Michele Richinick

MSNBC.com: Inouye Was 'Advocate for Women,' 'Favorite' of Gillibrand's
September 22nd, 2014 4:10 PM
It turns out the politician who called colleague Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) "chubby" and admonished her not to lose too much weight is none other than the late Sen. Daniel Inouye. So naturally when covering the story, MSNBC.com's Michele Richinick made sure to soften the blow against the late Hawaiian Democrat by tagging him as a longtime "advocate of women."
MSNBC.com Touts 20-Person Rally Against National Guard Deployment
July 31st, 2014 10:45 AM
On July 30, Michele Richinick, a writer for msnbc.com, hyped a Texas protest against Rick Perry’s decision to deploy the National Guard to send a message to the waves of illegal immigrant children flooding over the border. With the title “Texans rally against Rick Perry’s deployment request” and the lede that “Texas Gov. Rick Perry is facing wrath from residents in his home state,” the MSNBC…
MSNBC.com Exploits Florida Shooting Verdict to Promote Repeal of 'Stan
February 17th, 2014 5:40 PM
"Dunn verdict renews call for gun reform" blares the teaser headline for the number one item in the lightbox at MSNBC.com.
The corresponding story by Michele Richinick was front-loaded with calls from liberal activists to exploit the outcome of a murder trial to promote an effort to repeal Florida's Stand Your Ground law, which was not even invoked as a defense in the recently-concluded trial of…

MSNBC.com Hails How 'Moral Outrage' About Pot is Down, Hits Coke-snort
January 7th, 2014 12:28 PM
The MSNBC gang's selective outrage about drug use and the liberalization of drug laws is abundantly clear in two stories on the network's website today.
"Americans change their minds on pot," blares the headline for item #4 in the top-stories lightbox. "Moral outrage is down and support for legalized marijuana is up," noted the caption teasing Jane C. Timm's story. The very next item in the…

Understatement of the Year; MSNBC.com Headline: 'Obamacare Sign Ups Fa
November 12th, 2013 5:09 PM
Thus far, at best, ObamaCare has achieved just 10 percent of the Obama administration's 500,000 new-users goal for the first month of the rollout of the health care overhaul. Significantly more people have signed up for taxpayer-funded Medicaid, but that doesn't do a lick of good for the private health insurance pools offered on the federal exchanges.
Not even MSNBC.com can ignore such a…

MSNBC.com Bulks Up Its Staff with New Lefty Hires
May 7th, 2013 5:52 PM
How apropos that in the week before Mother's Day, the Lean Forward network is announcing hires for its website who have ties to Mother Jones, the far-left magazine that blessed the journalistic world with David Corn, himself a fixture at MSNBC as a frequent contributor.
"MSNBC.com is staffing up ahead of a major relaunch later this year," TVNewser's Alex Weprin reported last night. "The…