Paul Colford

Clinton Campaign Seeks 'Correction' of AP Tweet on Her Meetings
August 25th, 2016 5:40 PM
In one of the latest developments regarding the Associated Press article that claims more than half of the people who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of state gave money to the Clinton Foundation, the Democratic presidential candidate's campaign has called on the AP to change the tweet promoting the article.
The initial posting reads: “BREAKING: AP analysis: More than half those…

Has AP Become 'Actually Pravda' For Hillary's Campaign?
June 9th, 2016 6:21 AM
Until very recently, those of us who follow the routine instances of journalistic malfeasance committed at the Associated Press only thought that its writers are so enamored of the idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency that they simply accept her campaign's spin as the gospel truth and willingly dress it up as "objective news."
That's obviously bad enough. But Monday night, that all changed for…

John Bolton on FNC: Obama Has Iran 'On a Highway to Nuclear Weapons'
April 27th, 2016 11:59 PM
On Fox News shortly after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump's foreign policy speech today, former United Nations Ambassador John Bolton evaluated what the GOP frontrunner had to say about Iran's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.
He also stated the inconvenient truth about the Obama administration's nuclear "deal" with Iran, namely that it puts the jihad-driven, terrorist-funding,…

Lame: AP Claims 'Gun at Head' Photos of Cruz Had No Bad Intent
June 22nd, 2015 12:09 PM
The Associated Press, although it has apparently removed the primary photo involved from where it was posted last night at its web site, is showing no remorse over having published what it has now admitted are five photos of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz containing "guns seen on a wall in the background so that it appeared a pistol was pointed at Sen. Cruz’s head…

AP Claims It 'Did Not Sit on' the Iran-US Talks Story; Another Outlet
November 26th, 2013 1:59 PM
In response to several outlets contending with basis that the Associated Press sat on its knowledge that the United States and Iran were conducting secret diplomatic discussions, the AP's Paul Colford has published a "Back Story" item defending its conduct, claiming that it could not "confirm, to its standards, what had happened." My related NewsBusters post is here.
Breitbart had a related…

FAIL: AP Official Claims Offensive Tweeter Cristina Silva (Latest Repo
July 14th, 2013 10:32 AM
Apparently, Associated Press Media Relations Director Paul Colford is unaware of the sage advice that when one is in a deep hole, it's best to stop digging.
Shortly after the George Zimmerman verdict, AP reporter Cristina Silva, as noted late last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog; HT tweeted "So We Can All Kill Teenagers Now? Just Checking." A short time ago, Colford sent me…

AP Not Wild About Terms 'His Husband' Or 'Her Wife,' Causing LGBT Lobb
February 15th, 2013 7:08 AM
After the libertine left howled that that the Associated Press decided not to use routinely the word "homophobia," it's not surprising the same people are upset that AP stylebook sultans would rule that "husband" and "wife" should not be used routinely to describe "gay marriages." The Huffington Post apparently can't read. They call this a "ban."
But the real fever swamp is at Gawker, where…

UPDATE: AP Responds Non-Responsively to Saturday Night’s Martin-Zimm
May 20th, 2012 1:54 PM
Last night (at NewsBusters; at BizzyBlog), yours truly questioned how the Associated Press could have two identically worded stories with different headlines -- "Cache of evidence in shooting, still huge gaps" and "Amid evidence cache in Martin case, questions nag" -- posted at its national site.
This morning, Paul Colford, Director of AP Media Relations posted a comment at BizzyBlog which…