Kate Pickert

Time and AP Reviews of HealthCare.gov Act As If Security Isn't Even an
December 3rd, 2013 11:30 PM
How does one do a report on an important commerce-related web site without mentioning serious known security problems which are so bad that respected IT experts warn that it shouldn't be used? Ask Kate Pickert at Time's Swampland blog and Kelli Kennedy at the Associated Press, because that's exactly what they did.
Pickert and Kennedy reviewed the new and not much improved HealthCare.gov on…
Time Writer Spins There's a 'Bright Side' to 'Obamacare's Broken Promi
October 29th, 2013 7:50 AM
Time magazine's Kate Pickert was unfazed by the revelation that President Obama lied to the American people when he promised that folks would be able to keep their existing insurance plans.
Sure, "President Obama has broken his promise that Americans who like their health insurance plans can keep them under the Affordable Care Act," Pickert offered in her Monday evening post, "The Bright Side…
Time Mag Worries Website 'Glitches Could Doom ObamaCare
October 9th, 2013 12:12 PM
"They have one month," announced Time magazine's Kate Pickert. "If the officials running the new Affordable Care Act insurance exchanges cannot fix crippling computer glitches by then, the health law’s future could be imperiled, according to a former high-ranking health care official."
“By November—certainly the middle of November—the sites have to be able to handle major traffic for people…

Time's Pickert Worries About 'Second Brutal Court Blow' to ObamaCare
December 16th, 2010 5:28 PM
Time's Kate Pickert sees trouble on the horizon for ObamaCare with another federal judge hinting he may find the individual mandate provision of the legislation unconstitutional.
Pickert promises such a ruling by federal District Court Judge Roger Vinson "would be a second brutal court blow to the Obama Administration."
Nowhere in her brief December 16 blog post did Pickert entertain the…
Kudos: Time's Pickert Criticizes Airline-bashing Bill as 'Pandering At
April 13th, 2010 6:10 PM
Given the media's penchant for furthering populist anti-business rhetoric, especially when it comes to beleaguered industries like the airlines, I must confess it was a bit refreshing to see a mainstream journalist skeptical of a legislative push to stick it to the commercial aviation sector.In her April 13 Swampland blog post, "Bashing the Airlines -- Always a Safe Political Bet," Time's Kate…
Newsweek's Connolly: Daddy Obama Needs to Get Congresskids in Line
December 17th, 2009 6:19 PM
Reminiscing about how her father would end dinner table squabbles between her and her sister, Newsweek's Katie Connolly on Tuesday rejoiced that President Obama had said "Enough!" in order to get Senate Democrats in line:Today, it sounds like the president has finally reached that point with the Senate Democrats and their increasingly aggravating health-care squabbles. He's ready to issue a…