MSNBC Guest: Liking Ayn Rand Means You Endorse Terrorism, or Something

April 20th, 2011 10:23 AM
Do you read Ayn Rand? Do you enjoy her novels? You do? Well then, you're clearly a proponent of - or at the very least sympathize with - domestic terrorism. That, at least, is the logic put forth by Pulitzer Prize-winning former New York Times reporter David Cay Johnston on last night's "Ed Show," in what may be the most absurd, laughable attempt to demonize Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., to date.…

Ed Schultz Again Calls Republicans Liars Before Lying Himself

April 20th, 2011 8:39 AM
For the second night in a row Tuesday, MSNBC's Ed Schultz called Republicans liars. Also for the second night in a row, he did so moments before lying himself (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Paul Ryan 1, Obama

April 19th, 2011 4:23 PM
I am beginning to wonder whether President Obama is so cocky about his 2012 re-election prospects that he thinks he doesn't even have to be serious in his budget plan offerings. Unfortunately, the nation's unfunded liabilities aren't so casual as the president; they are growing by more than $10 trillion per year, which means that our looming debt crisis becomes far more problematic with each…

Charles Krauthammer: S&P Issued Negative Outlook On Obama's Deficit Re

April 18th, 2011 8:29 PM
Credit ratings agency Standand & Poor's Monday placed a negative outlook on the future of America's AAA debt rating as a result of looming budget deficits as far as the eye can see. Later in the day, syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer of Fox News's "Special Report" said this move by S&P was actually a negative review of President Obama's deficit reduction speech last Wednesday (…

Obama: Incorrigible Statist and Debt Menace

April 18th, 2011 6:29 PM
In my book "Crimes Against Liberty," I described President Obama as dishonest, hyper-partisan, a bully, a narcissist and a hard-core left-wing ideologue. Anyone who thinks my description is exaggerated or too harsh didn't hear his Wednesday speech on the budget. One might have expected that a newly elected president who had "inherited" such a disturbingly high deficit, a growing national debt…

MRC’s Notable Quotables: Evil Republicans Making War on the Poor

April 18th, 2011 2:07 PM
This week’s edition of MRC’s Notable Quotables newsletter is chock full of liberal media quotes showing reporters’ slanted approach to the tax and budget issues now at center stage. In fact, there’s so much bad material, we had to add an extra page to our usually three-page newsletter (you can view/download the PDF here). The whole issue is up over at Here’s a baker’s dozen of…

NYT: Republican Policies Will Cause Destruction

April 18th, 2011 9:50 AM
Days before his 2012 budget was released, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) predicted that he and it would be demagogued by the Left. Doing its part is the New York Times which began its editorial Monday, "Six months after voters sent Republicans in large numbers to Congress and many statehouses, it is possible to see the full landscape of destruction that their policies would cause — much of…

Lowry Calls Obama Classless, Clift Asks 'What Would You Expect From Ke

April 17th, 2011 8:02 PM
For the second week in a row, Newsweek's Eleanor Clift and National Review's Rich Lowry had quite a battle on PBS's "McLaughlin Group." This time the fireworks started when Lowry called President Obama classless for the way he treated Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) at Wednesday's speech on deficit reduction which led Clift to ask, "What else would you expect from a socialist born in Kenya…

Befuddled Bob Schieffer: ‘Why Do These Rich People Need Another Tax

April 17th, 2011 4:45 PM
“Why do these rich people need another tax cut?” Bob Schieffer demanded of his guest on Sunday morning’s Face the Nation, Republican Congressman Paul Ryan. Conveying his no-so-profound economic reasoning, Schieffer saw a pot of money to be absconded: “I mean, they're already rich. They seem to be doing pretty well as it is now. Why cut their taxes some more?” After Ryan explained his proposal…

ABC's 'This Week': Obama Isn't Drinking Tea Party's Tax Cut Kool-Aid

April 17th, 2011 4:26 PM
As NewsBusters previously reported, ABC's "This Week" invited on a number of Tea Party Congressman Sunday to discuss the budget debate going on in Washington. Just before that segment, ABC's John Donvan did a brief report that concluded with him insinuating that this conservative movement is drinking tax cut Kool-Aid and President Obama is having none of it (video follows with transcript and…

Chris Matthews: 'Why Is Taxing The Rich So Hard

April 17th, 2011 3:10 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting, since President Obama once again proposed letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the highest earning Americans, the media have been supporting it almost 24 hours a day. Doing his part this weekend was Chris Matthews who after the introduction of the syndicated program bearing his name actually began the show, "Why is taxing the rich so hard?" (video follows…

Tea Party Congressman Scolds Christiane Amanpour and Media for Not Cri

April 17th, 2011 12:55 PM
Tea Party Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Ill.) had quite an illuminating discussion with Christiane Amanpour Sunday. As the host of ABC's "This Week" pushed for higher taxes, Walsh correctly pointed out that Barack Obama's first 2012 budget proposed earlier in the year didn't address entitlement programs saying, "The President of the United States ought to be ashamed of himself, and I don't know…

PBS's Gwen Ifill Suggests With Straight Face That Obama Might Steal 'D

April 15th, 2011 9:59 PM
PBS fans love how the show Washington Week is such a peaceful regurgitation of the conventional liberal media wisdom. But there are times in the calm that you wonder what world these liberals are living in. For example, the show's host, Gwen Ifill, seems to think it's plausible that President Obama -- the man who's made trillion-dollar-plus deficits a routine -- could take the "deficit slasher…

Paul Ryan: 'A Budget for the 21st Century

April 15th, 2011 1:00 PM
House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.) has an absolutely must-read op-ed in Friday's Washington Post. What follows is just a tease, as readers are strongly encouraged to review the entire marvelous piece: