Mary Snow
CNN Hits Santorum for His Religious Beliefs
February 17th, 2012 12:10 AM
Republican Presidential candidate Rick Santorum merely stated his affirmation of the Catholic Church's condemnation of contraception, but CNN's Mary Snow ran a critical segment on Thursday asking if such statements would hurt him with voters.
In the video clips which aired in the report, Santorum strongly stated that he would not mix his opposition to contraception with his policies as…

CNN Hypes Planned Parenthood's Claims of 'Bullying by the Right
February 2nd, 2012 12:10 PM
Normally, when a leading charity cuts ties to a large non-profit organization, the news will not spark a media controversy. But when the Susan G. Komen Foundation severed financial ties to Planned Parenthood due to Congressional investigations into the organization, CNN hyped Planned Parenthood's cries of foul play and "bullying from the right."
Correspondent Mary Snow aired a pretty one-…
CNN Shows Muslim Brotherhood Member Defending Violence Against Israel
February 14th, 2011 1:34 AM
Over the past couple of weeks, as prominent Muslim Brotherhood members tried to sell themselves as harmless in interviews shown on the evening newscasts on ABC, NBC, and CNN, Eliot Spitzer of CNN’s Parker-Spitzer managed to coax spokesman Mohammed Morsy into defending violence against Israel by Palestinians, contradicting the Brotherhood spokesman’s claims in the same interview of being…

Kurtz: Rove's Fundraising For GOP 'a Lot Worse' Than Olbermann Donatio
November 7th, 2010 6:54 PM
On Friday's Situation Room, The Daily Beast's Howard Kurtz stated that the fundraising activities of Fox News contributors Dick Morris and Karl Rove somehow rose to a worse level than Keith Olbermann's maximum individual donations to three Democrats, which violated MSNBC's policy. Kurtz also suggested that both networks "tighten up on this stuff or just tear up the rule book."
Media Omits 'Outspoken' Priest's Liberal Dissension From Catholic Chur
April 13th, 2010 11:49 PM
On Monday evening and Tuesday, ABC, CBS, and CNN all highlighted a Catholic priest's call for Pope Benedict XVI's resignation due to his alleged mishandling of the Church sex abuse scandal, labeling him "outspoken," and even going so far to compliment him as "brave" and "gutsy." All three networks, however, ignored the priest's affiliation with a liberal group and his dissension from Church…
CNN Runs Report on ClimateGate, But Only Includes Guests Who Dispute C
December 7th, 2009 1:57 AM
On Sunday, during the 6:00 p.m. hour and again during the 7:00 p.m. hour, CNN NewsRoom, hosted by Don Lemon, ran a report by correspondent Mary Snow on ClimateGate -- which was somewhat more balanced than the piece aired on November 25 -- though this report similarly did not quote any of the emails that suggest manipulation of data on global warming by scientists at the UK's University of East…
CNN's Mary Snow on ClimateGate: Only One Clip From Warming Skeptic
December 4th, 2009 7:13 PM
On Friday’s Situation Room, CNN correspondent Mary Snow highlighted the latest developments on ClimateGate, but only played one sound bite from a skeptic of manmade climate change, as opposed to the four clips from proponents of the theory. Snow also omitted the left-wing affiliation of, a website she mentioned during her report.The correspondent led her report with a clip from…
Mainstream Media Ignore Obama’s Radical Abortion Record
October 10th, 2008 3:25 PM
The liberal news media has subjected Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin to intense scrutiny concerning her overall pro-life view on abortion, among other issues. On the other hand, they have been all but silent on Barack Obama’s intensely liberal record on abortion issue, particularly his support of partial-birth abortion and his opposition to legislation that would have protected…
CNN Uses Liberal Expert to Tout Biden's Foreign Policy Experience
August 28th, 2008 4:09 PM
Thursday's "American Morning" featured a segment focused on Senator and Democratic Vice-Presidential candidate Joe Biden's foreign policy experience. During the report, CNN correspondent Mary Snow used Michael O'Hanlon of the liberal Brookings Institution to make the claim that Biden's foreign policy experience is "praised" by the experts. While O'Hanlon has helped write foreign-policy speeches…
CNN Again Omits Part of the Story Concerning Obama’s Abortion Votes
August 19th, 2008 12:43 PM
CNN correspondent Mary Snow’s report on Monday’s The Situation Room about Barack Obama’s charge that pro-life "folks are lying" about his abortion record actually just presented both sides of the controversy without getting to the reality of the matter. The report, which was promoted as "checking the facts" by host Wolf Blitzer, also omitted how Obama’s campaign conceded on Sunday that the pro-…
Kilpatrick Leads Democratic Group, Yet All But CBS & FNC Refuse to ID
August 7th, 2008 10:01 PM
Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick is hardly reticent about touting himself as a Democrat. After all, he's the Vice President of the National Conference of Democratic Mayors and in January was re-elected its representative to the Democratic National Committee. But in ABC and NBC news stories Thursday night about how a Michigan judge ordered him to jail immediately for violating his bond, neither…
CNN Hypes Christian Symbolism in Another Huckabee Ad
January 2nd, 2008 3:14 PM
Secularized networks keep making mountains out of Christian-symbol molehills on the campaign trail. At on Monday, reporter Rebecca Sinderbrand highlighted how a new Mike Huckabee ad has a Christian ichthys or fish symbol in it, on a banner for the Iowa Christian Alliance: "For the second time in two weeks, presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee has aired a commercial in which a Christian…
CNN Forwards Liberal Explanation on Increase in Teen Birth Rates
December 7th, 2007 12:01 PM
CNN, in a report on the Centers for Disease Control’s finding that the teen birth rate increased in 2006, focused attention on what liberals surmise is a partial cause of the increase - President Bush’s advocacy of abstinence-only sex education. CNN correspondent Mary Snow, in her introduction to her report, noted that, "no one is saying for certain whether the rise in teen pregnancy is in fact a…