Bob Schieffer Wonders if Union Protests Make Wisconsin 'The Tunisia of

February 22nd, 2011 5:18 PM
On CBS's Face the Nation on Sunday, host Bob Schieffer interviewed Wisconsin Republican Congressman Paul Ryan and compared union protests in that state to the democracy movements spreading across the Middle East: "There are also reports that this could spread to at least nine other states....Is Madison, Wisconsin, Congressman, the Tunisia of American politics now?" At the top of the…

Why GOP Infighting Is a Positive Development

February 11th, 2011 4:05 PM
While The New York Times is gloating over "turmoil" in the GOP House "ranks," internal disagreements over spending and other issues are a healthy development and should lead to more disciplined and aggressive action. In his State of the Union speech, President Obama presented himself as a remade fiscal hawk, promising to freeze discretionary spending for five years. Conservatives immediately…

Krugman: 'GOP Wants to Build Bridge to 19th Century' - By Trying to Pr

February 11th, 2011 10:29 AM
Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey said Monday that MSNBC's Chris Matthews is slipping out of touch with reality. After reading New York Times columnist Paul Krugman's idiotic piece Friday, I think the same can be said of him:

NPR Cries Factual Foul on Paul Ryan for Saying 'Failed Stimulus' in SO

January 27th, 2011 10:42 AM
Beware when the liberal media starts a "fact check" story on political speeches. Their "facts" often come directly from liberal policy wonks. On Wednesday's Morning Edition, NPR ran through a series of Obama claims without really saying he mangled a fact. Reporter Elisabeth Shogren suggested he was too optimistic about getting electric cars on the road with "this Congress" (ahem, not…

Wolf Blitzer Makes a Fool of Bill Maher for Complaining About CNN Airi

January 26th, 2011 10:02 AM
NewsBusters for years has chronicled the staggering idiocy of comedian Bill Maher. On Tuesday's "Situation Room," we got a hand from Wolf Blitzer when he marvelously countered Maher's complaint that CNN's decision to air Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's (R-Minn.) Tea Party response to the President's State of the Union address was depriving Democrats of equal time (video follows with…

Rachel Maddow Indifferent or Oblivious to Facts on Paul Ryan's Roadmap

January 26th, 2011 8:33 AM
"News is about stories," Rachel Maddow intones in this MSNBC "Lean Forward" promo. "It's about finding all the disparate facts and then finding their coherence. Doing this right takes rigor and a devotion to facts that borders on obsessive. ... At the end of the day, though, this is about what's true in the world." Just as the purpose of this promo is to convince MSNBC viewers and…

New York Times Uses Violent Gun Metaphors: Republican Ryan A 'Point Ma

January 25th, 2011 7:43 AM
What's with the New York Times and its inability to practice what it preaches when it comes to avoiding gun-filled images and rhetoric?  A few days ago I noted how the Times had placed a bullet-riddled ad for a violent video game right on its online op-ed page. Now comes this Times headline: "Republicans’ Budget Man Draws Fire".  That is of course a metaphorical invocation of someone who by…

Vieira to Paul Ryan: It Feels Like the GOP is Out For 'Revenge

January 5th, 2011 12:13 PM
NBC's Meredith Vieira wasted no time in jumping down Paul Ryan's throat, on Wednesday's Today show, as she said it appeared the Republican Party did not care as much about creating jobs, since they seemed to be more focused on repealing Obamacare, which the Today co-anchor characterized as "an act of revenge." For his part the Wisconsin Republican Congressman responded that repealing Obamacare…

Lauer Pushes Pence to Compromise on Tax Deal

December 16th, 2010 2:39 PM
On Thursday's Today show, NBC's Matt Lauer pushed Mike Pence to compromise on the tax deal to get the measure passed before Christmas as he hectored the Indiana Republican Congressman that "there are things in this package that neither side likes, but that's the basis of compromise." Lauer even attempted to start an intramural fight between Republicans as he threw the words of Congressman Paul…

WaPo's New Conservative Blogger Takes On NYT's David Brooks

December 3rd, 2010 10:55 AM
The Washington Post has added a new conservative blogger to its stable, one that NewsBusters readers should be familiar with. Only three days into her new position, Jennifer Rubin has made it clear she has no intention of toning down her criticism of mainstream media darlings like New York Times columnist David Brooks:

George Stephanopoulos Parrots Democratic Talking Points on New GOP Ple

September 23rd, 2010 12:28 PM
Good Morning America's George Stephanopoulos on Thursday offered up Democratic talking points as he discussed a new set of Republican promises, should the GOP win Congress. The skeptical host interviewed Representative Paul Ryan and repeated, "You heard the President. He said this is the exact same agenda as Republicans had before he came to office. How is it different?" In a tease for the…

Meredith Vieira to GOP Young Guns: What's So Good About Tax Cuts

September 14th, 2010 11:36 AM
NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Tuesday's Today show, demonstrated just how out of touch she is on the Tea Party and the economy as she questioned GOP House members, "Are you worried about the influence of the Tea Party?" and even doubted the positive effect tax cuts can have on creating jobs as she questioned: "What's so good about them?" [audio available here]On to promote their new book Young Guns:…

Paul Ryan Strikes Back at 'Intellectually Lazy' Paul Krugman

August 10th, 2010 10:26 AM
Republican Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin has struck back at Paul Krugman calling the New York Times columnist "intellectually lazy."As NewsBusters reported Saturday, Krugman wrote an article the previous day castigating Ryan as "The Flimflam Man" calling the Congressman a "charlatan" and a "fraud" while claiming his "Roadmap" to balance the nation's budget was "drenched in flimflam sauce…

Zing! Paul Krugman Says Rep. Paul Ryan's 'Drenched in Flimflam Sauce

August 6th, 2010 7:48 PM
Paul Krugman's Friday column in the New York Times attacked Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, who has dared to present an intellectually honest budget, as "The Flimflam Man." Joseph Lawler at the American Spectator calls it "unusually partisan even by Krugman's standards" and he's right; Krugman calls Ryan's efforts a "fraud," Ryan himself "a flimflam man" whose work is (zing!) "drenched in flimflam…