
Lemon Dismisses Standing for Anthem as 'Fake Pageantry and Patriotism'

May 24th, 2018 4:41 PM
On Wednesday's CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon added his name to the list of liberals sulking over the NFL decision to bar players from kneeling during the National Anthem as he complained that it would "deprive" them of their "First Amendment rights to free speech," and suggested that those who oppose the kneeling will some day realize they were "duped" by President Donald Trump, and that they were…

A Top 5 List of Media Reponses to NFL's Ban on Kneeling

May 23rd, 2018 8:25 PM
There's no crying in baseball and no more kneeling in football! Today's news that the NFL will disallow on-field player protests during the national anthem is drawing fiery responses from some in the media, none more so than USA Today's Dave Birkett. His comments that the league's decision smells of "a military state" rank No. 1 on our list of the most unhinged media reactions.

MSNBC Panel Frets Ban on NFL Kneeling, Talks Up Cutting Anthem

May 23rd, 2018 8:02 PM
On Wednesday's MTP Daily, MSNBC host Chuck Todd led his show's panel in fretting over the NFL decision to bar players from refusing to stand during the national anthem, and seemed open to discontinuing the playing of the anthem at games after New York Times Washington correspondent Charlie Savage suggested it.

USA Today: NFL Anti-Kneeling Policy ‘Hollow’ with Kaepernick Still Out

May 22nd, 2018 4:04 PM
Thank goodness for Colin Kaepernick. Without the one-time quarterback and full-time jerk out filing laughable collusion suits and steadfastly maintaining that he is entitled to play in the NFL, sports hacks like USA Today’s Jarrett Bell might have to write about sports.

Jemele Hill Failed Mightily in '17, Wins NABJ Journalist Honor

May 21st, 2018 8:12 PM
A year of failure, suspension and demotion is all it takes to win a journalist of the year award——if you're Jemele Hill and you very publicly called the Republican president of the United States a "white supremacist." For this and other less-than-stellar "accomplishments" in 2017, Hill is the winner of the Journalist of the Year award in 2018 for the National Association of Black Journalists.

ESPN's Jones Says America Trying to Reconcile Sports, Racism

May 20th, 2018 7:30 PM
This week ESPN talk show host Bomani Jones had a conversation with GQ magazine interviewer Eve Ewing about America's struggle to reconcile a love of sports with its hatred for blacks. Ewing set the stage for the discussion by pointing out that "the sports arena is the place where America has been trained for centuries to fear and loathe the black body."

Sports Illustrated: Can Sports Champs Use Time Better than WH Visit?

May 19th, 2018 10:00 AM
The Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles will celebrate their NFL title during a June 5 visit with President Donald Trump. These visits were seen by media as joyous occasions when Democrats, like sports junkie Barack Obama, were in office. But now they view the visits as something like a road game before a hostile audience for the teams coming to Washington.

Sports Illustrated's Traina Denies ESPN's Liberal Bias

May 17th, 2018 8:42 PM
Jimmy Traina attended this week's "ESPN Upfronts" event in Manhattan. The liberally slanted Sports Illustrated author of the "Extra Mustard" column described it as an opportunity for ESPN "to get companies to spend money on their shows." In his recap of the Upfront, he ridiculed the notion that ESPN has a liberal bias.

Yahoo! Features Minnesota Vikings' LGBTQ Summit

May 16th, 2018 9:52 PM
The Minnesota Vikings have gone full circle from the "Purple People Eaters," the nickname of their brutal defensive front line of the 1960s, to champion the colors of the rainbow. Zach Pereles of Yahoo! Sports relates how the Vikings allowed a has-been former punter to figuratively "blackmail" them into settling a dispute by promising to host an LGBTQ summit at their Eagan, Minnesota headquarters…

NYT's Bryant Editorial Calls Flag, Patriotism Divisive

May 14th, 2018 10:00 AM
Instead of assigning a sports writer to do a review of Howard Bryant's book, The Heritage: Black Athletes, a Divided America, and the Politics of Patriotism, the New York Times allowed him to write an editorial spewing his hatred for patriotism, the flag, the military and law enforcement. Bryant says it's the marriage of these ideals with sporting events that is dividing America, not protesting,…

USA Today Suggests NFL Re-Align Along SJW Lines

May 7th, 2018 6:36 PM
If Nancy Armour (photo) has her way, the Super Bowl will become a battle of champions between the Constitution Supporters Conference and the Know Nothing Conference. The hard-Left writer for USA Today Sports says these conferences would be broken down between team owners who respect the free speech rights of protesting football players (CSC) and the ideologue owners who do not believe that all…

Unknown Source Says Reid Collusion Lawsuit Targets Trump

May 5th, 2018 10:00 AM
Colin Kaepernick's former teammate Eric Reid this week filed a collusion lawsuit against the NFL, and an anonymous source told Yahoo! Sports that President Trump is the actual target of this new litigation.

Sued Again, NFL Accused of Portraying Kneelers as 'Felons'

May 3rd, 2018 10:00 AM
Free agent football player Eric Reid, who kneeled with Colin Kaepernick in 2016 and again in 2017 in Kaepernick's absence, is now also suing the NFL for collusion. With Reid unable to find a new team in this offseason, news of his lawsuit prompted a Bay Area sports writer to claim the NFL is portraying protesters as "convicted felons."

NBC Sports Writer: Kaepernick 'Good for the Planet'

April 29th, 2018 10:00 AM
"How does the NFL not see that Colin Kaepernick is widely admired by society beyond the end zones?" It's a question that baffles Monte Pool, NBC Sports BayArea writer who senses a world of Kaepernick supporters--including the Golden State Warriors--that clearly see him as good for the planet.