Jon Huntsman Jr.

NYT's Shear Laments Jon Huntsman's 'Missed Opportunity' To Call for In
August 20th, 2011 9:57 AM
A brief item by Michael Shear in Friday’s New York Times, “Huntsman Makes Bid To Step Out From Crowd,” faulted moderate Republican candidate Jon Huntsman for not sufficiently “standing apart from the pack” of conservative presidential candidates by calling for higher taxes – or in Shear’s words, “revenue increases.”
Shear called it a “missed opportunity,” as if Huntsman should have argued the…

Time Anoints Obama Ambassador Jon Huntsman as the GOP 'Cool Kid' In We
May 18th, 2011 10:47 AM
Time magazine’s not being shy about who they like in 2012 GOP presidential field. A big spread in the May 23 edition is headlined "The Cool Kid: Jon Huntsman is a pro-civil union Mormon who spent nearly two years working for Obama." The main emphasis followed:
He is, after all, a pro-civil-union Mormon who has just finished nearly two years of service for Obama in the land many Americans…

Jon Huntsman Jr., the Latest McCain-Style Moderate Republican Pushed b
April 20th, 2011 3:46 PM
Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., a moderate Republican and conservative tweaker who is leaving his post as President Obama’s ambassador to China, is considering a Republican presidential run, according to New York Times reporter Jeff Zeleny, whose flattering profile of Huntsman graced Wednesday’s paper: “He’s Done Working for Obama. Now He May Challenge Him in ‘12."
Three months before…
NYT Again Says Conservatives Are Doomed, This Time in...Utah
March 16th, 2009 5:06 PM
Uncovering secret moderation among Western conservative yokels in the age of Obama is becoming a specialty of the New York Times's Western-based reporter Kirk Johnson. On Inauguration Day, Johnson wrote in condescending fashion about the "orderly phalanx marching behind Mr. McCain" in Oklahoma, which had the bad taste to give McCain his largest margin of victory in any state. This Saturday, he…