Nancy Lanza

Daily Beast's Dimond Hints Police Report Will Dispel Myths Furthered b
January 8th, 2013 3:57 PM
Nearly one month after the Newtown, Conn., shooting, the official police report on the crime scenes is nearing completion, and a police spokesman tells the Daily Beast's Diane Dimond that there will be some shocking, eye-opening conclusions that counter much of the media' faulty initial reporting.
One such piece of misinformation was the early, egregious rumor that the shooter's mother,…
Lefty Blogger Kos: Ban Guns with Magazines; Shooter's Mother Was Paran
December 18th, 2012 5:00 PM
The hard-left gun abolitionists are feeling their oats lately. Buoyed by the president's reelection and his hinting strongly that he will pursue gun control legislation in the wake of the Newtown mass murder, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas offered yesterday "Some thoughts on the coming gun debate" which essentially boiled down to a call to make illegal a broad array of guns that are right…