
CBS Plays Up Paul Ryan Battling ‘Hardliners’ Within the GOP

October 21st, 2015 9:43 AM
On Wednesday’s CBS This Morning, reporter Nancy Cordes previewed Congressman Paul Ryan’s expected bid to be the next Speaker of the House by repeatedly playing up the potential conflict he will have with the supposed “hardliners” within his own party. The CBS reporter introduced the segment by stressing how Ryan will only run for speaker if he receives support from the entire House Republican…

NYT's 'Hard-Line' Herszenhorn Takes Up Cudgels Against Paul Ryan Again

October 16th, 2015 10:13 AM
New York Times reporter David "hard-line" Herszenhorn is making hostile labeling of conservatives a bad habit, especially in his post-Boehner reporting. The shock resignation of the Speaker of the House gave Times reporters an excuse to target the "far-right" conservatives who had supposedly hounded John Boehner out of office, and granting the speaker never a popular figure in Times-land, some…

NYT Devotes Front Page to Attacks on Paul Ryan by Furious 'Far-Right'

October 14th, 2015 9:58 AM
During the 2012 election the New York Times treated Rep. Paul Ryan, currently a reluctant Speaker-elect, as fearsomely conservative. But now the paper is defending him from the "far-right" on the front page. Reporter Jennifer Steinhauer got to the labeling bias right off the bat: "Far-right media figures, relatively small in number but potent in their influence, have embarked on a furious…

CBS: GOP ‘Disarray on Capitol Hill Could Hurt’ 2016 Chances

October 12th, 2015 9:42 AM
On Monday, CBS This Morning did its best to play up how the current battle among House Republicans to pick their next Speaker could do lasting damage to the party’s 2016 White House chances. Co-host Anthony Mason introduced the segment by declaring “there is new concern that the Republican disarray on Capitol Hill could hurt the party's presidential chances.”   

Blogger: America Needs a ‘Rigid Quarantine’ of GOP Extremism

October 11th, 2015 8:42 PM
Esquire’s Charles Pierce seemingly would like a time machine to take him back a quarter-century so he could advise the Tom Foley/George Mitchell-era Democratic party. Failing that, Pierce wishes today’s Dems would at last act on his idea to persuade the American people that the Republican party is “thoroughly, deeply, banana-sandwich loony,” thereby “beat[ing] the crazy out of [the GOP] so the…

Chuck Todd: Boehner Is Trying To ‘Antagonize’ Israel-U.S. Relations

February 1st, 2015 12:27 PM
On Sunday’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd took House Speaker John Boehner to task for inviting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to speak to Congress without notifying the White House ahead of time. During an interview with Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), Todd accused Boehner of trying to “antagonize the relationship between the two sides" and wondered "is that worth doing?” 

Lefty Blogger: Paul Ryan a ‘Zombie-Eyed Granny Starver’

January 15th, 2015 11:01 AM
Esquire’s Pierce deems Ryan “the single biggest fake in American public life” and declares that he “should have no more credibility on [fiscal] issues than does Sarah Palin, his predecessor in the second spot on the [Republican] ticket. Any Democratic congresscritter who seeks to make a deal with him should be drummed out of Washington. Any reporter or pundit who takes his plans for the economy…

The Worst of Brian Williams: Marking His 10 Years as Anchor

December 2nd, 2014 9:05 AM
Brian Williams marks ten years as anchor of NBC Nightly News on December 2 and it’s been a decade full of absurdly softball interviews with Barack Obama and trashing of Republicans and Tea Partiers. 

Charlie Rose, PBS Guests: GOP Reaction to Obama ‘Extreme,' ’Ludicrous'

November 21st, 2014 12:44 PM
In a segment on his PBS show Thursday night, Charlie Rose and his guests discussed President Obama’s executive order on illegal immigration and described the responses from those in the Republican Party as “a bit extreme” and “ludicrous” while also harping on the conundrum that Republican leadership now supposedly faces in dealing with conservatives now that the executive amnesty is announced.…

Jonathan Chait: 'Paul Ryan Is a Nut’

October 14th, 2014 9:14 PM
The blogger argues that Paul Ryan’s “ideological fantasies prevent him from accepting even basic scientific facts” after Ryan says scientists don’t know if humans have contributed to global warming.

King to Ryan: 'Some People Don't Think' The Country 'Needs Saving'

September 29th, 2014 5:54 PM
Open Obama supporter Gayle King made sure she got her liberal viewpoint across on Monday's CBS This Morning as she interviewed Rep. Paul Ryan. King spotlighted an excerpt from the congressman's new book: "You said, 'In order for the Republican Party to save the country' – some people don't think it needs saving, by the way – but you said the GOP has to change from within. What do you mean by that…

Chuck Todd: If Kansas Gov. Loses It's ‘Because He Cut Taxes Too Much'

September 15th, 2014 11:22 AM
Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) sat down with Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd on Sunday, September 14, to promote his new book “The Way Forward” and was met with a barrage of questions challenging his conservative principles. Ryan appeared on Meet the Press’ Press Pass and was asked by Todd to comment on Governor Sam Brownback’s (R-Kan.) 2014 reelection bid. During the interview, the NBC…

Jonathan Chait: Paul Ryan Dumps Ayn Rand in Favor of Other ‘Crackpot

August 26th, 2014 6:56 PM
Don’t look now, but there may be a Paul Ryan scandal, or at least a scandalette, and in this context New York magazine blogger Jonathan Chait is both Woodward and Bernstein. In a Monday post, Chait related that Ryan, in the newsmagazine The Week, had named his “six favorite books about economics and democracy,” and that the “huge omission” from the list was Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, which…

Prominent Progressive's Email Suggests Defacing Cover of Paul Ryan's N

August 19th, 2014 4:07 PM
Imagine that a prominent Republican activist proposed a campaign of malicious destruction against Hillary Clinton's latest book. Does anyone doubt that the press would be all over it as proof that conservatives and Republicans are disrespectful and mean-spirited? Well, Erica Payne is a prominent, aggressively self-promoting progressive. The advanced nature of her activist bona fides might…