
‘Hardball’ Lumps GOP in with Neo-Nazis, Shocked Wilson Loved KKK

August 15th, 2017 5:19 PM
MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews was back and firing on all cylinders Monday night, overseeing a show devoid of reason as it linked conservatives, Republicans, and anyone in the “right-wing” to the KKK, neo-Nazis, and white supremacists associated with Saturday’s Charlottesville terrorism. Matthews also showed ineptitude in not knowing that progressive heartthrob and President Woodrow Wilson…

FNC's Pergram Wrongly Claims Scalise Accused of Meeting With KKK

June 16th, 2017 11:49 AM
On Wednesday's Fox and Friends, as Fox News producer Greg Pergram reported in by phone in the aftermath of the attack on congressional Republicans in Alexandria, Virginia, he incorrectly recalled that it was the KKK that Scalise was accused of meeting with, when in reality the debunked accusation was that he spoke to a white nationalist group that was founded by David Duke. Additionally, Pergram …

MSNBC's Johnson: Scalise 'May Have' Spoken to 'White Nationalists'

June 15th, 2017 4:17 PM
On Wednesday's All In, MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson still seemed to be clinging to the discredited story that Republican Rep. Steve Scalise spoke to a "white nationalist" group in Louisiana 15 years ago, as he suggested that the congressman has helped "exacerbate" tensions in politics. Near the end of the show, as host Chris Hayes suggested that liberals should ponder what their reaction would…

CNN's Kaye Repeats Debunked Claim Scalise Spoke to David Duke Group

June 15th, 2017 10:33 AM
In a pre-recorded report on Thursday's New Day, CNN correspondent Randi Kaye repeated a discredited claim that Republican Rep. Steve Scalise 15 years ago spoke to a group founded by white supremacist and former KKK leader David Duke. As if the assertion that he spoke to the group were not in dispute, Kaye recalled: "Questions were raised about a speech he gave to a group led by former Ku Klux…

CNN Ignores Guest Calling Bannon 'Anti-Semite'; Once Made Hitler Refs

April 12th, 2017 8:57 PM
As The Root's Jason Johnson appeared as a panel member on Wednesday's New Day on CNN, the race-obsessed political analyst was true to form as he took his latest opportunity to trash White House advisor Steve Bannon, this time calling him an "anti-Semite" and someone who "sympathizes with white terrorist organizations," as he received no pushback from CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota or Chris Cuomo over…

Rick Perlstein Shows Cluelessness About ‘KKK’ Conservatism in NYT Mag

April 12th, 2017 3:36 PM
Next Sunday’s New York Times Sunday Magazine will feature a long essay by left-wing historian Rick Perlstein: “I Thought I Understood the American Right. Trump Proved Me Wrong.” Approach with caution, warn two prominent conservative writers. National Review's Jonah Goldberg warns: “Perlstein’s essay offers a really good insight into how the Times has jettisoned so much credibility in the age of…

Nets Fail Cruz's Challenge, Censor Sessions Destroying Alabama KKK

January 10th, 2017 9:33 PM
After the Big Three networks spent days forwarding accusations that Senator Jeff Sessions was a bigot, the time for his first confirmation hearing had finally arrived. The hearing was interrupted some nine times by roughly 25 people. This caught the attention of Senator Ted Cruz who made it his mission to set the record straight on his colleague’s history of combating racism and dared the liberal…

CNN Panel Frets 'Racial Amnesia,' 'Jim Crow Mentality' of Trump Voters

January 4th, 2017 2:24 PM
On Tuesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon cued up author Michael Higginbothum to claim that there was "racial amnesia" and a "Jim Crow mentality" around white voters being willing to vote for Donald Trump in spite of him using "a lot of racial rhetoric" in the campaign. Higginbothum -- author of Ghosts of Jim Crow -- went on to liken modern times to the era after Reconstruction when former…

Obeidallah Lamely Jokes Trump Will Appoint David Duke to Supreme Court

November 27th, 2016 3:32 PM
Appearing as a panel member on Sunday's AM Joy on MSNBC, liberal comedian and Daily Beast columnist Dean Obeidallah injected lame comedy into the show's final segment as he cracked that, in the week ahead, Donald Trump might pick David Duke as a Supreme Court justice or someone who "hates the environment" for EPA administrator.

Nets Give 3X More Airtime to Neo-Nazis Than Past Four Marches for Life

November 22nd, 2016 12:09 PM
The media have been promoting neo-Nazis and white nationalists in hopes to (admirably) discredit them and falsely insinuate that they were far-right conservatives who propelled Donald Trump to the White House. This trend manifested itself with five minutes and 17 seconds Tuesday morning on CBS and NBC that attempted to label the neo-Nazi conference as one featuring “conservative extremist[s]” and…

Reiner: Trump Is ‘Jewish Police at the Warsaw Ghetto’ on Anti-Semitism

November 17th, 2016 9:14 PM
Ultra-liberal Hollywood actor, director, and writer Rob Reiner was at it again on MSNBC’s Hardball Thursday night blasting President-elect Donald Trump as anti-Semitic and when challenged by host Chris Matthews, he went further into the gutter by comparing Trump to “the Jewish police at the Warsaw Ghetto” that said “okay, you know, march through Germany” to the Nazis.

CNN Recalls 'White Supremacist' Attack on Bannon

November 15th, 2016 9:30 AM
As a panel on Sunday's CNN Newsroom with Poppy Harlow discussed the announcement that Donald Trump campaign chief Steve Bannon would be appointed as a high-ranking strategist in the White House, conservative CNN political commentator and former GOP Congressman Jack Kingston was outnumbered by liberals four to one as the group repeatedly pushed charges of "racism" against Bannon. Accusations of "…

MSNBC's Reid Smears GOP Voters as 'Voting KKK,' 'Neonazism' in WH

November 11th, 2016 3:07 PM
Liberal MSNBC host Joy Reid has been in meltdown mode since the news of Donald Trump's victory over Hillary Clinton, as evidenced by some of her over the top tweets from the past couple of days as she has tried to link Trump and even his supporters to neo-Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan. On Thursday, reacting to news that the Trump campaign's Steve Bannon would work in the White House, Reid snarked…

MSNBC Guest: Trump Made 'Explicit Overtures' to the KKK

October 8th, 2016 11:34 PM
Appearing as a guest on MSNBC Live Saturday afternoon to discuss the aftermath of the release of a recording of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump making lewd comments about women from 2005, Jason Johnson of The Root made his latest over the top claim that Trump has a history of making "explicit overtures" to the Ku Klux Klan, going on to claim that such actions by Trump accounted for "part…