Desperate Media Scramble to Call Paul Ryan a Liar Ignores the Facts

August 31st, 2012 4:00 PM
Immediately after Paul Ryan concluded his acceptance speech for the Republican Party's vice presidential nomination on Wednesday, the media sought ways to tear down the Wisconsin Congressman's indictment of the failures of the Obama administration. In particular, networks and newspapers attempted to knock down Ryan's accurate claim that President Obama promised to keep open a GM plant that closed…

Liberal Bloggers: Republicans 'Condone Rape,' Are 'Making Sure Rapists

August 31st, 2012 3:53 PM
You'd think an image of a man violently covering a frightened woman's mouth, accompanied with the words, "He’s decided to become a father…right-wing Republicans want to make sure he does", would be considered mildly extreme, right? Not extreme enough for Huffington Post contributor and pro-Obama blogger, Erin Kotecki Vest, who posted the image to her Facebook page.

New York Times News Headline: 'Ryan's Speech Contained a Litany of Fal

August 31st, 2012 2:47 PM
The latest entry in the media's obsession with picayune and partisan "fact-checking" of the Republican National Convention: New York Times reporter Michael Cooper's Friday "Check Point," "Facts Take a Beating In Acceptance Speeches." The original web headline was ridiculously partisan for a news story: "Ryan's Speech Contained a Litany of Falsehoods." Representative Paul D. Ryan used his…

Chuck Todd: ‘Technically Factual’ Ryan ‘Distorted the Truth

August 30th, 2012 9:27 PM
NBC News demonstrated again Thursday night it has become little more than the more-watched broadcast arm of MSNBC, advancing the same left-wing attacks on conservatives as first trotted out on the cable side. While ABC and CBS managed to refrain from airing entire stories and interviews aimed to discredit Paul Ryan, NBC did not. In packaging Obama campaign talking points, however, Chuck Todd…

NBC News's Mark Murray More Nuanced On Janesville GM Plant Closing Tha

August 30th, 2012 6:18 PM
While the Obama acolytes at MSNBC are insisting that the Janesville, Wisconsin, GM plant was "closed" in December 2008 on President Bush's watch, NBC News senior political editor Mark Murray was more nuanced in an appearance with Thomas Roberts on MSNBC shortly after 2:30 p.m. Eastern today. Even so, Murray's reporting was misleading and is easily negated by a Web search turning up reporting by…

In New York Times, Adam Nagourney Ponders Whether Paul Ryan's Speech C

August 30th, 2012 4:59 PM
Leave it to former New York Times political correspondent (now Los Angeles bureau chief) Adam Nagourney to find bad news for Romney in his running mate's Paul Ryan's rapturously received convention speech. "With Speech, Ryan May Have Helped Himself More Than Romney," Nagourney nagged in a Thursday afternoon "Caucus" post. By every measure – the cheers in the hall, the praise from commentators…

Reporter Turned NYT Editor Firestone Rips Ryan: 'Intellectual Dishones

August 30th, 2012 3:42 PM
Running scared? New York Times editorial board member and former Times reporter David Firestone, who has never hidden his liberalism in either position, accused vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan of "dishonesty" and "cowardice" on the Opinion Editor's blog early Thursday afternoon, "Beyond Factual Dishonesty."

NBC's Lauer Cites Obama Flack to Question if Paul Ryan Gave an 'Honest

August 30th, 2012 10:46 AM
In an interview with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer used attack lines from deputy Obama campaign manager Stephanie Cutter to question the honesty of Paul Ryan's vice presidential nomination acceptance speech: "[She] said, 'Forty minutes of vitriol and half a dozen previously debunked attacks.' Was it an honest speech or was it just a campaign…

Chris Matthews Hints Ryan's 'Very Nasty' Speech Was Directed to Racist

August 30th, 2012 1:01 AM
Minutes after Paul Ryan finished his RNC speech on Wednesday, MSNBC's Chris Matthews slammed the Republican vice presidential candidate for supposedly ignoring blacks during his "very constricted, very negative, very nasty speech," and suggested that he was directing the address to racists: "It's clear that Paul Ryan was talking to people who think about rights as something...produced by Thomas…

George Stephanopoulos Relays E-Mail From 'Top Democrat' Ripping Ryan's

August 30th, 2012 12:44 AM
ABC's analysis of Paul Ryan's RNC address included former Democratic operative George Stephanopoulos citing an a-mail from a "top Democrat" slamming the integrity of Paul Ryan's speech. Stephanopoulos noted "we saw how much this crowd loved it" before immediately adding "I got an e-mail from a top Democrat saying the speech was audacious in its dishonesty." He added in his own words that the…

Ex-Newsweek's Alter Slams Paul Ryan Budget As 'Cruel

August 29th, 2012 8:13 AM
During MSNBC's live coverage of the Republican National Convention, as Paul Ryan was being discussed, MSNBC political analyst Jonathan Alter -- formerly of Newsweek -- asserted that Congressman Ryan's budget proposals are "cruel." Alter:

Joy Behar: People Like Romney and Ryan Are 'Trying to Kill Us

August 29th, 2012 1:45 AM
"I feel this country is going downhill because of people like Akin and Ryan and Romney. They’re trying to kill us and destroy us." So said Current TV's Joy Behar to the Boston Herald's Megan Johnson Tuesday:

Joe Klein Finds 'Republican Base is the Problem' for Romney, Paul Ryan

August 28th, 2012 8:06 AM
On Monday's Charlie Rose show on PBS, during a discussion of Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan having the positive effect of "energizing" the GOP base, Time magazine's Joe Klein faulted Romney for not taking a "moderate stance" for the general election, asserting that the "Republican base is the problem, not the solution." He began:

NBC's Todd: 'Shadow of Bush and Katrina Does Hang Over' GOP Convention

August 27th, 2012 7:23 AM
On Sunday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Chuck Todd raised the invoked former President Bush and Hurricane Katrina from seven years ago  as potential embarrassments for the Romney campaign as Hurricane Isaac heads toward New Orleans the same week as the Republican National Convention. During a discussion of the GOP convention being delayed from Monday because of the hurricane, Todd…