CBS Let 'Biggest Lie of the Year' in Politics Go Unanswered For Months

December 20th, 2011 3:52 PM
Tuesday's Early Show on CBS brought on PolitiFact's Bill Adair to reveal what he labeled as the "biggest lie of the year" inside politics, which was "the claim by many Democrats that the Republicans voted to end Medicare." But CBS let Democratic operatives spout that falsehood several times without scrutiny earlier in 2011. The network did stand out in bringing on the PolitiFact editor,…

Thom Hartmann Calls Rep. Paul Ryan a 'Sociopath

December 19th, 2011 3:50 PM
Always prepare to giggle when someone calls a conservative a "sociopath" and then says "I use that word very, very, very carefully." On Thursday's edition of the Thom Hartmann show, the leftist radio host suggested Rep. Paul Ryan -- a runner-up in Time's Person of the Year considerations -- is a sociopath, just like Ted Bundy, but without the dead women. A caller was complaining that Sen. Ron…

George Will Demolishes Robert Reich: 'You Are a Pyromaniac In a Field

December 18th, 2011 7:30 PM
George Will on Sunday marvelously told liberal economist Robert Reich something that many conservatives have been dying to say for years. During a fascinating Right vs. Left debate on ABC's This Week, after Reich predictably pined for higher income tax rates to solve all that ails us, Will struck back with the line of the weekend, "You are a pyromaniac in a field of strawmen" (video follows…

NBC's David Gregory Worries Obama Didn't Exploit Economic Crisis Enoug

October 10th, 2011 12:52 PM
Interviewing Chicago Mayor and former Obama chief of staff Rahm Emanuel on Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory fretted over the 2009 stimulus not being big enough: "Do you think this president wasted it – the crisis you talked about – to do the big things at that moment, to really be a jobs president to create the demand in the economy that you're talking about through more government…

More Class From NYT's Krugman: Rep. Ryan's Medicare Plan 'Would Kill P

September 28th, 2011 9:54 AM
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman showed his usual class when discussing Republican Rep. Paul Ryan, whose comprehensive budget plan calls for transforming Medicare into a voucher system in order to preserve the financially imperiled program and to trim the deficit. For his efforts, Krugman claimed that Ryan’s “voucher would kill people, no question.” Krugman featured as a talking head in…

Go Figure, Ed Schultz Provides Most Inane Hoffa Apologia So Far

September 8th, 2011 6:42 PM
It's official -- I'm an Ed Schultz fan. OK, well, "fan" isn't exactly the right word. Let's just say I'd be crushed if MSNBC canceled "The Ed Show." After all, nowhere else on cable does one find such a consistent stream of idiocy that never fails to amuse. Not even from Schultz's colleague Al Sharpton, though the man is certainly a contender. (video after page break)

Krugman Accuses Republicans of Preventing Bernanke from Saving Economy

August 26th, 2011 11:21 AM
It often amazes that liberals in this country revere New York Times columnist Paul Krugman as being an expert economist. Take for example Friday's intellectually challenged piece entitled "Bernanke's Perry Problem" in which the Nobel laureate accused prominent Republicans such as the Texas governor and Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan of preventing the Federal Reserve chairman from enacting…

It's a Shame Paul Ryan Won't Run

August 25th, 2011 6:25 PM
Alas, we lost a most desirable candidate for the White House this week, one that is not charismatic, did not write (or have someone else write) his memoir, has displayed no jump shot in public and did not leave important documents on his desk while gallivanting around the country in campaign mode and heading for vacation on Martha's Vineyard. In the first instance, I am talking about…

Rev. Al Rips Paul Ryan $15 Fundraiser, Forgets Obama Raking In

August 18th, 2011 8:23 PM
Yo, Rev Al: thanks to Al Gore, we've got the internets.  We can look things up.  So when, on your MSNBC show this evening, you ripped Republican Paul Ryan for holding a $15-a-head fundraiser, of course we're going to check out how much President Obama pulled in per head at a recent do.  Turns out it was . . . $38,500!  So what's your point? View video after the jump.

Chris Matthews: 'Paul Ryan Stuck His Neck Out and [Obama] Punched His

August 11th, 2011 6:48 PM
Remember the good old days when political commentators were governing their tongues and offering Americans a far more civil tone in the wake of the tragic shootings in Tucson? Well, MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Thursday demonstrated just how bygone those days are when he gleefully reminisced about Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) sticking his neck out with a bold budget proposal months ago only…

S&P Downgrade Is Media's Fault Not The Tea Party's

August 9th, 2011 9:22 AM
Obama advisers, Democrat senators, and terminally stupid ideologues that for days have blamed Standard and Poor's downgrade of America's debt on the Tea Party are sadly mistaken. Next to the President of the United States and his Party, those really responsible are members of the media.

Scarborough Tells 'Terminally Stupid Ideologues' to 'Stop Using the Te

August 8th, 2011 11:21 AM
As NewsBusters reported Sunday, Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) set off a liberal firestorm when he called Standard and Poor's U.S. credit rating change the "Tea Party Downgrade." On Monday's "Morning Joe," host Joe Scarborough told "terminally stupid ideologues" that "really don't understand" anything because they're "so dogmatic [they] can't think for [themselves]" to "stop using the Tea Party…

CNN Poll Finds Media on Wrong Side of 'Cut, Cap and Balance

July 21st, 2011 5:24 PM
In the past week, you couldn't swing a debt cat without hitting a press report about how irresponsible the "Cut, Cap and Balance" bill passed by House Republicans is. A new CNN/ORC poll released a few hours ago finds the media very much on the wrong side of public opinion concerning this issue:

Liberals Whine About Expensive Wine, Not Concerned About Dems' Spendin

July 11th, 2011 4:43 PM
Correction: The original post incorrectly stated that former Speaker Pelosi had "extravagant use of Air Force One on the taxpayer's dime." While Pelosi did charter military aircraft for cross-country flights at taxpayer expense, Air Force One is the call sign exclusively reserved for the president of the United States. At a time when the government is facing billions of dollars in cuts to…