
Late Night Comedy Shows' Bottom 10 Moments of 2024

December 27th, 2024 1:00 PM

Being an election year, 2024 gave the late night comedians an extra incentive to pile on the liberal advocacy. However, there was more to 2024 than just the presidential election, so from the Supreme Court to foreign affairs to the election and everything in-between, here is a David Letterman-style top ten list of the worst moments from the past year from the late night comedy shows.


Stewart Hails Aspiring DNC Chair Stopping 'Diabolically' Minded GOP

December 10th, 2024 10:00 AM

Jon Stewart welcomed Wisconsin Democratic Party Chairman Ben Wikler to Monday’s The Daily Show on Comedy Central to promote his campaign for national party chairman. On one hand, Stewart was optimistic as he gushed over Wilker’s ability to stop Republicans from “diabolically making changes” in Wisconsin, but on the other, he was worried Democrats “have a harder row to hoe" because…


Stewart Asks Sally Yates If Bush-Era DOJ To Blame For Politicization

December 3rd, 2024 2:17 PM

Former Obama deputy-turned-acting attorney general during the first days of the first Trump Administration, Sally Yates is the poster child of Justice Department politicization. She famously made herself a martyr by forcing Trump to fire her after she ordered the department not to enforce his travel ban order. Still, when Yates traveled over to Comedy Central on Monday, The Daily Show…


'F*** The Norms' Vs. 'Crimes': Comedians Struggle With Hunter Pardon

December 3rd, 2024 10:15 AM

The men of late night comedy struggled on their Monday shows to reconcile their support for President Joe Biden and his decision to pardon his son, Hunter. Some hosts decided to make the story about Republicans, while others made more “Biden is old” quips, while others welcomed the news, but hoped Democrats would apply the logic behind it to ordinary people too.


Jon Stewart RIPS 'Performative' Crap of Joe & Mika for Mar-a-Lago Trip

November 25th, 2024 6:28 AM

Jon Stewart ripped Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski for traveling to Mar-a-Lago to meet the man they called a fascist. "They spent the year going, ‘this man will destroy all that you hold dear, he is a Hitler-Mussolini cocktail mix and we must all stand.’ Literally one week later they’re like, ‘so we go and we have lunch, a light lunch.'"


Stewart Suggests Democrats Lost Because They're Too Soft

November 19th, 2024 10:12 AM

As Democrats continue to ask themselves what went wrong, Comedy Central’s The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart came up with a new idea: they are simply too nice. Stewart made the puzzling claim on Monday, asserting that while Republicans “don't give a [bleep] about your norms,” Democrats are busy running “to the nearby Kinkos.”


'F*** All': Daily Show Struggles To Cope With Trump Winning

November 6th, 2024 8:15 AM

It was not official that Donald Trump would win the presidential election during The Daily Show’s live taping on Tuesday night on Comedy Central, but the writing was on the wall as the assembled cast struggled to deal with the news as the guy with the bleep button got a workout.


No Laughing Matter: 98% of ‘Comedy’ Show Campaign Jokes Target Trump

October 30th, 2024 9:20 AM

During the fall presidential campaign, a Media Research Center study found that hosts of the late-night "comedy" shows told a total of 1,463 jokes about Donald Trump and Kamala Harris -- but 1,428 of them were about Trump, and only 35 were about Harris. That's a whopping 40:1 ratio or almost 98 percent to 2 percent.


Interviewing Walz, Stewart Mocks The Idea Democrats May Be Radical

October 22nd, 2024 10:15 AM

Democratic VP nominee Tim Walz’s Monday tour of friendly interviews concluded on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, where he and host Jon Stewart gathered to plot strategy, gush over Kamala Harris’s vision for the country, assure the far-left that Dick and Liz Cheney won’t actually affect their governing philosophy, and allow one guy in the audience to shout, “We love you, Tim.”


PolitiFact Founder Claims Lying Has 'Become a Culture' For GOP

October 8th, 2024 1:17 PM

If journalism professor and PolitiFact founder Bill Adair meant to increase faith in the fact-checking industry with his appearance on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, he failed miserably. Adair told host Jon Stewart on Monday that the reason why Republicans get fact-checked more is because “lying... has just become a culture” in conservative circles.


Stewart, Coates Compare Israel To Slave Traders

October 1st, 2024 10:13 AM

With only one week to go until the first anniversary of Hamas’s attack on Israel, Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart thought it would be a good idea to welcome far-left author Ta-Nehisi Coates to Monday’s taping of The Daily Show to promote his new book and compare the besieged nation to slave owners and traders.


After 11 Months Of Rocket Fire, Stewart Asks 'What Did Lebanon Do?'

September 24th, 2024 12:55 PM

Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart is not a military or foreign policy genius, but he does play on TV. After 11 months of rocket fire from Hezbollah that has seen 60,000 Israelis become refugees in their own country, Israel has started to hit Hezbollah hard in recent days, leading Stewart to ask, “What did Lebanon do?” on Monday’s edition of The Daily Show.


The Not-So-'Outstanding' Emmy Comedy Show Winners

September 17th, 2024 12:10 PM

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver came away with Emmy Awards on Sunday for most outstanding talk series and scripted variety show, respectively, for the year spanning June 1, 2023, through May 31, 2024. However, Hollywood’s definition of what makes “outstanding” comedy appears to be different than most people's, as evidenced by the…


'Holy ****, She Crushed That': Comedians Hail Harris After Debate

September 11th, 2024 10:46 AM

Three of the five regular late night comedy programs were able to react to Tuesday’s debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris and all agreed that Harris was the big winner as they attacked Trump for spreading falsehoods while covering for the falsehoods told by Harris and the ABC moderators.