Lisa Sylvester

CNN Slams Papa John's Over Concerns About ObamaCare Costs; Insists Cla
August 10th, 2012 3:36 PM
Apparently CNN considers the stating of cold, hard economic realities to be risky partisanship now. Take the case of Papa John’s CEO John Schnatter claiming that ObamaCare will increase costs for his company.
Papa John's is not the first company to claim Obamacare will raise its costs, but it is the first to be viciously attacked by CNN. [Video follows page break; MP3 audio here.]

CNN Cites Fictional Book 'The Da Vinci Code' In Report on the Catholic
June 26th, 2012 1:15 PM
Has CNN's integrity sunk so low that it is now using works of fiction as sources to round out its own reports?
While covering the story of Fox News reporter Greg Burke moving to the Vatican's own communications team, CNN mentioned his membership in Opus Dei and referenced the organization's (quite negative) portrayal in the fictional book and movie The Da Vinci Code. [Video below the break.…

CNN Grudgingly Concludes on Maddow-Castellanos Debate: Men Make 'About
May 1st, 2012 10:45 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and Republican strategist Alex Castellanos got into quite a heated debate about the gender wage gap on NBC's Meet the Press.
CNN's Situation Room decided to find out who was right about this controversial issue Monday, and despite going to great lengths to side with Maddow, correspondent Lisa Sylvester grudgingly admitted at the very end…

CNN 'Developing Story': 'Is Cain the Anti-Women Candidate
November 16th, 2011 5:53 PM
Seeking to breathe new life into the political damage of unproven sexual harassment charges against him, CNN's Lisa Sylvester presented viewers with a "developing story" in the 4 p.m. hour of The Situation Room entitled "Is Cain the Anti-Women Candidate?"
Sylvester glommed onto "recent controversial comments" Cain has made, such as referring to former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as "…
National Media Require No Evidence to Spread Adultery Story Against Pa
May 25th, 2010 7:43 AM
The press routinely flogged itself in the Bill Clinton years for being too quick to acknowledge when women suggested they'd had affairs or been harassed by Clinton. They would have been extremely slow to relay a cheating allegation with no details or proof. So why are national media outlets repeating an unproven adultery allegation....and against a woman? When the guy has a domestic violence…
CNN Exposes 'Lavish' Government Pensions despite Economic Crisis
February 26th, 2010 11:13 AM
All this week CNN has been taking a look at “Broken Government” and in some cases the cable channel deviated from the mainstream media norm by providing a critical view of government.That was the case on Feb. 23 when Wolf Blitzer and Lisa Sylvester scrutinized lavish pension-plan and retirement-packages for government officials during “The Situation Room.” “Many Americans will spend half a…
Dobbs Mocks Gore for Likening Global Warming Alarmism to Civil Rights
April 25th, 2009 9:51 AM
One of the latest tactics some global warming alarmists have employed is to compare their activism to struggles of the Civil Rights Era of the 1960s. Actor Edward Norton compared the "symbolic" Earth Hour of March 29 to infamous Selma's "Bloody Sunday" in an appearance on CNN's "Larry King Live," and again on NBC's "Today." But this time, one of the movement's leaders, former Vice President Al…