
PBS Wrecks July Fourth: An ‘Ideological Tool’ of Right-Wing Extremists

July 8th, 2023 4:39 PM

The tax-funded PBS NewsHour marked the Independence Day holiday in its own inimitable style by trying to tie the patriotic celebration to right-wing extremism and the January 6 Capitol Hill riots. Congressional reporter Lisa Desjardins sat down with two liberal professors to decry the dangers of the right wing on Tuesday evening. Host Amna Nawaz set the scene for PBS’s attempt to…

PBS Welcomed DeSantis: Beatings, Forced Feedings, and ‘Wave of Deaths’

May 31st, 2023 11:32 PM

PBS reporter Lisa Desjardins gave Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis a chilly welcome to the 2024 presidential race on Wednesday, before his Twitter-hosted interview with Twitter owner Elon Musk. Desjardins included positive details about the new candidate, standard practice when introducing new candidates into the presidential race (at least Democratic ones). But she also poisoned the paragraph…


Journos on PBS: House GOP Hasn't 'Landed a Punch' on Biden Scandals

April 23rd, 2023 8:15 AM

Friday’s PBS NewsHour pundits discussed Biden preparing to announce a re-election bid without mentioning this week’s big Hunter Biden scoops, and the same thing happened on the PBS journalist roundtable Washington Week. In the show’s last minute, they discussed House GOP investigations – but not Hunter’s name. Reporter Heather Caygle of Punchbowl News said “Have they landed a…

PBS Whines as DC Crime Bill Trounced: GOP ‘Pounced,’ Dems ‘Blindsided'

March 12th, 2023 4:06 PM

Congress used its constitutional authority to override a Washington, D.C. local crime bill that would have reduced penalties for murder, armed robbery, and sexual assault. Lisa Desjardins, the PBS NewsHour’s congressional reporter, who generally plays it fairly straight, definitely took a side in her Wednesday evening coverage of the controversial bill, which was overturned by a heavy…


PBS Anchor Fights with GOP Rep. Chip Roy on 'Un-American' Border Bill

February 7th, 2023 10:20 AM

On Thursday's PBS NewsHour, co-host Amna Nawaz uncorked a contentious interview with Republican Congressman Chip Roy of Texas, especially on unprecedented illegal immigration and fentanyl pouring across the border under Biden. 


PBS Offers Softballs to Democrat Leahy, Hardballs to Republican Davis

January 2nd, 2023 6:29 PM

In the final week of 2022, the PBS NewsHour put on display the kind of double standard that the liberal media typically show in its treatment of Republicans and Democrats as defeated Republican Congressman Rodney Davis and retiring Democrat Senator Patrick Leahy were interviewed within days of one another.


LAME: Journos Suck Up to Biden on COVID, Trump Being ‘Threat’ to Power

November 16th, 2020 4:55 PM

Just as they did on November 10 in his first post-election press conference, liberal journalists played the role of lap dogs for Joe Biden, giving him free reign to attack President Trump and nudge him to the left on the coronavirus pandemic and the economy. NBC’s Geoff Bennett went first and set the tone. With a smile affixed to his face and invoking the coronavirus vaccine rollout plans,…


PBS Turns to Totenberg to Lament Biden Failed to Ruin Clarence Thomas

August 19th, 2020 9:49 PM

In the hour leading up to Night Three of the Democrat convention, PBS aired a profile of Biden’s career by reporter Lisa Desjardins, starring liberal-bias legend Nina Totenberg of NPR. Biden was judged positively for beating Robert Bork’s nomination for the Supreme Court in 1987, and negatively for not helping Anita Hill enough to defeat Clarence Thomas in 1991.

PBS, NPR Bury Their Poll Results on BLM, Antifa, Statues (Correction)

August 20th, 2017 7:03 AM

Taxpayer-funded PBS and NPR are now in the polling business with Marist College, and like the other networks, their polls are often used to support putting heat on Republicans. On Wednesday, they announced they had found a majority of Americans were disappointed with the president’s responsive to the violence in Charlottesville. PBS then ignored their own finding that 62 percent favored…

PBS: Mostly MIA on Planned Parenthood in the Last Month

August 20th, 2015 1:38 PM
Our Media Research Center counts of Planned Parenthood coverage have not counted PBS, since we like to focus first on ABC, CBS, and NBC. But coverage on the PBS NewsHour matches the general trend of scandal coverage. Only the first video mattered much.  On July 17, the NewsHour beat the regular networks by airing a thorough 4-minute, 25-second review by political editor Lisa DesJardins, followed…

Newly Unemployed CNN Reporter Posts Funny Exit Video

August 30th, 2014 7:30 PM
As referenced here at Newsbusters by Jeffrey Lord, CNN president Jeff Zucker is saying that layoffs at that network which is rapidly dropping in the ratings could be ahead. Could be? Actually the layoffs are ironically happening right now during Labor Day weekend. One of those being laid off is CNN Capitol Hill reporter Lisa Desjardins. However, despite the downside of receiving a pink slip,…

9/12 DC Marchers Take on More than Government Fiscal Policy -- The Med

September 14th, 2009 1:24 AM
Maybe there's a reason why the media have either denigrated or completely ignored the Sept. 12 march in Washington, D.C. - they were highly critical of their job performance as well. Aside from protesters taking on CNN reporter Lisa Desjardins, as NewsBusters Matt Sheffield pointed out, there were also other pockets of backlash against media evident at the march, which were captured on video (…

Tea Party Protesters Chant 'Tell the Truth' to CNN Reporter

September 12th, 2009 4:07 PM
Taxpayer tea party activists got their chance earlier to today to speak against CNN during a live television discussion between CNN reporter Lisa Desjardins and anchor Fredricka Whitfield.With chants of "tell the truth," and "Glenn Beck," protesters made known their great displeasure with the former #1 cable network. The Beck taunt, of course, is a reference to the former CNN host turned FNC star…