Watson Speaks of Pro-Life Film in WashPost Interview

May 11th, 2020 10:00 AM
So much of the activism of NFL players is directed toward social justice causes, but recently retired tight end Benjamin Watson is providing a refreshing exception to the norm. A devout pro-life Christian who played pro ball from 2004 to 2019, he's produced a pro-life documentary called "Divided Hearts of America." Believe it or not, the Washington Post gave Watson an opportunity to plug it…

NFL Players Coalition: COVID-19 Exposes Long History of Racism

April 22nd, 2020 10:00 AM
PC in the NFL stands for "political correctness" and the "Players Coalition," a group of current and former players who shook down the league to the tune of $90 million for social justice activism. The Players Coalition is charging that coronavirus testing is not available in minority communities and announced it's planning to expand its social justice outreach to address disproportionate rates…

World Ending, But At Least ESPN's Not Sticking to Sports!

April 8th, 2020 10:10 AM
Sports media, President Donald Trump, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and anyone else hinting at a fall return of sports took a brutal beating from Jay Mariotti in a Monday post on Barrett Sports Media. With carnage on the streets and the world nearing its end, this is absolutely the worst time in history to stick to sports, the bombastic Mariotti vented.

Deadspin Praises Skins For COVID Center, Wants Name Changed

March 25th, 2020 10:00 AM
The arenas are empty. The stadiums are silent. There are no sporting events scheduled till further notice. What's a sports media outlet to do? If you're the pot stirring writers at Deadspin, you play the race card by throwing dirt at the Washington football club for its "racist" nickname and at the NFL for STILL not employing the "greatest" quarterback ever ignored by the league ― Colin "I love…

Tebow Takes Pro-Life Stand In Kansas; Media Strangely Silent

February 21st, 2020 4:22 PM
It's shocking that Tim Tebow and the owner of the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs did not get buried by the media for their recent appearance at the Kansans For Life Valentine's Day banquet. It's also amazing that Tebow didn't get slammed by media for saying he'd rather be known for saving babies from abortion than as a Super Bowl-winning quarterback. And that Lamar Hunt Jr., owner of the…

Kaepernick Announces Forthcoming Social Justice Memoir

February 14th, 2020 8:00 AM
Colin Kaepernick emerged from behind his caustic Twitter account Tuesday to use USA Today Sports as a platform for his unrepentant anti-Americanism. The NFL reject announced he's planning to release a memoir later this year through his own publishing company. It's sure to be a great stocking stuffer for social justice warriors everywhere.

ESPN Senior Writer Stokes Race Issues in New Book

February 12th, 2020 10:00 AM
Radical ESPN Senior Writer Howard Bryant has released another book of political essays indicting American sports as overtly political, one where African Americans must navigate a sharp edge of whiteness. Released late last month, Full Dissidence: Notes From An Uneven Playing Field follows Bryant's 2019 book, The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism, by a…

XFL Makes It Crystal Clear: Kneeling Won't Be Tolerated

February 11th, 2020 10:00 AM
The new XFL just made its debut over the weekend, and one thing viewers did not have to stomach were social justice warrior players kneeling in protest during the Star Spangled Banner. Unlike the cowardly NFL, which in 2018 withdrew an overture to ban dishonoring protests in pregame ceremonies, the XFL brain-trust had the guts to make it very clear that kneeling will not be tolerated. Grievance…

Minister Ridiculed For Suggesting Lawsuit vs. NFL

February 9th, 2020 10:00 AM
A former prep football coach in Ohio, now the host of a Christian ministry podcast, is under fire for threatening to sue the NFL over last week's raunchy Super Bowl halftime show. Dave Daubenmire says the performance by Jennifer Lopez and Shakira was pornographic and children watching at home should not be subjected to such. The Complex Sports blog and Right Wing Watch ripped Daubenmire for…

Think ‘The Chiefs’ Is Bad? How About the White Male Prospectors?

February 1st, 2020 1:56 PM
You knew this was coming. The Chiefs are in the Super Bowl, offering a prime opportunity for activists to try to eradicate the national disgrace of people enjoying themselves at sporting events. According to Boston’s NPR station, “Native American communities and allies [read liberal journalists like the ones at Boston’s NPR station] are speaking out against the NFL’s decision to allow Kansas City…

Are Your Kids Watching Football? You May Be 'Crappy' Parent

January 28th, 2020 10:00 AM
If you are encouraging your children to watch football, you may be a "crappy" parent. Football exposes players to the risk of brain damage, and the pro game discriminates against Colin Kaepernick and African American coaches. As a parent who subjects children to football's flaws, you may be a co-conspirator to their hedonism, cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy, alleges Time magazine senior writer…

L.A. Dodgers Manager Nearly Cancelled for Christian Speech

January 17th, 2020 10:00 AM
"Cancel culture" almost claimed another high profile sports victim this week. Los Angeles Dodgers Manager Dave Roberts drew criticism from the Los Angeles Times and SB Nation sports blog for agreeing to speak at a Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) event in Kern County, Calif., but he made the obligatory confession of ignorance to sidestep the condemnation of LGBT media lapdogs. For now. He…

ESPN Blog: NFL Teams Hire Coaches on 'White Is Right' Mentality

January 14th, 2020 10:00 AM
Only one man of color got a head coaching job in the NFL's recent round of hires, proving to The Undefeated's senior NFL writer that the league has a "white is right" mentality. Furthermore, Jason Reid writes that league owners could not care less about inclusive hiring.

Lib Sports Media Slam NFL: 'Whiteness Still Major Issue in' USA

January 9th, 2020 10:00 AM
The recent hiring of three white NFL head coaches has led to an outbreak of complaints by minority media, notably panelists on ESPN's First Take program and Roland Martin of Unfiltered: The Daily Digital Show. In their complaints against African Americans not getting any of these head coaching jobs, the media called for various levels of controls and legal means to stop the NFL for what Martin…