Daily News, Abdul-Jabbar Glorify Kaepernick, '68 Olympic Protesters

October 7th, 2018 10:00 AM
As the 50th anniversary of the protest-marred 1968 Olympic Games nears, the New York Daily News' Carron J. Phillips and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar are glorifying Colin Kaepernick, as well as the two disgraced sprinters who staged a black power salute during the national anthem in Mexico City. The International Olympic Committee stripped Tommie Smith and John Carlos of their medals and expelled them from…

WashPost: Trump Ignited NFL Controversy, Not SJWs

October 4th, 2018 6:19 PM
Liz Clarke and Mark Maske of The Washington Post blame President Donald Trump for catapulting the NFL's national anthem protests into a national issue last year. Not Colin Kaepernick, Eric Reid, Michael Bennett, Travis Kelce or the other players who blatantly disrespected veterans throughout the 2016 and 2017 NFL seasons. In today's Post, the writers explore the reasons behind the comparative…

Eric Reid Says African-Americans Can be Killed in Their Homes

October 2nd, 2018 7:39 PM
Multi-millionaire football player Eric Reid (see photo) is back in the National Football League and shooting off  the kind of anti-American remarks that would make his old kneeling buddy, Colin Kaepernick, proud. In Jason Reid's story on The Undefeated, Eric Reid says America's 400-year history of racism continues, African-Americans lack economic opportunity and "You can’t live in your own house…

The Root: White Supremacists will Keep Kaepernick on Sidelines

September 26th, 2018 9:00 AM
Every time a starting quarterback in the NFL goes down with a serious injury, some sports writer is quick to urge that team to sign free agent Colin Kaepernick (seen in file photo). It happened again when San Francisco's Jimmy Garoppolo suffered a season-ending knee injury Sunday. The Root's Stephen A. Crockett Jr. and Michael Harriot offer six "legit reasons" why the 49ers should bring back…

NAACP Says NFL Protesters Kneel 'Out of Reverence of Flag'

September 24th, 2018 9:00 AM
The president and CEO of the NAACP says the NFL's protesting players are taking a knee out of "reverence of the flag," and President Donald Trump is criticizing protesters in an attempt to deflect attention away from Robert Mueller's investigation. Derrick Johnson made his remarks in an interview with Yahoo Finance's Seana Smith that was reported on by Yahoo's Michael Kelley and Katie Krzaczek.

Deaths Mount in Chicago: Media Tout Bears SJW Campaign

September 22nd, 2018 10:00 AM
The area extending out for several miles around Soldier Field, the home turf of the Chicago Bears, is a "death zone" where 408 people (mostly black and Hispanic) have been killed since January 1. Despite the violence, the Bears' organization and media are crowing about the team spending $500,000 on social justice issues that apparently won't address this 800-pound Bear in the living room. Neither…

Sports Media Cheering for America's NFL 'Entitlement Team'

September 19th, 2018 7:27 PM
NFL Hall of Famers are trying to score big off the field. They've written a letter demanding a king’s ransom in benefits from the league, including lifelong paychecks and health insurance. In a letter sent to Commissioner Roger Goodell, the league CEO and director of the players' union, they threatened to boycott the annual Hall of Fame induction ceremony if the NFL doesn't roll over and empty…

NFL's Reputation Shot; Commish Rallies for Social Justice

September 13th, 2018 6:14 PM
Nero fiddled while Rome burned, and that didn't work out too well. The NFL's reputation is on fire and Commissioner Roger Goodell is fiddling, too. As headlines blast "The NFL is Now One of the Most Divisive Brands in the U.S.," and "NFL Sinks to Least Popular Top Professional or College Sport," the commish is engaging in social justice activism, according to Nancy Armour's USA Today report.  

Salon: Criticizing Kaepernick Is Like Antebellum ‘Slave Patrol’

September 12th, 2018 1:47 PM
And you thought you just believed Colin’ Kaepernick’s kneeling anthem protest was out of place or in bad taste during the pre-kickoff moment reserved for patriotism. Silly white people, didn’t you know disagreeing with the protests makes you a practitioner or one of America’s oldest and most racist traditions? Welcome to the “slave patrol.”

The Root Blames Black NFL Viewers for Not Freeing 'Slaves'

September 11th, 2018 9:00 AM
Almost all was quiet on the NFL front in week 1 of the 2018 season. Protests were at a minimum, and that infuriates The Root's Senior Editor Stephen A. Crockett Jr. He excoriated African-American football players and fans, one group for refusing to spite the flag and the other for watching the games and in so doing, refusing to free the "slaves."

Daily News Writer Disputes Nike's Social Justice Credentials

September 9th, 2018 6:55 PM
The New York Daily News joins a growing chorus of sports media raising the argument that Nike has hijacked Colin Kaepernick's social justice protest against racial inequality and police brutality. Dave Zirin, the "fire-bellowing" sports editor of The Nation, charged that Kaepernick's cause can't be "branded" by Nike. Kevin Blackistone, writing his version of that narrative for the Daily News, and…

Ben Ferguson Schools CNN on Why Many Offended by Kaepernick's Kneeling

September 8th, 2018 5:18 PM
On CNN's New Day Saturday, right-leaning CNN contributor Ben Ferguson again demonstrated why he is one of the few bright spots on the otherwise liberal news network as he explained to apparently befuddled host Christi Paul why it is that many Americans are offended by the NFL kneeling campaign inspired by ex-player Colin Kaepernick.

SI's Feldman Declares Victory for 'Stick to Sports' Crowd

September 8th, 2018 9:00 AM
Against the backdrop of Nike rolling out its highly controversial new Colin Kaepernick "Just Do It" campaign during last night's NFL season opener, Sports Illustrated's Jacob Feldman has declared victory for fans urging media to "stick to sports." Gosh, he could have fooled the world with such a wild claim!

The Nation: Nike Unfit to Brand Kaepernick's Revolution

September 7th, 2018 9:00 AM
In our latest visit to left-wing firebrand Dave Zirin, red meat sports editor of The Nation, we learn that Nike is unfit to brand the exalted prince of social justice activism, Colin Kaepernick. The conservatives he considers unfit, period, got a passing mention in this screed, as Zirin cut Nike down to size. It's all about Kaepernick and not about the Nike swoosh logo.