
Former Politico Reporters Reveal Hunter Biden Stories Nixed Internally

January 24th, 2025 1:11 AM

It is one thing to look at the awful suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story ahead of the 2020 presidential election and imagine what happened. It is entirely another to watch reporters confirm these suppressions and talk about them openly.


MSNBC: ‘Mafia Feel’ to DeSantis Revoking Disney Special Status

April 22nd, 2022 4:47 PM

On MSNBC’s MTP Daily Thursday afternoon, host Chuck Todd and Florida-based NBC political reporter Marc Caputo wailed that Governor Ron DeSantis preparing to sign legislation revoking Disney World’s special economic status in the state had a “mafia feel.” The pair ranted that Florida was “only a good place to do business if you’re a private corporation that shares the ideology of the…

Politico: Gov. DeSantis Looks More Right Than the Cuomo-Adoring Media

May 16th, 2020 8:49 PM
Florida-based Politico reporter Marc Caputo was attacked for writing "snarky nonsense" when he suggested the national media have been much rougher on Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis than New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo -- you know, the media darling whose press conferences are broadcast nationwide and who gets puffball interviews from his brother on CNN. 

MSNBC: GOP to Blame for Dems Blocking Zika Funding

August 9th, 2016 12:57 PM
Appearing during MSNBC’s 10 a.m. ET hour on Tuesday, correspondent Kristen Welker touted Hillary Clinton politicizing the Zika virus to bash Republicans: “Secretary Clinton’s going to be touring a health center in Miami that is treating a number of Zika patients, and her message there is going to be to Congress to pass legislation that would go toward funding focus on Republicans…

NYT Admits Writer's F-Bomb Post on Jeb was 'Completely Inappropriate'

October 15th, 2015 5:24 PM
The New York Times admitted on Thursday that a staff writer's F-word attack on former Governor Jeb Bush was out of step with their standards. Politco's Hadas Gold and Marc Caputo quoted an unnamed spokesperson for the liberal newspaper who labeled the now-deleted Twitter post from Philip B. Richardson "completely inappropriate," and stated that "the staffer is being dealt with."

Charge: Schultz Offered to Change Medical Pot Position to Allay Critic

February 19th, 2015 10:12 PM
Politico's Mark Caputo is reporting tonight that Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz "offered to change her position on medical marijuana if a major Florida donor recanted his withering criticism of her." Now that there's a serious charge that the congresswoman pays more attention to those who shout the loudest instead of sticking to whatever core principles she…

Miami Herald's Caputo on Voter 'Purge': There's 'Less Evidence of Supp

June 12th, 2012 12:50 PM
While the national liberal media, particularly MSNBC, have been eager to portray Florida's efforts to remove noncitizens from its voter rolls as a "purge" that is really motivated by partisan attempts at "voter suppression," the Miami Herald reporter who's been covering the story as it develops seems to see it quite differently than his colleagues. In his June 12 story, Marc Caputo notes (…

MSNBC's Wagner Continues Pushing Grossly Distorted Voter 'Purge' Meme

June 6th, 2012 4:07 PM
In a segment titled onscreen "What's the Matter with FL," MSNBC's Alex Wagner today continued her network's efforts to flog conservative Florida Gov. Rick Scott (R) for his voter "purge." This despite the fact that the "purge" -- which targeted a mere 0.02 percent of registered voters in the state-- has not disenfranchised a single eligible voter and has in fact brought to light noncitizens who…

MSNBC's Mitchell Unwittingly Contradicts Herself in Attempt to Bash Fl

June 5th, 2012 3:29 PM
Florida is a "state where a small number of ballots can swing a presidential race," MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell noted on her eponymous program this afternoon as she introduced Miami Herald's Marc Caputo to discuss Florida's attempt to "purge" its voter rolls of noncitizens. But while Caputo noted that some 13 noncitizens -- who are of course ineligible to vote -- have been found and eliminated…