Mark Murray

‘Meet the Press’ Panel Panics at Thought of Trump Meeting With Putin
July 8th, 2018 1:36 PM
President Trump will be meeting with U.S.’s NATO allies in just a few days and afterward, he is scheduled to fly to Helsinki, Finland for a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Of course, the upcoming meeting had the liberal media in a tizzy as many most likely felt the President was meeting with his handler. On NBC’s Meet the Press, the mostly liberal panel was in an utter panic about…

MSNBC Cheers Obamacare's 'Popularity Soars'
January 18th, 2017 2:49 PM
On MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports Tuesday afternoon, NBC News senior politics editor Mark Murray discussed the latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll that 45 percent of Americans support maintaining Obamacare, touting the health care law's favorability as "higher than it has ever been."

NBC Editor Warns GOP on ObamaCare Repeal: ‘You Break It, You Own It’
January 3rd, 2017 3:54 PM
Appearing on MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, NBC senior political editor Mark Murray lectured Republicans on any attempt to repeal ObamaCare, warning the GOP that if they “break” the health care system, then they “own it.”
CNN, MSNBC Rush to Excuse Cruz Cartoon; 'Dangerous' Girls Were in Ad
December 23rd, 2015 4:16 PM
After the Wednesday editions of CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today attempted to excuse the Washington Post cartoon depicting Ted Cruz’s daughters as moneys, various hosts and guests throughout the day on CNN and MSNBC followed suit by chiding the “weird” and “controversial” Cruz for sending out fundraising e-mails related to the smear and “not reacting kindly” to cartoonist Ann Telnaes’s latest…

NBC to Ben Carson: ‘Welcome to the Big Leagues’
November 9th, 2015 3:55 PM
In an effort to dismiss Ben Carson’s charges of media bias, on Monday, NBC’s First Read condescendingly proclaimed: “Welcome to the Big Leagues, Ben Carson.” The political analysis authored by Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd, senior political editor Mark Murray, and political editor Carrie Dann further declared: “If you can't deal with media scrutiny as a candidate, you won't be able to…
MSNBC Slams Fiorina’s ‘Serious Misstatements’ on Planned Parenthood
September 17th, 2015 3:04 PM
Eager to provide supposed “fact-checking” of the Republican presidential debate, on Thursday, MSNBC NewsNation host Tamron Hall declared: “But to Carly Fiorina's moment regarding Planned Parenthood. While that comment was applauded by conservatives, a lot of that Twitter traffic was also...people fact-checking her on that statement.”
MSNBC, WADR Bash Bush, Santorum for Opposing Pope on Climate Change
June 17th, 2015 8:37 PM
The media’s tendency to use the Pope to criticize Republican candidates and officials was on display Wednesday afternoon as MSNBC’s Live with Thomas Roberts and Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect took shots at the 2016 GOP presidential field and, specifically, Catholics Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum (in the case of the latter show) for opposing Pope Francis’s upcoming encyclical on global warming.

MSNBC Talks Up Socialist Bernie Sanders’ Presidential Announcement
May 26th, 2015 4:45 PM
Contrary to when Ted Cruz announced he was seeking the presidency, the extremist label has hardly been applied to self-avowed Democratic-Socialist Bernie Sanders (I-VT) as he prepared to launch his 2016 campaign with an event in Vermont. While the mainstream press frequently labeled Cruz radical, dangerous, and slimy, no such words were used to describe the Vermont Senator on the May 26 edition…

NBC News: Hillary Has Set a ‘Trap’ for GOP On Immigration
May 6th, 2015 12:54 PM
On Wednesday, NBC’s daily “First Read” online political publication touted how Hillary Clinton has set a “trap” for Republicans by supporting full citizenship for illegal immigrants here in the United States.
Video Sees Bad Day for Clinton Campaign; No Story On Air
April 23rd, 2015 12:35 PM
On Thursday morning,'s First Read proclaimed: "Appearance of Scandal: Why Today Isn't a Good Day For The Clinton Campaign." The article began with a rundown of "all of the negative stories as it relates to the Clinton Foundation and money," highlighting two separate reports of possible conflicts of interest and one report of tax problems for the charity. Yet Thursday's Today…
MSNBC Slams GOP Over 'Irresponsible' 'Politics of Fear' on Ebola
October 16th, 2014 11:05 AM
After citing numerous Republicans on the campaign trail criticizing the Obama administration's handling of the ebola crisis, on Thursday, MSNBC Daily Rundown host Craig Melvin condemned such criticism as "the politics of fear" and "irresponsible."
On MSNBC: Rick Perry Indictment Creates an 'Error for a Guy Who Had No
August 22nd, 2014 2:38 PM
Liberals from David Axelrod to Alan Dershowitz have decried the grand jury indictment of Rick Perry as a hatchet job, but to NBC senior political news editor Mark Murray it’s still a political “error” for the Republican Governor of Texas.
Appearing on Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s The Daily Rundown, Murray admitted that the indictment had “rallied a lot of conservatives” but in the end he…

NBC Political Editor Whines: ObamaCare Critics 'Have Sole Control of t
April 15th, 2014 4:11 PM
In the first of a series of tweets sent out Tuesday morning, NBC senior political editor Mark Murray complained: "Why ObamaCare's (un)popularity is probably going to continue: ACA opponents have sole control over the airwaves." In a follow-up tweet, Murray cited the Campaign Media Analysis Group: "Per CMAG's Elizabeth Wilner, number of anti-Obamacare commericials since March 31: 32 Number of…

Low Class MSNBC: Tasteless Ronan Farrow Compares War Hero's Struggles
January 31st, 2014 12:25 PM
What is wrong with the hosts at MSNBC? Ronan Farrow, who will begin anchoring a network program on February 24, made a tasteless joke on Tuesday night, comparing war hero Cory Remsburg's struggles to that of politicians in Congress. Farrow tweeted, "Cory 'struggles on the left side.' Congress relates.'"
During the State of the Union, Barack Obama movingly recounted the difficulties of the 30-…