Michael Chandler

WashPost Touts Lefty Tears, Free Acupuncture to Cope with Trump Win
November 21st, 2016 6:39 PM
The liberal meltdown over the 2016 presidential election resurfaced on the front page of the local news section from Sunday’s Washington Post as journalists Michael Alison Chandler and Tara Bahrampour profiled snowflakes upset at Hillary Clinton’s loss who called in sick from work, wore black the day after the election, and even offered free acupuncture and tea for teary-eyed spa patrons.

Alec Baldwin Producing Documentary on Barney Frank, 'a Personal Hero o
March 28th, 2014 7:11 PM
Little more than a month after Alec Baldwin declared “goodbye to public life,” the liberal actor is back in the news after signing on as an executive producer of a documentary entitled Compared to What: The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank, which will debut on April 27 at the Tribeca Film Festival in lower Manhattan.
Barney Frank -- an openly gay, recently retired Congressman from…