Mike DeBonis

WashPost Spills Major Ink Bashing Trump as Racist, Defending the Squad
July 19th, 2019 5:07 PM
While NewsBusters has spent a copious amount of words this week on the liberal bias on television this week against the President for his criticism of the squad, a review of The Washington Post showed that it spilled more than its share of ink to defend the so-called “Squad” over the course of 16 print stories from Monday to Friday, ranging from supposedly straight news items to some that…

WashPost Hypes D.C. Gay Democrats' Woe: Back Straight Party Nominee or
April 16th, 2014 12:45 PM
There's a gut-wrenching dilemma facing gay Democrats in the District of Columbia and the Washington Post was determined that we read about it, placing staff writer Mike DeBonis's story, "Catania perplexes gay D.C. Democrats"* on the front page of the April 16 paper.
You see, David Catania, an openly gay white man who is a registered independent, is facing off against Muriel Bowser -- a…

D.C. Mayor Pressured Ex-Gay Gospel Singer Out of MLK Concert, WashPost
August 13th, 2013 12:04 PM
The Washington Post reporter today that Mayor Vince Gray (D-Washington, D.C.) confirmed it was he who pressured gospel singer Donnie McClurkin to back out of Saturday's city-sponsored concert honoring the late Martin Luther King, Jr. McClurkin was the target of local gay activists because of comments he made in 2002 in which he testified about how he used to practice homosexuality but repented…
WashPost: NBC's Gregory Only 'Appeared' to Display High-Capacity Magaz
January 10th, 2013 11:33 AM
While many in the media have defended David Gregory's violation of the District of Columbia's strict gun laws when he held up a 30-round magazine during a December 23 Meet the Press interview, the Washington Post's Mike DeBonis is taking things a step further, insisting we don't know for certain whether Gregory held up an actual magazine or just something that "appeared" to look like one.…

HA! D.C. Liberals Fail To Put Corporate Donations Ban on Ballot
August 9th, 2012 3:06 PM
The next time a liberal friend of yours tells you the American people believe corporate money in politics is a winning issue for Democrats, you can simply point out that in deep-blue liberal bastion of the District of Columbia that organizers of a petition drive to ban corporate donations fell short of the threshold for getting the issue on November's ballot.
That's right, as Mike DeBonis of…