Soros-Funded Poynter Claims Fact-Checks Aren’t Censorship

July 2nd, 2024 11:36 AM

A George Soros-funded fact-checking organization heads up a coalition arguing that fact-checks are … free speech.

LAME! Media Bias/Fact Check Attempts to Smear MRC Free Speech America

May 21st, 2024 9:50 PM

Another ministry of truth operation tried to go after MRC Free Speech America’s credibility with a big swing and a miss.

Soros-Funded Media Press for Censorship and Shill for CCP-Tied TikTok

September 22nd, 2023 11:43 AM

Soros-funded publications are doing their financier’s bidding by pushing for censorship and advocating against bans on the Chinese Communist Party-tied TikTok in the lead-up to the 2024 election.


Bongino Excoriates Fact-Checkers for Ties to Leftist George Soros

April 21st, 2023 9:26 AM

Conservative radio host Dan Bongino tore into a number of leftist so-called fact-checkers for their connection to activist, leftist billionaire George Soros.

Government Media Pays Poynter Liberals to Teach 'Bias-Free' Reporting

April 10th, 2023 4:50 PM

Chuck Ross at the Washington Free Beacon exposed the latest example of how government-funded media lines up neatly with liberal media. The U.S. Agency for Global Media, which oversees Voice of America and other government news outlets, paid the Florida-based Poynter Institute to train reporters on "balanced and bias-free" reporting and storytelling. 

Does Poynter Have an Obsession with Blacklisting 'Conservative' Media?

February 15th, 2023 12:58 AM

The liberal Poynter Institute for Media Studies seems to have an obsession with "conservative" media outlets getting put on blacklists.

Soros-Tied Disinfo Group Reportedly ‘Blacklisting’ Conservative Media

February 10th, 2023 10:08 AM

The Washington Examiner just uncovered “Disinformation Inc.” and how it makes money blacklisting conservative “disinformation” spreaders. One of those “disinformation” trackers has multiple ties to none other than liberal billionaire George Soros.


Propaganda Acolytes: 54 Soros-Tied Figures Linked to Major Media

January 17th, 2023 4:41 PM

The over $32 billion that leftist billionaire George Soros poured into his organizations to spread his radical “open society” agenda on abortion, Marxist economics, anti-Americanism, defunding the police, environmental extremism and LGBT fanaticism around the globe has paid dividends. 


Soros: The Money Behind Media & Censorship (CensorTrack with Paiten)

December 9th, 2022 10:23 AM

George Soros’ globalist influence extends across time and borders. His charities fund hundreds of media organizations worldwide.


Propaganda Czar: Soros Bankrolls 253 Groups to Influence Global Media

December 6th, 2022 1:00 PM

Leftist billionaire George Soros used his charities to build ties with hundreds of media organizations around the world involved in news and activist media. The journalism and activist media groups Soros supports mold public opinion on practically every continent and in many languages. They also insulate him from inquiry because reporters see him as an ally, not a target for investigation.

‘Fact-Checkers’ Roll in the Dough: Google Shoves $13M at Poynter Group

December 1st, 2022 1:43 PM

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

‘Fact-Checkers’ Roll in the Dough: Google Shoves $13M at Poynter Group

December 1st, 2022 11:26 AM

Big Tech giant Google is bankrolling the propaganda industry known as “fact-checking” to the tune of $13.2 million for a new fact-check fund, the behemoth announced Tuesday.

CENSORED! Facebook Targets MRC’s Anti-Censorship mRNA Vax Post

October 17th, 2022 2:29 PM

Facebook is ironically censoring a blog post by an MRC staffer that calls out another platform’s suppression of a study questioning the safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

HUH? PolitiFact Says Election Group Quashed Misinfo, Not Conservatives

October 12th, 2022 4:53 PM

It appears that leftist, George Soros-tied PolitiFact is now running interference for a group that worked with the federal government and Big Tech to censor online speech in 2020.