Mike Viqueira

Al Jazeera America Cable News Channel Set to Launch on August
July 4th, 2013 12:45 AM
The transition from Al Gore's low-rated Current TV cable channel to Al Jazeera America will conclude on Tuesday, August 20, when the newest addition to the Qatar-based international news network will be sent into about 40 million homes in the U.S.
Ever since the purchase was made public in early January, Ehab Al Shihabi -- the channel's executive in charge -- has been attempting to hire high…

NBC's Mike Viqueira Joins Al-Jazeera America as White House Reporter
June 7th, 2013 8:19 AM
Politico’s Dylan Byers reports NBC News Capitol Hill reporter Mike Viqueira is leaving the Peacock Network after 15 years to join Al-Jazeera America (the oil money must have been very good). He joins CNN anchor Ali Velshi as veteran network names at the new venture.
Viqueira will return to the White House beat for the Qatar-owned network. The NBC vet dismissed the thought that AJA would…

NBC's Todd Whines Over Lack of 'Rational Policy Debate' About Gun Cont
July 25th, 2012 5:11 PM
While discussing gun control on Wednesday's The Daily Rundown on MSNBC, correspondent Mike Viqueira lamented: "...the anti-gun control, pro-gun rights crowd has won the argument at this point....they've succeeded in framing the issue as one of essential American national values." In response, host and chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd ranted: "...nobody has sort of a rational policy…

ABC and NBC Play Up Liberal Endorsement as Boost for Mitt Romney
December 19th, 2011 8:25 AM
On Sunday, both morning and evening newscasts on ABC and NBC touted the Des Moines Register's endorsement of Mitt Romney as a boost for his campaign for President, in spite of the paper's left-wing tilt in a state where the Republican Party is predominantly conservative. While they did at least note the paper's liberal slant, both networks still played up the liberal endorsement.

FNC Notes Democrats 'Least Tolerant' of Mormons While Nets Focus on GO
October 11th, 2011 5:32 AM
While morning and evening newscasts from all three broadcast networks in the last few days have focused on anti-Mormon sentiment within the Republican Party that may hinder Mitt Romney's bid for the presidency, FNC's Special Report with Bret Baier on Monday noted that self-identified Republican voters are substantially more willing to accept a Mormon President compared to Democrats.

ABC, NBC Highlight Obama's Attack on GOP Over Boos in Audience
October 4th, 2011 8:39 AM
The ABC and NBC morning and evening newscasts on Sunday gave attention to President Obama's attack on the Republican presidential candidates for not scolding a couple of audience members who booed a gay solder asking a question at a recent debate. Monday's "Special Report with Bret Baier" on FNC noted that Obama has his own history of standing by without condemning inappropriate comments at…

MSNBC Praises Obama's 'Soaring' Speech, Calling On 'Wealthiest America
April 14th, 2011 3:37 PM
On his 3PM ET hour show on MSNBC on Wednesday, host Martin Bashir enthusiastically reacted to President Obama's budget speech: "'We will invest in the future of America,' that's what President Obama just said in a much-anticipated speech on the budget....He offered a series of broad proposals and said it's time for the wealthiest Americans to pay their way and share in taxes."
Moments later…

Nets Tout Dem Congresswoman’s Defense of Partial Birth Abortion, Ski
February 24th, 2011 9:13 AM
Catching up on an item from last weekend, Friday’s World News on ABC, Saturday’s Good Morning America on ABC, Saturday’s CBS Evening News, and Saturday’s NBC Nightly News all highlighted California Democratic Congresswoman Jackie Speier’s defense of partial birth abortion as a procedure she had herself gone through as she berated New Jersey Republican Congressman Chris Smith for describing…
CBS, NBC Skip Conservative Outrage Over Obama Nuke Policy, Today's Mik
April 7th, 2010 12:01 PM
Of the three network morning shows, only Good Morning America has highlighted conservative outrage over Barack Obama's decision to limit the situations in which the America can use nuclear weapons. CBS's Early Show has mostly ignored the development. On Wednesday's Today, reporter Mike Viqueira enthused, "...It was Prague about a year ago when the President made a speech outlining his vision for…
NBC’s Holt Suggests ‘A Lot More Needs to Be Done’ to Curb Global
December 20th, 2009 9:17 PM
On Saturday, NBC News host Lester Holt seemed to lament the fact that the climate change conference in Copenhagen did not result in greater regulation of carbon emissions as, on the NBC Nightly News, Holt passed on that "many" called the agreement that was reached "weak and disappointing," and he seemed to accept the premise that more regulations would affect the climate as he relayed that…
Nets Catch Up with Van Jones, Sure 'Sour Note' in 'Summer Squall' Won
September 6th, 2009 4:31 PM
It took Van Jones' resignation, around midnight Saturday night on a holiday weekend, for ABC and NBC to mention him for the first time in Sunday morning news shows which broached, but failed to quote, the insidious “911truth” petition he signed, while ABC's George Stephanopoulos, seemingly trying to rationalize ABC's spiking of the subject, came aboard Good Morning America to dismiss the matter…
Nets Plug Kennedy's 'Dramatic' and 'Emotional Pitch for Health Care Re
July 19th, 2009 8:50 PM
Newsweek engaged itself deeper in the battle for nationalized health care by turning over its cover story -- “We're Almost There” -- to Senator Ted Kennedy for his lengthy personal recitation of “the cause of my life.” ABC and NBC on Sunday night dutifully championed his cause as World News anchor Dan Harris highlighted how “Kennedy is using his own battle against brain cancer to make an…
NBC's Viqueira Likens 'Erratic' Palin to Ross Perot
July 4th, 2009 11:23 PM
A night after NBC White House reporter Chuck Todd predicted Sarah Palin will now make fundraising appearances for GOP candidates where she'll draw in “car-wreck watchers,” Todd's colleague, NBC's Mike Viqueira, after relaying how Alaska's Lieutenant Governor “says the decision was vintage Palin,” asserted over video of Ross Perot dancing: “Others describe her performance yesterday as erratic,…