Ben Shapiro Torches Media Silence on Elder Attack, Biden Over Covid

September 10th, 2021 2:02 PM

Appearing on Friday’s Fox & Friends, conservative podcast host and Daily Wire editor emeritus Ben Shapiro came loaded for bear and torched the Biden administration over its coronavirus vaccine mandates, the liberal media refusing to give real airtime to the egg attack on California gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder (R), and the “utter yellow belly cowards” at Google for placing…


Nets Yawn at Mob Attacking Larry Elder in California

September 9th, 2021 10:24 AM

The big three networks this morning didn’t seem to care that a black man running for office was assaulted by a white woman in a gorilla mask yesterday. Probably because that man was conservative radio host, Larry Elder, running for governor in the blue state of California.


Reid PANICS: ‘Nightmare’ Elder, GOP ‘Thugocracy’ Will Turn CA into TX!

September 3rd, 2021 8:37 AM

MSNBC host Joy Reid didn’t hide her disdain for black conservative radio host Larry Elder, on her show last night while talking about California’s upcoming recall election. The Chicken Little commentator panicked that if Elder was elected governor, the state would go to hell in a handbasket (as if it wasn’t already?) and turn into “nightmare” states California and Texas.

LA Times Targets Larry Elder, Whips Race Card at His Head

August 28th, 2021 4:00 PM

The popular radio host Larry Elder is running a serious campaign for Governor of California against Democrat Gavin Newsom. By all reports he stands a real chance of winning the recall race that was launched by widespread opposition to Newsom’s actions in office. The problem? Elder is….oh the horror….both black and a conservative.


Recalling the Last Recall and the Lib Media’s Last Minute Dirty Tricks

August 28th, 2021 12:15 PM

Right now, the leader of the pack to replace California Governor Gavin Newsom is conservative talk show host Larry Elder, so he’s currently the main target of the liberal media’s venom. On the eve of the 2003 recall vote, the media aimed their last-minute artillery at Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, then leading in the race to replace Governor Gray Davis.

LA Times Doubles Down: Larry Elder Opens Door to White Supremacy

August 27th, 2021 3:00 PM

Los Angeles liberals really can’t stand the idea of a black conservative becoming the next governor of California. In fact, LA Times columnist Erika D. Smith admitted Elder “infuriated” her, so last week she wrote a hate column smearing him the “black face of white supremacy.” But shockingly, not everyone shared Smith’s hateful sentiments. After receiving conservative backlash, the…

NPR Unloads: 'Very Controversial' Larry Elder Waved a Gun at a Woman?

August 26th, 2021 6:26 AM

NPR's public editor Kelly McBride confessed in 2020 that NPR was slow to address Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations against Joe Biden. But NPR wasn't slow at all to highlight an ex-fiancee's allegation that black conservative California gubernatorial candidate waved a gun at her while high on marijuana during a breakup in 2015. It dominated their segment on the California recall on…

NY Times: Larry Elder Is ‘All That Is Wrong' With California Recall

August 26th, 2021 5:07 AM

The New York Times is horrified that black conservative radio host Larry Elder could become the next governor of California, if sitting Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom loses his bid to avoid being recalled. Their online headline: “How Did Larry Elder Become a Front-Runner in California’s Governor Race? -- Mr. Elder, a conservative radio host who paints himself as the native son of a…


CNN Horrified by Tight California Recall Race: 'Doom' for Democrats!

August 24th, 2021 11:53 AM

CNN’s John Avlon was sounding the alarm for nervous Democrats, on Tuesday’s New Day, over the possibility of California having a Republican governor very soon. Governor Gavin Newsom is in a tight race with frontrunner Larry Elder, so Avlon tried every excuse in the book to explain why this race was unfair to Democrats as he ginned up fear against conservatives.


MSNBC Madness: Electing Elder Will Increase Hate Crimes in California

August 23rd, 2021 11:40 AM

The liberal media are panicking about California’s impending recall race for Governor Gavin Newsom. So panicked in fact, that they’re resorting to smearing a black Republican candidate as “the face of white supremacy” and claiming that his election would lead to an increase in hate crimes.On her MSNBC Sunday show, Alicia Menendez teamed up with Los Angeles Times columnist Jean…


LA Times MUD: 'Larry Elder is the Black Face of White Supremacy'

August 21st, 2021 7:30 PM

On Friday, the Los Angeles Times pulled out the mudslinging tactics as black conservative Larry Elder is leading the race for governor if Gavin Newsom is recalled in a few weeks. The title was "Larry Elder is the Black face of white supremacy. You’ve been warned." Elder responded forcefully Friday night on Hannity.


CNN's Kyung Lah Hits 'Inflammatory' Larry Elder in California Recall

August 20th, 2021 6:10 PM

On Thursday, CNN targeted conservative talk radio host Larry Elder in his run for California governor in a mostly negative report accusing him of "inflammatory rhetoric." But his allegedly "inflammatory rhetoric" mostly consisted of the Republican candidate having policy positions and opinions that CNN journalists and other liberals disagree with.

DESPERATE NY Times Tries to Smear Larry Elder, Save Floundering Newsom

August 18th, 2021 3:36 PM

New York Times reporters Shawn Hubler and Jill Cowan covered the upcoming gubernatorial recall vote in California, a race which polls suggest is a dead heat, and tried to help sitting Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom by smearing the idea of the recall and his leading conservative opponent, black conservative talk show host Larry Elder. Newsom is suffering a backlash fueled by his harmful…


CNN Trashes Larry Elder, Hypes Newsom 'Fighting Back' Against Recall

August 16th, 2021 2:39 PM

While the networks and the liberal cable networks have largely ignored California’s upcoming gubernatorial recall election, CNN is finally starting to sweat as the race heats up. On Monday, senior correspondent Kyung Lah tried to help out the embattled Democrat Governor Newsom with a puff piece that completely ignored his critics and glossed over his failures.