: Mika Victimized by Retching Rover!In polite liberal circles, Ralph Nader's suggestion that Barack Obama "wants to talk white" and avoid appearing like another Jesse Jackson is infra dig.  Take, for example, Joan Walsh's reaction on yesterday's Hardball.  Said the editor of Salon.com:I don't think that racism is too strong a word for what he said. Added NY Times columnist…

Matthews Emotes: 'Magic Moment, Right Out of Camelot

June 4th, 2008 8:38 PM
Chris Matthews looked at Barack and Michelle last night, and saw Jack and Jacqueline. Opening this evening's Hardball, the host was almost overcome by emotion in describing the scene of Obama's victory speech last night in St. Paul, Minnesota. Here was Chris, discussing the matter with NBC's Andrea Mitchell, Roger Simon of Politico, and Ed Gordon of BET.CHRIS MATTHEWS: Let's dwell for one…

NY Times: Obama’s Speech Raises Discussion to Higher Plane

March 18th, 2008 11:09 PM