
Not Hard, Libs: Conservative Media Push Leavitt on DOGE, Gangs, Tesla

March 19th, 2025 7:45 PM

For only the second time since the week of January 26, White House Press Secretary Karoline Leavitt held a second briefing of a week. Along with our friend Katie Pavlich of Townhall having the chance to sit in the “new media seat,” she and other conservative reporters showed the liberal reporters it’s not that hard to ask real questions of your own “side” on issues ranging from crime to the…


Dishonest Mediaite Hacks Take Katie Pavlich's Comments Out of Context

August 15th, 2023 10:39 PM

The Democrat activists at Mediaite are at it again. This time they deliberately took Townhall editor Katie Pavlich’s comments during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s Special Report out of context. This kind of dishonest reporting is why nationally syndicated radio talk show host Mark Levin calls them “Mediocreite.” 


Networks Ignore Covington Lawsuit Settlement; CNN Barely Covers

January 13th, 2020 2:42 PM
Last Tuesday (January 7), it was announced that Covington Catholic High School student Nick Sandmann would settle his lawsuit with the Jeffrey Zucker-led CNN for an undisclosed amount after they tried to ruin his life last year. Luckily for CNN, they’ve all but ignored this on-air (save 29 seconds from Brian Stelter on Reliable Sources) and had help with blackouts from ABC, CBS, MSNBC, and NBC.…

Carlson, Pavlich Discuss the REAL Reason Behind ABC's Cover-Up

November 7th, 2019 7:24 PM
A refreshing dose of honesty coming from the mouth of a mainstream news anchor is an anomalous occurance to put it lightly. ABC’s Amy Robach provided just that when she was caught on camera discussing the network’s role in suppressing a story about Jeffrey Epstein Story. Townhall Editor Katie Pavlich appeared on Wednesday’s Tucker Carlson Tonight to discuss the case in more detail and the…

Fox’s Greg Gutfeld Slams Media Hypocrisy on Gun Violence

August 8th, 2019 8:30 AM
The press hit the lowest of lows (if that wasn’t already surpassed) when they asserted President Trump was responsible for the mass shootings in Dayton and El Paso. They capitalized on the anti-immigrant beliefs held by the El Paso shooter to do so, while evading the leftist ideology of the Dayton killer. On Fox News Tuesday, The Five exposed the stories the liberal media concealed over the…

Lib Pundits: Broward Cowards Disprove 'Good Guy With a Gun' Argument

February 25th, 2018 7:16 AM
In an epic self-awareness fail, several liberal commentators claim that Broward County police officers who remained outside as Nikolas Cruz massacred students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School were "good guys with a gun." This, they believe, shows that a good guy with a gun doesn't always stop a bad guy with a gun. It apparently hasn't occurred to them that these officers who…

ABC: Trump Ignoring Us at Presser Was 'Assault on First Amendment'

February 16th, 2017 10:23 AM
Thursday on Good Morning America, ABC journalists bitterly complained about Wednesday’s press conference with Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, where President Trump only called on Israeli outlets and conservative outlets. Despite getting hard-hitting and relevant questions, ABC’s Senior White House Correspondent Cecilia Vega whined that these weren’t “mainstream” outlets and that they…

‘The Fix Is in!’ CNN Loses Its Mind Not Getting Questions to Trump

February 15th, 2017 4:30 PM
Batten down the hatches, folks. On Wednesday after the press conference between President Trump and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, pure and utter panic set in on CNN as Inside Politics host John King and White House correspondent Jim Acosta bemoaned that “the fix is in” because “it would be nice, if the conservative outlets the President is calling on would ask him tough questions.”

Welker Passive Aggressively Attacks Brody, Pavlich for Trump Questions

February 15th, 2017 2:52 PM
Following President Trump’s Wednesday press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, NBC News White House correspondent Kristen Welker passive aggressively savaged Christian Broadcast Network’s David Brody and Townhall editor Katie Pavlich for questions to Trump that Welker deemed not to be “tough questions” concerning Mike Flynn.

Malevolent Left Rushes to Gleefully Mark Passing of Phyllis Schlafly

September 6th, 2016 12:06 AM
Late Monday night, the group Eagle Forum released a statement that its founder, the Christian and conservative icon Phyllis Schlafly, had passed away at the age 92 and immediately, The New York Times published a story to serve as cue cards for the major broadcast networks to blast Schlafly for stymying the Equal Rights Amendment and advocating for traditional family values for decades. At the…

Katie Pavlich Explains Why No One Trusts the Media Anymore

April 18th, 2016 10:09 PM
A new poll revealing that Americans overwhelming distrust the mainstream media was unveiled Monday, confirming the biased reporting over at the big three networks has become appallingly apparent to most people. Fox News contributor and Townhall editor Katie Pavlich was a guest along with Juan Williams on The O’Reilly Factor, where she explained how the media’s “agenda” on issues like Ferguson and…

Media, BLM Activists Try to Pin Hate Crime on Townhall's Katie Pavlich

September 23rd, 2015 1:40 PM
The media, school officials and Black Lives Matter activists took to Twitter last night to hype a supposed racist decoration found on the University of Delaware, after a conservative pundit had spoken at the campus. While Townhall editor and Fox News contributor Katie Pavlich was speaking at the Univ. of Delaware Monday night, students disrupted her speech with a “Black Lives Matter” protest.

Megyn Kelly, Katie Pavlich Spar with Richard Fowler over BLM Rhetoric

September 2nd, 2015 7:08 AM
One day after denouncing the media for their double standard in the portrayal of the tea party compared to the Black Lives Matter movement, Kelly File host Megyn Kelly returned Tuesday night and along with Townhall editor Katie Pavlich, the pair squared off against Fox News Channel contributor Richard Fowler in a heated debate with Fowler excusing members of the movement who have chanted violent…

'Sniper' Brings Out Left's Bile; Michael Moore Calls Snipers 'Cowards'

January 19th, 2015 1:19 AM
The popularity of "American Sniper," the story of Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, has "shocked" Hollywood. Estimates are that by the time the four-day Martin Luther King holiday weekend ends, the Clint Eastwood-directed film will gross over $100 million and smash records in several R-rated film categories. That such a movie has been so well received, causing long waiting lines in both red and blue America…