Mohammed Morsi

AP: Egypt's Morsi Was 'Freely Elected President,' Ignores His Tyranny
July 2nd, 2016 1:46 PM
In its coverage of Egypt's declaration of a national holiday to mark the ouster of Islamist dictator Mohammed Morsi (also spelled "Mursi") three years ago, the Associated Press recast history. It completely ignored Morsi's assumption of de facto dictatorial powers only months after he was "freely elected" in 2012, his government's brutal repression while he was in power, and his Muslim…

AP: Egypt's Government Calling Muslim Brotherhood 'Terrorists' Is a 'D
December 26th, 2013 8:32 AM
It seems that Associated Press reporter Maggie Michael and Sarah El Deeb, her partner in distortion, can hardly believe that Egypt's military-backed government is calling terrorists "terrorists."
The Muslim Brotherhood is a terrorist organization. Even if one believes, as Michael asserts, that "The Brotherhood, founded in 1928, denounced violence in the late 1970s," that alleged repudiation…

AP Pity Party: 'For Obama, World Looks Far Different Than Expected
August 25th, 2013 1:18 PM
Maybe, in sync with the predictable press reactions to oft-seen bad economic numbers, the headline at Julie Pace's late-morning story at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, should have been: "Obama Foreign Policy Falls Apart ... Unexpectedly."
Pace's pathetic attempt at pathos in assessing the status of the Obama administration's foreign policy tells AP readers that some of…

Krauthammer: Obama Has Made America ‘Irrelevant’ in the Middle Eas
August 21st, 2013 7:07 PM
Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer had some harsh words for the White House Wednesday.
Appearing on Fox News’s Special Report, Krauthammer said President Obama has made America “irrelevant” in the Middle East.

Judge Jeanine's Epic Smackdown of Obama
August 18th, 2013 6:23 PM
Fox News's Jeanine Pirro started her show Friday evening with an absolutely epic smackdown of President Obama (video follows with full transcript):

'CNN Shame On You' Signs Appear in Cairo
July 7th, 2013 11:31 PM
It appears some Egyptians are not pleased with CNN's coverage of last week's coup.
According to numerous sources including CNN senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman, the following sign is appearing in the crowds in Tahrir square:

Bloomberg/BizWeek Acknowledges 'Obama Call for Muslim Brotherhood Role
July 7th, 2013 1:04 AM
Nicole Gaouette and John Walcott at Bloomberg BusinessWeek have revealed that the Obama administration has specifically stated that it wants the Muslim Brotherhood to have a role in any new Egyptian government. Meanwhile, other news outlets, particularly the Associated Press, have avoided disclosing that specific detail.
There are two "little" problems with the administration's disclosed…

More Pablum From Politico's Gerstein: 'Obama Strikes Cautious Balance
July 3rd, 2013 11:03 PM
Josh Gerstein at the Politico is on the opposite of a roll today. This afternoon (noted at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), Gerstein was barely done covering how "U.S. eases away from Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi" when the military announced that Morsi had been deposed by the military, ultimately in favor of, according to the Associated Press, a temporary "government of civilian technocrats."…

What a Joke: Politico Tries to Run Interference For Obama's Last-Minut
July 3rd, 2013 4:57 PM
Apparently, one pathetic last-minute speech by Eqypt's Mohammed Morsi was sufficient to convince President Barack Obama, who has spent several days and untold amounts of worldwide capital defending the Muslim Brotherhood leader's staying on the job in the face of what may have been the largest pro-democracy demonstrations in human history.
The Politico frantically tried to run interference…
Seriously, AP? Nothing Currently Happening in Egypt Is a Front-Page 'B
July 1st, 2013 11:07 AM
At the Associated Press's Big Story page as of 10:25 a.m. ET (saved here for future reference), conditions relative to stories on Egypt are the same as I observed in the wee hours this morning: "That story (about Sunday's mass protest involving "millions" per several other news outlets) is no longer even present at all at the AP’s 'Big Story' home page."
You have to click on "View More" at…

Several News Outlets Report 'Millions' at Egypt Protests; AP Almost Bu
July 1st, 2013 12:23 AM
The BBC is reporting from Egypt that "Millions of protesters across the country accuse the country's first Islamist president of failing to tackle economic and security problems since taking power a year ago." Reuters is also reporting "millions" of participants.
At the Associated Press as of 11:15 p.m., its "Big Story" home page (saved here for future reference) had three stories on Egypt.…

U.S. Press Virtually Ignoring Strong Anti-Obama and Anti-American Sent
June 30th, 2013 2:54 PM
As I noted on Friday, the final sentence in an AP report earlier that day (saved here at host for future reference, fair use and discussion purposes) on protests in Egypt read: "One banner depicted President Barack Obama and said, 'Obama supports terrorism.'"
I predicted with little risk of being wrong that the existence of this banner would not "survive future AP reports" -- and it hasn't,…

AP on Egypt's Consitution: 'A New Chapter in Egypt's Two-year Transiti
December 26th, 2012 1:03 PM
In a Wednesday morning report, the Associated Press's Sarah El Deeb certainly did her best to continue the ongoing campaign to convince the West that there's really nothing about which we should be concerned in Egypt's newly approved Constitution. She characterized it as "a new chapter in Egypt's two-year transition from authoritarian rule" and quoted a group whose Facebook page doesn't exist (…

U.S. Press Won't Report That Egypt's Constitution Is Sharia-Based -- A
December 23rd, 2012 6:11 PM
While the Associated Press, New York Times, and the vast majority of the U.S. establishment press have avoided directly referring to Egypt's newly-approved constitution, spearheaded by ruler by decree Mohammed Morsi, as oriented toward imposing Muslim sharia law in that nation, the international press hasn't been so reluctant. Who do you believe, the rest of the world or your agenda-driven U.S-…