Michael R. Blood

AP: Min. Wage Job Losses 'Uncertain'; 2 States Show It's a Sure Thing
April 10th, 2016 11:55 PM
On Tuesday, shortly after Governor Jerry Brown signed California's $15-an-hour minimum wage legislation, the Associated Press's Michael R. Blood and Don Thompson called the move "a victory for those struggling on the margins of the economy and the politically powerful unions that pushed it."
As seen in a NewsBusters post on March 31, it's definitely a win for union members whose wages are set…
AP Report on Toyota's HQ Move From Calif. to Texas Downplays Taxes, Re
April 28th, 2014 11:51 PM
The Associated Press's lengthy Monday evening treatment of Toyota's decision to move its U.S. headquarters and consolidate many of its North American operations in Metro Dallas is reasonably good in spots. But Gillian Flaccus and Michael R. Blood were unduly selective in reporting Torrance, California Mayor Frank Scotto's reaction to the news that his town would be losing several thousand jobs…

AP's Partying Peoples and Blathering Blood Celebrate Tea Party Negativ
September 7th, 2011 2:42 PM
On September 4, Associated Press reporters Steve Peoples and Michael R. Blood celebrated the negatives towards the Tea Party found in a typically sample-skewed AP-GfK poll taken in mid-August. "Somehow," they failed to report on the president's growing negatives found in a separate AP-GfK poll report with the same respondents.
Based on what I saw in AP-GfK's May effort, which had a sample of…

In CA-36 Race, AP Ignores Democrat Hahn's Gang-Intervention Scandal, T
July 11th, 2011 4:11 AM
The Associated Press finally acknowledged the existence of Tuesday's competitive CA-36 special congressional election on Sunday afternoon. The winner will replace Democrat Jane Harman, who left Congress in February to head up the Woodrow Wilson Center.
But as anyone who has followed the wire service's biases would expect, Political Writer Michael R. Blood's nearly 1000-word write-up ("GOP…
Establishment Press Ignores Counterpunch Accusations That Sherrods Mis
August 8th, 2010 7:53 PM
What follows was eminently predictable, but noting it is nonetheless necessary. Shirley Sherrod, and to a lesser extent her husband Charles, were media celebrities for a while in late July. Readers might have noticed their near absence from establishment media news reports during the past seven days. It would be easy to think that this has occurred because the story played itself out, with…