Draymond Green

Barkley Suspects Fans May Tune Out Sports Over Social Justice

July 25th, 2020 2:32 PM

On Friday's episode of TNT's "The Arena," Charles Barkley briefly deviated from the social justice narrative to question how long sports fans will stomach the media's obsession with non-stop racism and Black Lives Matter. Co-panelist Draymond Green, who plays forward for the Golden State Warriors, tried to steer Barkley back on course by insisting that people will be on the right side of…

Cari Champion

Panelists on 'The Arena' Address 'Global' Racist 'Pandemic'

July 24th, 2020 6:02 PM

Instead of opening with another thundering denouncing of white people, Thursday night's fourth episode of "The Arena" focused on racism as a "global pandemic" and put the heat on professional sports owners to provide space for social justice activities. Especially conservative owners who haven't yet aided the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement.

SF Giants protesters

Giants, Angels Usher In Start of Sports Protest Season

July 21st, 2020 3:03 PM

Here we go! Kneeling season has begun, courtesy of the San Francisco Giants and Los Angeles Angels in two preseason exhibition games. This promises to be the grand-daddy of all kneeling seasons, especially in pro football and pro basketball, which start up later.

Bob Costas

'Gun Control' Bob Costas Re-emerges at CNN

July 21st, 2020 10:00 AM

Bob Costas is set to bring "valuable opinions" as a contributor to a new employer -- CNN. Some of those opinions made him very unpopular during his many years at NBC, where he bloviated about gun control, the future of football and team nicknames during NFL broadcasts. He left NBC, for whom he also hosted the Olympics for 24 years, in 2017, not on the best of terms.

Jason Whitlock

Jason Whitlock Talks to Mark Levin, Exposes 'Useful Idiot' Athletes

July 20th, 2020 10:00 AM

Outkick The Coverage blogger/commentator Jason Whitlock wowed Mark Levin Friday in explaining to him how clueless professional athletes are when it comes to the Marxist anarchist Black Lives Matter movement they are supporting. Whitlock also stated that LeBron James and Colin Kaepernick are "useful idiots," a reference to Vladimir Lenin's strategy of spreading communist propaganda through…

Patrick Mahomes

Mahomes Tells NFL to Hire Social Justice Coordinator

July 15th, 2020 1:11 PM

The complete progressive take-over of professional sports has occurred before our eyes with startling speed during the current pandemic. Patrick Mahomes, quarterback of the Kansas City Chiefs and Super Bowl MVP, is not only the face of the NFL now, but he's also diving headlong into superstardom as a leading social justice warrior in the league.

Karen Attiah

Washington Post Writer Spells Rangers 'R-A-C-I-S-T'

July 14th, 2020 2:23 PM

There's blood in the water after the media helped tomahawk the Redskins nickname earlier this week. That deed done, The Washington Post's Global Opinions Editor Karen Attiah has moved on to the next team in the line of fire: by portraying baseball's…


Woke News Network: CNN's King Gushes over Redskins Name Change

July 14th, 2020 10:40 AM

On Monday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host John King brought on former NFL wide receiver Donté Stallworth to gush over the Washington Redskins announcing that they will be changing their name. King, in sync with the far left, signaled his woke virtue throughout the segment and declared that Monday was an “important day.”

Shannon Sharpe, left, and Skip Bayless

Redskins To Drop Nickname; Media Whoop It Up

July 13th, 2020 2:16 PM

The guilt-mongers at politically correct media outlets can breathe easy now. Their years of feigned suffering over the name of the "Washington NFL team" they dare not speak is over. Today the Redskins announced they plan to drop what USA Today writer Tom Schad calls "a polarizing team name and logo." It's a case of the tyranny of the minority prevailing over huge majorities of people…

DeSean Jackson

Pro Football Player Under Fire For Quoting Hitler, Praising Farrakhan

July 7th, 2020 4:13 PM

Philadelphia Eagles receiver DeSean Jackson is on the end of a different kind of reception today: heaps of flack for posting anti-semitic social media messages that could threaten his lucrative pro football career. Over the Fourth of July weekend, Jackson binged on Lewis Farrakhan messages and posted anti-semitic quotes supposedly made by Adolph Hitler, leading former Eagles owner Joe Banner…

Redskins owner Daniel Snyder

Redskins Nickname on the Ropes; Sports Media Elated

July 6th, 2020 10:00 AM

Feeling extreme corporate and political heat, the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians are talking about changing their nicknames, and elated sports media "piranhas" are smelling blood in the water. Despite overwhelming national support for Native American nicknames, left-stream media -- The Washington Post and USA Today in particular -- have been demanding this…

Francis Scott Key in Smithsonian Channel portrayal

Blogger Wants Anthem Replaced With 'Lift Every Voice And Sing'

July 6th, 2020 7:00 AM

The National Football League is figuratively going through a frantic two-minute drill to placate the Black Lives Matter crowd, and a sports blogger from The Shadow League is whining that the league's lengthy list of social justice activities is too little and too late. Rhett Butler writes that the league's decision to play the black national anthem "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing" is wise, but…

Redskins logo

Media, Politicians Launch Renewed Attack on Redskins

June 29th, 2020 10:00 AM

 Opponents of the Redskins nickname are on the warpath with renewed fury, combining the efforts of media, activists and politicians to call upon team members to refuse to play for Washington. Leading the charge is Fawn Sharp, president of the National Congress of American Indians, an organization representing 500 tribes.

Bryant Gumbel, HBO

Bryant Gumbel, His HBO Guests Assail Our 'Country of Slavery'

June 24th, 2020 5:00 PM

In the June installment of HBO's Real Sports Tuesday evening, host Bryant Gumbel and a supporting cast of progressives looked down their noses at whites and conservatives while discussing the racial tsunami sweeping over America. There was no shortage of accusations -- including slavery -- aimed at white people, and Gumbel closed the program by claiming African Americans pay a "black…