Splinter: Dems Blew Opportunity To Kneel During Anthem

August 2nd, 2019 10:00 AM
How low can some media members go? Try knee level. In his post, "Missed Opportunity: Taking a Knee at the Debates", Splinter blogger Hamilton Nolan says Wednesday night's Democrat presidential hopefuls blew a golden opportunity by not kneeling for the national anthem. Evidently the media now look to NFL reject Colin Kaepernick as a role model for presidential wannabes on the Left.

Media Whiners Still Calling for Kaepernick's Return to NFL

July 31st, 2019 10:00 PM
Media fascination with America-hater Colin Kaepernick continues as strong as ever as the NFL readies for its third season without his acidic presence. TMZ Sports is thrilled that Kaepernick gave a shout-out to former teammate Eric Reid, who plans to carry on the despicable spectacles Kaepernick inspired during the 2016 season, his last in the NFL. Former NBA player Grant Hill told CNN's Van Jones…

Steve Kerr Gets Pro-Dems Political Soapbox Courtesy of HuffPo

July 24th, 2019 6:00 PM
Democrats are so filled with hatred for President Donald Trump and so desperate to regain the White House that they and their media lackeys actually look to NBA coaches for political advice now. Last year there was a failed movement to draft a 2020 presidential ticket of Trump-hating coaches Steve Kerr of Golden State and Greg Popovich of San Antonio. A few days ago, the Huffington Post reported…

Deadspin Tears Down Trump Supporters Opposed To Politics In Sports

July 17th, 2019 10:00 AM
Deadspin columnist Drew Magary on Tuesday went on a long rant about alt-right demands that sports media and athletes stick to sports. Such fans are cowards who support a racist president, oppose anyone with different political views and put the American flag in their Twitter handles, Magary writes in the post titled, "You're not sticking to sports when you're sticking to sports".

Media: Russian Bots Used Kaepernick To Help Trump's '16 Election

July 14th, 2019 10:00 PM
The Russian bots are coming! The Russian bots are coming! And they used outrage over Colin Kaepernick's 2016 national anthem protests to mettle in the election, says U.S. Senator and presidential candidate Kamala Harris. In a Friday interview on "The Breakfast Club" radio show, Harris said the easiest way for Russian online trolls to sow discord in American politics in 2016 was to stoke racial…

USA Today Rips Indians Fans For 'Hideous, Latently Racist' Wahoo Logo

July 8th, 2019 10:00 AM
Sports nickname cops thought they'd counted coup when the Cleveland Indians agreed this season to stop featuring the smiling Chief Wahoo logo on their uniforms and caps. It's the grin that can make a grown-up snowflake cry. Though the chief has been confined to an off-the-field "reservation," the image remains omnipresent throughout the city, and with Cleveland hosting baseball's All-Star Game…

Sports Blogger: Celebrate 'Captain America' Kaepernick On Fourth

July 4th, 2019 8:00 PM
Suddenly labeled by media as "Captain America," Colin Kaepernick has saved Nike from making a huge mistake and commanded an apology from a minor league baseball team in Tennessee that realizes you don't tug on Superman's cape. Numerous sports media reported on these two developments this week, driving home the point that a man of Kaepernick's immense social justice stature is not to be…

Baldwin Leaves Diversity-Lacking NFL, Moans Over Whitest WH

July 2nd, 2019 10:00 PM
Yeah, newly retired former NFL player Doug Baldwin, you're a real authority on diversity. You didn't see it in the Seattle Seahawks' clubhouse and you sure don't see it in President Donald Trump's White House. As for you, Henry McKenna of For The Win blog (a subsidiary of USA Today), you're in a real position to preach about diversity, too, with your organization's near-complete progressive…

Titans Join With LGBT-Friendly Media To Spike Tennessee Bills

May 1st, 2019 10:00 PM
An outbreak in the culture wars is erupting in Tennessee, uniting left-stream media, LGBT pressure groups and the NFL's Tennessee Titans, in addition to other corporate interests, against a conservative legislature trying to pass legislation would ensure that occupants of public restrooms use the one that correspondents with their physical gender. Legislation would also safeguard faith-based…

Media Cry 'Dog Whistle' After Trump Tweets Support for NFL Draftee

April 29th, 2019 10:00 PM
For the liberal media, President Donald Trump's congratulatory tweet to a white college football player drafted into the NFL was too good to be true. The African-American quarterback drafted No. 1 did not get a social media shout-out from the president, offering further "confirmation" of the ongoing Trump-as-racist media narrative.

Ex-NFL Star Reggie Bush Bucks Liberals, Calls for Focus on Families

April 12th, 2019 12:13 AM
It could have passed for an episode of Focus on the Family. The discussion centered on family, faith and the tragic results of fatherlessness. To the contrary, this was a recent episode of Fox Sports 1's Speak For Yourself program and a discussion on, "What can we do to reduce violence in the black community?" A question like that usually draws the knee-jerk poverty-racism-police brutality-…

SF Chronicle Wants Kaepernick Back, Predicts Hate

March 18th, 2019 10:00 AM
Virtually every time a starting NFL quarterback gets injured or traded, the Kaepernick eruptions begin anew with his adoring media pack. You can set your clock to it. The Dolphins traded long-time starting QB Ryan Tannehill to Tennessee a few days ago, and ... sure enough, Kaepernick-loving media start chirping about how Miami is the ideal place for the America-hating social justice warrior to…

USA Today: Discontinue 'Lazy Excuse for Patriotism' Anthem

March 14th, 2019 4:00 PM
Concluding an 11-part series on what it would change in sports, USA Today is calling for an end to the playing of the national anthem at sporting events. Columnist Nancy Armour called the pregame renditions of the Star Spangled Banner a "lazy excuse for patriotism" and a "faux display of national pride better suited for countries run by dictators or despots."

ESPN's Kellerman: Kaepernick 'Wasn't Making Big Political Statement'

March 13th, 2019 10:00 AM
NFL social justice warrior (SJW) Michael Bennett's impending trade to the New England Patriots renewed the debate Tuesday over national anthem protests. The former Seahawk, soon-to-be former Eagle and outspoken SJW told the Patriots he will remain in the locker room during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. This prompted a debate between ESPN First Take's Stephen A. Smith and Max Kellerman…