CBS Continues to Defend Obama Vacation Time With Bush Comparison

July 19th, 2010 12:02 PM
Following a report on Saturday's CBS Evening News, in which White House correspondent Chip Reid defended President Obama's Maine vacation with a comparison to President Bush's vacation time, Monday's Early Show took the same approach as correspondent Michelle Miller reported:But it's not just where and when presidents travel, it's how often. Ronald Reagan took 349 vacation days at his California…

Saving Us from Ourselves: 'Evening News' Justifies Federal Tanning Tax

July 1st, 2010 4:31 PM
So you want to crawl under a high-powered lamp and bake your skin so that it has a brownish-orangish glow to it, even though there are potential health consequences. Well, the federal government is here to save you and, according to "CBS Evening News," that's not a bad thing.The new federal 10 percent tax on indoor tanning has provoked odd alliances - such as when Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.,…

CBS Touts Soda Tax As 'Good for Waistline and Bottom Line

March 9th, 2010 5:57 PM
Concluding a report on proposed soda taxes across the country on Monday's CBS Evening News, correspondent Michelle Miller gleefully proclaimed how such a tax would help fight obesity and fill local government coffers: "New York's mayor estimates a tax would raise a billion dollars, suggesting what's good for the waistline could be good for the bottom line."Miller began the segment by touting: "…

CBS Warns of Bad Oprah Advice, No Mention of Obama Endorsement

June 3rd, 2009 3:29 PM
At the top of Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cast doubt on talk show host and major Obama supporter, Oprah Winfrey: "And call it the ‘Oprah Effect.’ She speaks, people listen. But is her show actually leading her audience astray?" Oddly, no mention was made of Winfrey’s very public endorsement Barack Obama in the 2008 campaign.Later, co-host Julie Chen also teased the upcoming…

'Evening News' Supports Obama 'Reform,' Complains about Credit Card Fe

May 11th, 2009 10:31 AM
On the heels of President Barack Obama's weekend radio address, where he lobbied for so-called credit card reform, "CBS Evening News" chimed in calling the legislation "help" for small business borrowers. "Evening News" anchor Russ Mitchell referred to Obama's address about the need for new credit card regulation on May 10 and backed up Obama's claim with data from the Center for Responsible…

'Evening News' Blames 'Economic Depression' for Gloucester Pregnancy P

June 20th, 2008 10:54 AM
This could be perhaps the most bizarre application of James Carville's worn out expression, "It's the economy stupid." "CBS Evening News" linked the economy to the famed pregnancy pact that has received national attention. The June 19 broadcast of "Evening News" faulted the ailing economy for 17 Massachusetts high school students agreeing to get pregnant intentionally around the same time so…

Universal Health Care Backer's 'Moment of Truth' Championed by CBS Eve

August 8th, 2007 9:15 PM
Tremendously exaggerating the number of Americans who lack access to health insurance, CBS on Wednesday night trumpeted the cause of an AFL-CIO member who denounced the United States for not providing health insurance coverage for his wife and endorsed the John Edwards plan for universal health care. Anchor Katie Couric previewed the upcoming story: “Presidential candidates hear a dramatic plea…