Jose Antonio Vargas

Juan Williams Proclaims Illegal Immigrant Jose Vargas ‘A Hero To The
July 20th, 2014 1:31 PM
Juan Williams, former National Public Radio reporter and current Fox News contributor, threw some cold water over the liberal media’s obsession with illegal immigration Jose Vargas.
Appearing as a panelist on Fox News’ Media Buzz on Sunday, July 20, Williams noted how the media treat Vargas as a celebrity and insisted that “he is no doubt a hero to the American media and especially to the…

Bill Maher Unable to Defend Obama on Liberal Immigration Reform
May 27th, 2014 2:43 PM
What happens when you get a Hollywood liberal who’s chiefly interested in boosting President Obama and attacking Republicans interviewing a single-issue liberal activist who thinks President Obama is not liberal enough?
Viewers of the May 23 edition of Real Time with Bill Maher got to see that as the HBO comedian interviewed illegal immigrant and former Washington Post staff writer Jose…